Politics UK


The People's Republic of Clogher
I know two people personally who paid their £3 and voted Corbyn just to damage Labour. £25 will stop nitwits like that treating politics like X Factor.
"Critics are like eunuchs in a harem; they know how the Tatty 100 is done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves." - Brendan Behan

Wasn't the £25 thing there before? I thought they'd just banned the £3 members from having a vote in this.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

The People's Republic of Clogher
As far as I know, the £25 is still for a registered supporter and if you were a £3 member who registered after January then you're not allowed to vote in the upcoming election. I'm expecting a Labour Party app next: The £25 tier being marketed to the rubes as 'best value'.

Yeah, it would be better if they got rid of it completely but I'm guessing that it's quicker and easier to amend the rules rather than scrap them completely.

Yeah, that's what I thought. So the £25 isn't new. It's the previous 'full membership' it's just that now they've stopped the £3 to vote members from voting.

The People's Republic of Clogher
Nope, I must have explained it poorly.

The £25 is the new tariff for the registered supporter, which was previously £3. Unless I've got it wrong, of course.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
It's a fee to join the (political) party. We don't vote in public elections.
I see. I was just thinking we get framed as racist over here for wanting people to have federal identification. They would probably lynch republicans if they wanted to charge fees.

I know two people personally who paid their £3 and voted Corbyn just to damage Labour. £25 will stop nitwits like that treating politics like X Factor.
A small minority, I actually got a full membership along with my brother to join up and take part in the party properly as did many others, because of Corbyn.

Now what is happening is people are being priced out. You could have joined February this year and you're being told you now have to pay £25 to do something that you were told you were able to do when you sign up. On the registration website it tells you that you are signing up and gain the right to vote in any leadership elections, now you can't.

It's pricing out people. Now the only people that have supporter Labour post January-2016 that want to vote, have to pay £25, and this will rule out a lot of people. I wouldn't have the money to do it if I wasn't a member, it's a lot of a lot of people's income, especially the unemployed, low waged and elderly.

People have set up a lot of pages that have raised thousands to hand out £25 to people who are part of the Labour party but need the money to vote anyway

And what about the other stuff? How is banning CLP meetings fair? They've clearly done it because they knew Eagle's CLP were going to meet up and give her a vote of no confidence (they did anyway). Now they are trying to get branch leader's involved to keep on eye on supporters and hope to ban 50k members because they're using words like "traitor", "scum" or "scab", how is that democratic?

The People's Republic of Clogher
If you're energised and motivated to vote for someone to potentially lead your country, £25 is nothing. A few hours beer money.

If you're determined to troll or merely think the funny little man not wearing a tie is different to the other stiffs, £25 will hopefully stop you acting in haste.

and hope to ban 50k members because they're using words like "traitor", "scum" or "scab", how is that democratic?
If you think that's ok then, frankly, the party (and Corbyn) doesn't need you.

If you're energised and motivated to vote for someone to potentially lead your country, £25 is nothing. A few hours beer money.
£25 is nothing? Okay, if you say so. I would not have £25 to spare myself now, and I know a lot of people wouldn't either. The reality is that it's a lot of money for a lot of people, especially those likely to be Labour supporters, low waged workers, the elderly, students etc. Regardless, I still think it's wrong to say to someone who pay have been a member for 5 months, voted for Labour all their life, to say now you have to pay this to vote.

If you think that's ok then, frankly, the party (and Corbyn) doesn't need you.
I don't think it's okay, and personal insults towards people are especially wrong, but it's freedom of speech. You can't go around banning people for saying things that you disagree with. So you think if for example someone made a tweet saying "let's defeat the plotting traitors" they should not be allowed to vote?

Corbyn denounced people using that language in his defence last weekend on The Andrew Marr Show.
Once again, I never said it was acceptable, but you can't go around banning people for using certain words you disagree with on social media.

The People's Republic of Clogher
As I said, if you're motivated and energised enough then you'll find the money. I've been a student, I've been on the dole - If you can't find £25 this week then put as much by as you can and pay next week. I spent years doing it.

you can't go around banning people for using certain words you disagree with on social media
Why not? Surely you agree that a line has to be drawn somewhere.

If I walked up to Jeremy Corbyn and started verbally abusing and threatening him, what do you think would happen? At the very least I'd expect to be drummed out of the party. These days, social media is no different.

This isn't silencing people just because their views differ, it's getting rid of the idiots who are helping make the country's official opposition an unelectable laughing stock.

Once again, I never said it was acceptable, but you can't go around banning people for using certain words you disagree with on social media.
You have a club and you can make any laws you wish, so long as they're in line with the laws of the country.

As I said, if you're motivated and energised enough then you'll find the money. I've been a student, I've been on the dole - If you can't find £25 this week then put as much by as you can and pay next week. I spent years doing it.

Why not? Surely you agree that a line has to be drawn somewhere.

If I walked up to Jeremy Corbyn and started verbally abusing and threatening him, what do you think would happen? At the very least I'd expect to be drummed out of the party. These days, social media is no different.

This isn't silencing people just because their views differ, it's getting rid of the idiots who are helping make the country's official opposition an unelectable laughing stock.
I agree that a line should be drawn and personal abuse is unacceptable, but to me this doesn't look like it's being done to protect individuals but rather as a numbers exercise to try and ban Corbyn supporters that unfortunately may be more likely to use the language, regardless of whether using it in a threatening/aggressive manner. Sure, if there's personal insults, and some of the stuff on Twitter especially is disgusting, go ahead and ban them, but just looking for direct words like "scum", "traitor" and "scab" seems to be a little unfair.

HK, of course. But when you sign up for a membership it says that you will take part in any leadership votes and will be able to attend branch meetings. Now they are making up these rules as they go along, like the 6 month registration one and ban on all CLP meetings (no one seems to know what's going on here), I don't think it's right. If this was not a political party, but a private business that placed restrictions on members like this after registration, they'd be questioned and challenged much more. I don't think the NEC care about the legality and/or fairness of what they're doing because they're just trying to cause trouble and divide the member base, infuriate members to get them to leave etc.

The People's Republic of Clogher
I'd like to say I'm surprised, but I'm not. There have been a lot of mutterings on Slugger O'Toole in the last few months about how Corbyn and McDonnell operate(d), especially in the old days.

It's hard to differentiate between sincerity and someone with an agenda, however.

Slugger's the main NI political blog/messageboard and it's members (of which I am one, but I rarely post nowadays) remember Corbyn and his #2 very well, as they were part of the Labour wing who were cosy with Gerry Adams and his cronies long before the IRA gave up their guns.

The first link of 92,000 mentioning Corbyn and Adams

Survivor 5s #2 Bitch
I really wish they'd allow the public to vote on Trident today, spending £205 billion on something so unnecessary just cannot be justified, yet they'll end up renewing it anyway