Rate The Last Movie You Saw


Monkey Business (1952)

While this is not a classic Howard Hawks screwball comedy, it's still a good little flick with some good laughs. Still, one expects a little bit more from Hawks, Cary Grant, and Ginger Rogers all together for one movie. The story concerns scientist Grant trying to invent a formula to stop people from aging, only to have a lab chimp escape and mess with the formula, then dump it into the water cooler, which Grant, then his wife Rogers drink from. They don't stop aging but begin acting much younger, first teens, then kids, with funny results. My favorite part concerns a group of neighborhood kids and Grant, in his childish state, trying to play cowboys and indians with Hugh Marlowe, except in a somewhat violent way. In the end, it's a really good movie, just not one for the ages. Oh yeah, Marilyn Monroe's in it in a supporting part and acts okay, but looks smashing.

The Hound of the Baskervilles (1959)

Hammer remake of the Sir Arthur Conan Doyle classic story is a great movie on its own merits, with Peter Cushing making an excellent Sherlock Holmes, André Morell quite fine as Doctor Watson, and Christopher Lee very good as Sir Henry Baskerville. Francis De Wolff also gives a very good performance as the helpful but very grumpy Doctor Mortimer. This is the familiar tale of Holmes and Watson investigating the supposed centuries-old curse on the Baskerville family by a legendary hound from hell. Cushing, methinks, is every bit as good as Basil Rathbone in playing Holmes, although he only did the one film. However he did sixteen television episodes as Holmes in the U.K., which I have yet to see. Hammer does a very lush job as usual with this being the first color film of a Holmes movie. Their production values are also awesome as usual. Great stuff!

"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."

Tangled -

With how much i loved Bambi on my recent rewatch i decided to watch probably the most loved Disney film that i've never seen. I liked it quite alot, really nice take on Rapunzel. I liked all of the characters and to my surprise Rapunzel was probably my favourite, really liked her character design, i got quite a few laughs from her which i think was partially to do with her facial expressions, the way she moved, the frying pan, etc. Also i got into her conflict and felt the emotion worked well thanks to her character being well written. It was interesting having the main villain as someone the main character loved; her "mother" and the only person who she had really ever interacted with they possibly could have explored her conflicting feelings a bit more because she obviously had to genuinely love her and it is kind of passed over. Mother is just pure evil after she is confronted and i think they could've potentially done something interesting there. I liked Flynn too and i don't know why but that damn horse cracked me up.

Liked the animation too, i didn't think there was anything special about it but the film was perfectly pleasant to look at. The thing that hurts this a bit are the things that are usually a problem with Disney films with me as an adult: the songs and dumb jokes. The bad jokes i can handle since there weren't that many of them and they were countered by the surprising amount of genuine laughs i got but i didn't like any of the songs at all. Even with that i can forgive the songs somewhat because some of them had a purpose in the story since it was how she released her powers. Very good film. I'd say Wreck-It Ralph is the only Disney film this decade i prefer, still have to see Winnie The Pooh and Moana though.

Not the last movie I watched(I watched the original Star Wars trilogy as well as The Force Awakens in preparation for Rogue One), but I did watch it a couple of days ago anyways.

A Streetcar Named Desire(1951)

Engaging movie with great acting. Young Marlon Brando at his best!

9 out of 10!

The Grapes of Death (1978)


French horror set at a vineyard, where bad grapes are turning people into zombies. The movie is filmed with good style, and the country setting mixes well with the tone. There is plenty of violence and babes, but the gore effects are mediocre and the film lacks shock value.

The Living Dead Girl (1982)

This movie has the same director as the above Grapes of Death, something I didn't realize when I decided what I was going to watch today. Like that movie, this one has a great style and country setting, but this one was even more artistic. There was not as much violence in this movie, but the gore effects were much improved, and it has some stand out scenes.

Hush (2016)

Another entry into the home invasion horror sub-genre that I never get sick of. They all have similarities but usually have at least one thing that makes them different. Last week I watched Don't Breathe, which featured a blind homeowner. This week I get a deaf homeowner. This is an effective and tight little movie that is well worth watching. It was more brutal than I expected with a fair amount of tension. I think the only thing really holding the movie down is a weak villain who lacks personality.

Moebius (2013)


Korean movie that starts off with a husband and wife fighting in front of their teenage son. The man just got a call from his mistress, and he goes to meet her. The wife watches what he does in anger, as the son watches wantingly. That night, she sneaks up on him in bed and attempts to castrate him. He fights her off, so she goes to the son's room and castrates him. When the father rushes in to help, she eats it, and then bites down on her husbands fingers as he tries to retrieve it. She throws it up as dad rushes junior to the hospital. That's the first 10 minutes of the movie. Then the movie gets weird.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
I read The Grapes of Wrath and saw that picture and had to do a triple take.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

Thief (1981)

Wow, get your sleaze tastes right, cricket. The Grapes of Death is much better than The Living Dead Girl!
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

Sorry Harmonica.......I got to stay here.
The Intern (2015)

Elderly man works as an intern at young hip internet sales company

De Niro plays it perfectly as a non-judgemental, old-school, dignified senior. He's paired up with Anne Hathaway, the Type-A owner of a successful internet company. We know where it's going even before we got in the car so I'll tell you--she's annoyed at first, then they form a strong bond. Surprised? Who woulda thunk?

What I liked is that they avoided many of the common pitfalls for this type of project. It didn't get too cutesy pie, and for the most part kept it very real. Great comic-relief actors as well.

It did go on a tad too long, but if you want to see the Hateful 8 and your wife wants to see something light, this is a decent compromise; compromise meaning her choice.

8 Vintage Leather Briefcases out of 10
Under-the-radar Movie Awesomeness.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé

(QUITE A FEW REWATCHES) Scrooge (1970)
"Thank you very much! Thank you very much! That's the kindest thing that anyone's ever done for me."
So many great songs that happily linger afterward - It may be nostalgia since I was about 5 when it came out and it was always on TV for Christmas but I was bopping my head and singing along to the one above, "Father Christmas" and my favorite "I Like Life".
Got me hyped to watch my favorite version with Alastair Sims in the next few days (got a copy from the library WOO HOO)


"Here's my day so far: went to jail, lost the girl of my dreams and got my butt kicked pretty good. Still, things could be a lot worse. Oh, that's right... I'm falling to my death. Guess they can't."
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

Finished here. It's been fun.
Day of the Outlaw

(1959, dir. De Toth)

I'll put it bluntly: this is one of the greatest westerns ever made, and it's one of the best films I've ever seen.

The claustrophobic winter landscapes; the richly, drawn characters that feel real; the impeccable composition and framing; and a thematically rich script. All these elements perfectly coalesce to form one of the most mature westerns I've ever seen -- right alongside My Darling Clementine and Way of a Gaucho.

I suppose I'll write something more extensive in the future, but, wow, what a film. Masterpiece.

Finished here. It's been fun.
Night Tide

(1961, dir Harrington)

My, word, those first few minutes were atmospheric bliss! There's something deeply immersive about small, seaside towns. The middle portion is somewhat perfunctory, but the film's conclusion rounded everything out nicely. Solid film overall.

Let the night air cool you off
Day of the Outlaw

(1959, dir. De Toth)

I'll put it bluntly: this is one of the greatest westerns ever made, and it's one of the best films I've ever seen.

The claustrophobic winter landscapes; the richly, drawn characters that feel real; the impeccable composition and framing; and a thematically rich script. All these elements perfectly coalesce to form one of the most mature westerns I've ever seen -- right alongside My Darling Clementine and Way of a Gaucho.

I suppose I'll write something more extensive in the future, but, wow, what a film. Masterpiece.
Nice to see another fan of this movie. Cricket turned me on to this one, so he likes it too. Good stuff.

The Living Dead Girl (1982)

This movie has the same director as the above Grapes of Death, something I didn't realize when I decided what I was going to watch today. Like that movie, this one has a great style and country setting, but this one was even more artistic. There was not as much violence in this movie, but the gore effects were much improved, and it has some stand out scenes.

Hush (2016)

Another entry into the home invasion horror sub-genre that I never get sick of. They all have similarities but usually have at least one thing that makes them different. Last week I watched Don't Breathe, which featured a blind homeowner. This week I get a deaf homeowner. This is an effective and tight little movie that is well worth watching. It was more brutal than I expected with a fair amount of tension. I think the only thing really holding the movie down is a weak villain who lacks personality.
i liked this upon till he
WARNING: spoilers below
took off his mask
It just lost all build up after that imo.

Britney is my favorite

i liked this upon till he
WARNING: spoilers below
took off his mask
It just lost all build up after that imo.
Normally I would agree.

But by having the killer do just that very early on the movie, the director lets you know which type of movie he wants to make quite quickly. I mean, the movie has practically not even started yet when it happens. It came to me as a shock too, but despite expecting something different, it was still well enough made that I eventually didn't care
WARNING: "spoiler" spoilers below
All I wanted was some explained motivation for the killer though.

Normally I would agree.

But by having the killer do just that very early on the movie, the director lets you know which type of movie he wants to make quite quickly. I mean, the movie has practically not even started yet when it happens. It came to me as a shock too, but despite expecting something different, it was still well enough made that I eventually didn't care
Multiple grammatical errors in this sentence

Here is an alternative sentence:

Normally I would agree.

They killed him early in the movie and the kind of movie that the movie is going to be is established, this was very smart of the director because he says the tone of the the movie you are watching it was a very large shock when this happened during the movie. I liked it.

Your Welcome,