Rate The Last Movie You Saw


Fantastic Planet -

This was very good. I don't have too much to say about it, it was pretty odd, surreal and creepy with very interesting and creative animation. The story and the drawings kind of got to me which i wasn't expecting, i dunno it was kind of unsettling but in a good way. Terr's face was terrifying; think i'll be having nightmares about that. It's weird i feel like i shouldn't have liked this but i ended up getting sucked in. Anyway very good, glad i watched it for the tournament as i probably wouldn't have in time for the sci-fi countdown and it will now be in consideration for my list.

It's Kind of a Funny Story (2009)

Gone Girl

This is a tricky one, starts of wonderful and mysterious, gets you pulled in and confused even more through the middle of the movie, but it kinda starts falling apart in the last part of the movie, I don't mean the ending, ending was fine and surprising to be honest, I mean last part of the movie in general, can't say too much without spoiling but yea... Acting is great, well written dialog, interesting characters and twists, smart flashbacks... If movie kept going as strong until the end it would have been phenomenal.

Agree with just about everything you've said about this movie.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Fantastic Planet -

This was very good. I don't have too much to say about it, it was pretty odd, surreal and creepy with very interesting and creative animation. The story and the drawings kind of got to me which i wasn't expecting, i dunno it was kind of unsettling but in a good way. Terr's face was terrifying; think i'll be having nightmares about that. It's weird i feel like i shouldn't have liked this but i ended up getting sucked in. Anyway very good, glad i watched it for the tournament as i probably wouldn't have in time for the sci-fi countdown and it will now be in consideration for my list.
Glad you liked this! This its story style grows on you after awhile.

The Killers (1946)

From the noirs list, this has one of those stories that's told mostly in flashback, and it's told very well. Burt Lancaster wasn't quite ready to carry a movie on his own, but that's ok because the rest of the cast is very good. It's early yet, but it goes on my list for consideration for the eventual 40's countdown.


I will start off by saying I am not really a fan of JLaw but I will agree that she can act. This movie is not as good as silver linings playbook and seemed a bit pointless to make in my opinion. It was an interesting enough story but it wasn't really a story I wanted to know or cared about. Bob DeNiro is great in this and these days seems to choose odd roles and seems to not really care about his acting ability at times. I thought casting Bradley Cooper just for the sake of it was odd, he pretty much gets very little screen time and his impact in the story is minimal. Overall the movie was good with an average story but with great acting in it.

6.5/10 Stars
Consumers will eat everything except the sequel

Miss Vicky's Loyal and Willing Slave

Hunt for the Wilderpeople (2016)

Delighted to see another fan of this. Of all the movies I've seen so far from 2016 it's either my 2nd or 3rd favourite. I know Sean really likes it as well

Thane of Glamis, Thane of Cawdor, & King Hereafter
Kung Fu Panda - 9/10 - I love animated movies and I love martial arts movies. While this film didn't bring the best of either genre, it still did a great job in providing both in a way that would be enjoyable for anyone!

Kung Fu Panda 2 - 9/10 - Basically what I said about the previous one. Only difference is that this is, of course, the sequel.

Between the two, I'd say I enjoyed the first one just a tad more. Will be seeing Kung Fu Panda 3 soon.
Coming in 2017: two short films and (maybe) another feature-length film. More details another time.

Crime School (1938)

Crime School stars Humphrey Bogart and a popular gang of actors from the day known as the Dead End Kids. It's one of his lesser known films, and one of their best films IMO. It's a drama about a group of juvenile delinquents who catch a bum rap and are sent to reform school. Reform schools, which are now obsolete, were known for hardening their inmates, pushing them to become real criminals once they got out. And these kids were not really bad per se, but more so underprivileged. The Dead End Kids experienced the weariness, abuse, and hard labor like everyone else. One kid, a big mouth, got it worse than others. Upon discovering what was going on, it became up to one man, Bogart, to put an end to the cruel behavior executed by the staff, primarily the head of the school who viewed punk kids as nothing more than disobedient animals.

If you're a Bogie fan, a Bowery Boys/Dead End Kids fan, or someone who wants to start out on the Dead End Kids film series, watch this one.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Crime School, that's a Bogart film I've never seen. Sounds interesting and a bit like Hell House (1932) with Pat O'Brien. You ever see that one. It's a pretty good pre-code film.

Crime School, that's a Bogart film I've never seen. Sounds interesting and a bit like Hell House (1932) with Pat O'Brien. You ever see that one. It's a pretty good pre-code film.
Never seen Hell House, though I've heard of it. Sometimes these films are hard to find or expensive to purchase, so I wait until they surface on the internet, and I've just noticed Hell House is on youtube. I'll have to check it out.

You heard of the Dead End Kids? If not, I would begin with either Crime School or Angels With Dirty Faces, which they co-starred in. They were also in a decent film with John Garfield called They Made Me a Criminal. And they have a bunch of their own flicks.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Yup, I've seen The Dead End Kids in a couple of movies. One was Angels With Dirty Faces and I can't remember the other right now. I just read the synopsis for They Made Me a Criminal, I'm not sure if it was that one or not.

'A Prophet' is an epic prison drama which follows the experience of a young lifeless arab boy in a French jail - as he goes from a nobody to a somebody in the world of crime. It had some violent / haunting scenes which did well to capture the claustrophobic / dangerous nature of his environment. I'm pretty sure that the scar on his face is intended as a nod to another rather well known crime story.

It had flaws and wasn't a perfect film, it gets 8/10 from me.

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Delighted to see another fan of this. Of all the movies I've seen so far from 2016 it's either my 2nd or 3rd favourite. I know Sean really likes it as well

Top 3 for me too I think. Have it behind Neon Demon and Everybody Wants Some. So so funny.
Too weird to live, and too rare to die.