"Film Fight Club": Round 10


Tombstone VS Wyatt Earp
12 votes
3 votes
Wyatt Earp
15 votes. You may not vote on this poll

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
The last fight club had little participation because people did not want to admit to seeing Friends with Benefits or No Strings Attached. Either way, Kunis beat out Portman and now we move on to another match-up.

Every so often, films with similar themes, story and plot will be released within the same year, or VERY close to the same year. Armageddon / Deep Impact, The Prestige / The Illusionist, etc.

Here, we put the two films together and see who comes out on top.

Previous Rounds

Round 9: Friends with Benefits (4) VS No Strings Attached (0)
Round 8: The Prestige (15) VS The Illusionist (6)
Round 7: The Thin Red Line(11) VS Saving Private Ryan (9)
Round 6: Full Metal Jacket (17) VS Platoon (9)
Round 5: Mission to Mars (7) VS Red Planet (1)
Round 4: ED TV (0) VS The Truman Show (14)
Round 3: Volcano (7) VS Dante's Peak (6)
Round 2: Antz (7) VS A Bug's Life (6)
Round 1: Deep Impact (8) VS Armageddon (12)

So I present to you our next round.



Wyatt Earp

For me, Tombstone takes this round. The better cast, direction and action cannot be denied. It's also a travesty that Val Kilmer did not receive a nomination for Best Supporting Actor for his role as the memorable Doc Holiday.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I strongly prefer Wyatt Earp. Tombstone is a fun shoot em up but Earp is the better story telling. I love the scope of Earp and am probably the only person alive who prefers Quaid's Holliday.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
no sean, while Kilmer was an enjoyable doc, like you, I prefer Quaid's more grittier Doc, as well.

Tombstone is fun but Earp has more substance.

And while it looks like we're on the utterly losing side. . .

All of you can kiss my rebel dick.