Alita: Battle Angel (2018)


Besides Ghost in the Shell it appears Hollywood is adapting another cyberpunk manga, this time a cyberpunk Manga that is in my opinion the best cyberpunk thing I ever read or watched. The budget is enormous at around 175 to 200 millio and it's mainly a James Cameron project but he put some unknown guy to direct it (let's see if they manage to pull this off), I have very high hopes for this movie actually.

James Cameron is a talentless hack. I'm sure it will be garbage. Not interested, sorry. The manga and animated OVA are good though. I have the OVA on DVD, but I haven't read much of the manga. Perhaps I should rectify that and read the manga.

Loved the OVA. I'd watch it. Cameron is most certainly not a talentless hack either. But yeah whatevs...
We are both the source of the problem and the solution, yet we do not see ourselves in this light...

Suggestion: making a distinction between Cameron as a writer, or overall, and as a technically accomplished director. Because I think, on a purely technical level, he's clearly very skilled. His problems lie elsewhere.

I don't talk about blockbusters much, either. Regardless, I'm not seeing the connection between the two. What's the argument for Cameron not even having technical skill?

Nothing good comes from staying with normal people
Loved the first arc of Alita (red the first 8 books) and have to agree with Guap, a top ranked cyberpunk story. Didn't realize there existed an OVA, will look into it. Am psyched about it being turned into a movie, Can't wait. Am assuming that it will be live-action like the Scarlett Johansson Ghost in the Shell? Or will they go the route of making a new animated version (also like Ghost in the shell). They never had a theatric release of the new animated GitS here, hopefully they will have one for this.
Why not just kill them? I'll do it! I'll run up to Paris - bam, bam, bam, bam. I'm back before week's end. We spend the treasure. How is this a bad plan?

Trouble with a capital "T"
James Cameron is a talentless hack. I'm sure it will be garbage...
Why do you say that? Is it because Cameron has went sort of bunkers making a ton of Avatar & Terminator sequels? I'd agree that's hack-like. But his earlier work was excellent.

He both wrote and directed a lot of films that resonated with viewers, including me. The only one of these he didn't direct was True Lies.

1997 Titanic (written by)
1995 Strange Days (screenplay) / (story)
1994 True Lies (screenplay)
1991 Terminator 2: Judgment Day (written by)
1989 The Abyss (written by)
1986 Aliens (screenplay) / (story)
1984 The Terminator (written by)

James Cameron is very talented in doing what he does (simple and effective movies, The Terminator and Aliens were among my top favorite movies). In this case however he is not the person that is going to make the movie but will only act as producer so I don't think he will have a lot of influence on the movie.

I also watched the OVA its a faithful rendition of parts of the 2nd-3rd volumes of the comic, captures well the atmosphere of the comic and I included it into my top 100 animated movies. Still the OVA doesn't come near to the complexity and greatness of the comic which is one of my top 10 comics ever.

The Terminator is one of my favorite movies too. I like how robotic the machine is, and how gritty the movie was shot. But I wouldn't say it's a great movie. It's literally a b-movie, and everyone was shocked when it was number 1 in the box office because they all expected it to flop, including Cameron himself. That's the only one of his movies that doesn't make me want to vomit. Even Aliens constantly has me face palming with it's cringe-worthy superficial characters and dialogue. I'd say his directing is conventional to Hollywood standards to the point of being excruciatingly boring even for Hollywood, and his writing is sixteen-year-old-fanfiction. Characters don't accurately reflect their personalities or skills. He can't capture a sense of actual accomplishment from the over-the-top heroism of his key figures. He exploits subject matter to a degree that insults tragedy and suffering. He glorifies and glamourises violence as if his target audience is 12. Titanic is probably most notable as a complete disgrace of a sappy superficial melodrama that exploits a historical event and fails to capture its subject matter in a meaningful way. That was one of the most heroic moments in human history and what does he replace it with? A pretty boy chasing tail to Celine Dion. Yeah, real talent right there.

Hope my sarcasm and cheeky aggressive criticisms of Cameron don't offend anyone. I just really can't stand that guy.

Trouble with a capital "T"
...Titanic is probably most notable as a complete disgrace of a sappy superficial melodrama that exploits a historical event and fails to capture its subject matter in a meaningful way. That was one of the most heroic moments in human history and what does he replace it with?...
You're so wrong on that point. Titanic (the actual ship) and the people who lived and died on it, experienced the greatest and worst of humanity. Cameron captured that feeling, by not doing an action-thriller as most would have wanted, but by allowing us to live vicariously through the two lead actors and feeling the pain of losing a loved one to the icy waters.

You're so wrong on that point. Titanic (the actual ship) and the people who lived and died on it, experienced the greatest and worst of humanity. Cameron captured that feeling, by not doing an action-thriller as most would have wanted, but by allowing us to live vicariously through the two lead actors and feeling the pain of losing a loved one to the icy waters.
Why is not doing an action-thriller even noteworthy to you? The idea of making an action-thriller about the Titanic is so absurd. Who would have wanted that? The millions of people who flock to Marvel movies maybe. I would have wanted an authentic historical drama, not a sappy sleazy romance with a flare of adventure. You think Cameron captured the greatest and worst of humanity in Titanic? I'm baffled by this. I strongly disagree. I think he failed to capture anything marginally to that degree.

Lots of people hate James Cameron. Its easy to understand given he made Titanic and Avatar. Still I respect him a lot since he was a truck driver who saw Star Wars and decided to make movies and now he even went underwater to see the deepest past of the Earths oceans.

but I wouldn't say it's a great movie. It's literally a b-movie
Are you implying a B-movie can't be great?
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.