The Election News and Predictions Thread


Uh huh, utilize some of your free speech Steel and answer me this please

There are now so many news reports about anti-Trump "protesters" attacking people, assaulting police and committing vandalism that there is no way to keep up with them all. And now we find out that the same Hillary insiders who admitted to hiring "professional protesters" to create chaos at Trump rallies are still hiring them to take to the streets to fight police, harass the public, stop emergency vehicles from getting to injured people and committing vandalism & other crimes.
Wheres the link/proof for that?


#proudtobeamillennial #awesomegeneration #ohgodimhashtagging

As far as the post prior, the point was there's this picture getting painted that the Trump guys were going to come out with pitch forks if he lost, and it would be absolutely unnacceptable, but it's always the left that does that. Not all leftists, but when there's a cry baby it's usually an overweight liberal Hillary voting gender studies major

And also, regarding riots: do you think there would have been riots had Cruz, Rubio, Kasich, McMullin etc. had been elected?
There would maybe be some with Cruz, but I don't care who you're rioting about. This behavior is unacceptable

They do not just represent a distaste for for a man whose political beliefs are opposed to their own, but an anger and frustration at how a man who so vile and distasteful, who has mocked many people including woman,
Oh God including women? How dare he. Look he hasn't said anything misogynistic. If you can find something that matches the definition: dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against women, then I will admit I'm wrong. He said a woman ate like a pig, if she did- so what? I HAVE SAID THAT ABOUT MEN AND WOMEN. Nothing discriminatory about it. And ya Rosie O Donnel is fat pig. Insulting a woman doesn't make you misogynistic. My moms told me I ate like a pig before, she must be a sexist

disabled and war veterans,
I thought both the comments were innapropriate, yes. But lets not forget some of the attacks left wing pundits ran on McCain. Or hell you want to talk about sexism, look at how Palin was talked about. Holy preacher Bill Maher called her a C*nt for Gods sake, and now he's on some high stool over Trumps comments? Look at how the left talks about Ann Coulter. I guess women are only fair game if they have an R by their name

fuelled a racist lie about the last leader,,
Which the Clinton campaign started in 08....

promised to attempt to arrest Clinton,
Hopefully him a Gulliani follow through on that one

is now elected leader and suddenly he and his team expect everyone to be okay with that and to forget all the things he has done which have threatened democracy and safety for many people within the country.
What? Whose democracy and safety has been threatened by Trump? Except illegals, but guess what... they're illegal.

I do not support riots as such, but are you telling me there would not have been a similar result had Clinton won, from the Trump camp?
I highly doubt it. Maybe a march here and there, in smaller towns. But not looting, burning of cars, throwing malatovs at police, ect, ect. Only one side in America does that.

Leading up to the election, almost everything Trump said seemed to encourage his supporters not to accept the result and to take hostile actions to "beat the rigged system".
He said he will see at the time if he will accept the result, which I thought was a dumb answer. He never told people to take to the streets, and in fact took a stand today against those on his side who have incited some violence

But he clearly won this election, protesting it will do nothing but get more people on his side.
Yeah, there's no body mutilation in it

What I see is a generation that cares more. People older than be will know better than me, but I feel like my generation has really become involved in politics in a way that hasn't happened before, social media has helped this and attitudes towards politics is changing. People don't see it as a tool for old, boring people, and understand the importance of being involved, and want to make a difference at grass roots levels and become involved at a younger age. So when they don't get the results they want, after their great efforts, its more likely they are going to be more angry/frustrated/upset when something goes against them. A lot of the time this energy can be positive, and I don't see a problem with protests as long as they don't go against the laws.

"I smell sex and candy here" - Marcy Playground
This is a movie forum...

"I may be rancid butter, but I'm on your side of the bread."
E. K. Hornbeck

Trouble with a capital "T"

#proudtobeamillennial #awesomegeneration #ohgodimhashtagging

What This Election Taught Us About Millennial Voters
Had only millennials voted, Clinton would've won in a landslide.
Bloomberg news story link

"I smell sex and candy here" - Marcy Playground
Not all leftists, but when there's a cry baby it's usually an overweight liberal Hillary voting gender studies major
I've noticed, SILENT MAJORITY, LOUD MINORITY. If the shoe fits...

Speaking of false narratives...

Generalizations never do anybody any good.
1,000 people at my school marched and blocked roads for miles because they were unhappy Trump won. The local high school walked out. Conservative speakers can't even come to campuses anymore since they're almost always heckled. God look at this safe space **** that coming across campuses.

I had an RA (resident adviser) and if we didn't refer to her as them, they, theirs- we could get written up. This is a mentally sick person, if she actually believes that using that as her "pronouns" is legitimate. And bullsh*t like this is getting emraced all around campuses.

It's not a false narrative Sleezy, it's special little snow flakes who can't hear another opinion.

Third times the charm Steel - please answer me this, or are you just spreading lies in a long winded politically correct fashion?

There are now so many news reports about anti-Trump "protesters" attacking people, assaulting police and committing vandalism that there is no way to keep up with them all. And now we find out that the same Hillary insiders who admitted to hiring "professional protesters" to create chaos at Trump rallies are still hiring them to take to the streets to fight police, harass the public, stop emergency vehicles from getting to injured people and committing vandalism & other crimes.
Wheres the link/proof for that?

Oh God including women? How dare he. Look he hasn't said anything misogynistic. If you can find something that matches the definition: dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against women, then I will admit I'm wrong. He said a woman ate like a pig, if she did- so what? I HAVE SAID THAT ABOUT MEN AND WOMEN. Nothing discriminatory about it. And ya Rosie O Donnel is fat pig. Insulting a woman doesn't make you misogynistic. My moms told me I ate like a pig before, she must be a sexist
Why do you keep going on the eat like a pig comment? Why have you ignored the massive discussion about his misogyny on the pages previous to this.

How is the tape leak where he talks about being able to just go up to women, kiss them, and grab them by the p*ssy, not misogynistic? It shows complete contempt, a lack of respect, for their human rights and bodies.

Or hell you want to talk about sexism, look at how Palin was talked about. Holy preacher Bill Maher called her a C*nt for Gods sake, and now he's on some high stool over Trumps comments? Look at how the left talks about Ann Coulter. I guess women are only fair game if they have an R by their name
Sexism and misogyny isn't about insulting women. It's about insulting or treating women less well, because they are women. Maher probably called her a c*nt because he thinks she's one, he's entitled to that opinion, whether you agree with it or not, but where's the evidence he said that because she's a woman?

What? Whose democracy and safety has been threatened by Trump? Except illegals, but guess what... they're illegal.
Comments that suggested his fans keep an eye out for voter fraud at stations seemed to suggest intimidation of minorities.

Comments about 2nd amendment people being able to do something if Hillary takes away powers.

Comments about system being rigged which could have easily lead to unrest and riots had the result gone against him.

"I smell sex and candy here" - Marcy Playground

What This Election Taught Us About Millennial Voters
Had only millennials voted, Clinton would've won in a landslide.
Bloomberg news story link
What does this prove? That many millenials have parents who did a good job raising their kids. They may have voted Obama and Trump, simply because they can tell right from wrong. Just a thought.

it's special little snow flakes who can't hear another opinion.
Yeah Donnie, I've noticed how open you are to the liberal side of things.

Can we stop trying to invalidate criticism by just pointing out other people are hypocrites?

Yes, they're hypocrites. They're awful, ignorant, and smug. That doesn't preclude Trump from being sexist/racist/whatever. That's a logical fallacy.

Yeah a few points:

- Having watched most of those videos, a lot of the comments are vicious or personal attacks, and some cross a line, but I do think the majority are not mysognistic or sexist. They are saying them because they hate those particular women, not women in general. The first is a comedy show though where you're supposed to cross the line and insult them.

- I don't know anything about Bill Maher, but again back to the KKK thing, why are we tarnishing one side with the actions of select individuals

- Even if they were sexist and misogynistic, and therefore being hypocritical in their criticism of Trump, it does not make any difference to whether Trump is sexist/misogynistic.

Trouble with a capital "T"

What This Election Taught Us About Millennial Voters
Had only millennials voted, Clinton would've won in a landslide.Bloomberg news story link
What does this prove? That many millenials have parents who did a good job raising their kids. They may have voted Obama and Trump, simply because they can tell right from wrong. Just a thought.
Movie Max my post wasn't meant to prove anything. Most issues/topics are hard to unequivocally 'prove'. I seen Swan mention Millennials and the vote...and I was curious to how their demographics panned out in the election. I thought that was an interesting news story, so I posted a link.

Ironically many Millennials voted third party candidates, and so did I. I must be a Millennial at heart! I'm interested in the end results of Gary Johnson's, Jill Stein's campaigns on the overall election. What impact they had and what the future for third party candidates hold.

Why do you keep going on the eat like a pig comment? Why have you ignored the massive discussion about his misogyny on the pages previous to this.

How is the tape leak where he talks about being able to just go up to women, kiss them, and grab them by the p*ssy, not misogynistic? It shows complete contempt, a lack of respect, for their human rights and bodies.

Sexism and misogyny isn't about insulting women. It's about insulting or treating women less well, because they are women. Maher probably called her a c*nt because he thinks she's one, he's entitled to that opinion, whether you agree with it or not, but where's the evidence he said that because she's a woman?
I'm just using examples the Clinton campaign used all over their advertisements. I didn't take the p*ssy video literally. He tried to sleep with a married woman, ethically not right but not misogynistic. If there's evidence he actually does grope woman, than I could make an argument that he does not respect them absolutely. But then Bill Clinton and Weiner are both sexists, by the same definition. But either wise it's just locker room talk. He has objectified women in the past, but we all have. As woman objectify men. If it's a girl saying I'll run up and grab him by his bulge, I wouldn't find that sexist either. If you do, you have a loser definition than I do.

As far as the c*nt comment, I know in the UK and Aussie it's used for both genders, maybe even more for your lads. But in the US it's generally used as a derogatory word for a woman. I'm not even arguing that its sexist to say, but it's much closer than what Trump has said

Comments that suggested his fans keep an eye out for voter fraud at stations seemed to suggest intimidation of minorities.
You're the one dragging race into it. Nothing about voter fraud, has any racial implication. Atleast I didn't think so, might say more about your sub conscious opinions.

Comments about 2nd amendment people being able to do something if Hillary takes away powers.
I forgot all about that one, got lost between the rest of the sh*t that slipped out of his mouth.

Comments about system being rigged which could have easily lead to unrest and riots had the result gone against him.
Sure it could've. But liberals mindlessly calling him and his supporters racists (Hillary Clintons word- half of them are deplorable) helped cause the unrest we're seeing now

Yeah Donnie, I've noticed how open you are to the liberal side of things.
I'm very open to the liberal side. In 2012 I would've voted Obama. This year I would've easily voted for democrats such as Webb, Biden, Kerry, and many others over Trump. (Remember I didn't even vote for Trump). Some of the people I voted for on my ballot were democrats, including our senator! So don't give me that. It's the new wave, extreme Bernie left that always shout "racist" and "sexist" that I'm not open too. Absolutely

Just as you're probably unopen to tea party conservatives