

Miss Vicky's Loyal and Willing Slave
It will most likely be on the internet right soon after so the three or so of us on this board who are interested will see it.
Make that four! I love me some Deadpool and am greatly looking forward to the film. At the moment I'd have it as my 2nd most anticipated superhero film of next year, behind only Civil War. Though Doctor Strange is the dark horse and could displace Deadpool once some information about it starts to leak out.

TBH; Other than TJ Miller, I didn't laugh once. I get the vibe that everything out of the suit is going to be a cliched and boring origin story. It's gonna come down to the execution of the jokes, which we can't say until it comes out.

Welcome to the human race...
Ehhh, that felt a little forced.

That being said, at the very least I'll be interested in seeing how they reconcile this with the existence of X-Men Origins: Wolverine.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Miss Vicky's Loyal and Willing Slave
Hmmm. That was actually a little.....underwhelming I felt.

I think it looks great. Love Deadpool's costume and the eyes. And it looks like the action sequences could be pretty kick-ass. Apparently the film's fight co-ordinator worked on both the action of Captain America: The Winter Soldier and Netflix's Daredevil; both of which bode well.

However none of the humour really landed for me. Much of it felt quite forced and clunky. It's one thing just being crude but you need to make it kind of funny. The back-and-forth between Reynolds and T.J. Miller in particular felt very forced, like a scene from a Seth Rogen-Jonah Hill comedy or something.

I did enjoy the way it set itself up as a standard, moody origin story though before veering off in a completely different direction.

Ehhh, that felt a little forced.

That being said, at the very least I'll be interested in seeing how they reconcile this with the existence of X-Men Origins: Wolverine.
This has no connection storywise to X-Men Origins: Wolverine. Although, in the basis of Marvel's movie universe, Wade Wilson does eventually encounter Wolverine later in time. Plus, in this movie Wade Wilson gets treatment in the same exact facility as Logan did when he first became Wolverine.

Eventually, the two characters will meet each other again. There is talk of a Deadpool cameo of some sort in the last Wolverine movie.

I'm unfortunately not that blown away or anything by that trailer...

Jokes go from weak to mediocre, action seems promising but could be bloated and too choreographed. I feel like Deadpool's action should fit its raw and raunchy attitude. I also hope the movie will have an interesting story. Right now it feels like every other origin story, whether Wolverine, Captain America, you name it. I gets to participate in an experiment and gets superpowers. The End.

Anyways, let's see how it turns out when more stuff is released and/or just when the film itself gets released.

If you don't care for the jokes in Deadpool you basically aren't that much of a fan of Deadpool. Yes it's an origin story....obviously. We're being introduced to the character for the first time on screen, given his own film in a major way. No, not all characters need an origin story but Deadpool does. We never got an explanation except in the comic books, but not everyone reads comic books.

Colosuss is a strange, but welcome addition. I don't know if there is a backstory there.

Reportedly, this is around a $50 mil budget. To me, this bodes well in a "necessity is the mother of invention" way. Explains why the test footage is being used.

The test footage was made for basically as test footage. It wasn't even supposed to be seen. Scenes from the test footage were re-used and redone obviously because they were going to be used for the actual film.

Deadpool Trailer Breakdown with Director Tim Miller

How many times have you already watched the Deadpool trailer? A lot I’m sure if you're a Deadpool fan. Many years went by with the film sitting in development Hell. But leaked test footage wowed fans, and proved to 20th Century Fox that the movie needed to get made.

You can follow along as director Tim Miller goes through the trailer shot by shot. Included are the coolest and most interesting tidbits:

Wade & Vanessa

We flash backwards and forwards in time throughout the movie, so this scene of Wade before he’s Deadpool doesn’t necessarily come as early as you’d think. But even if you were to place it linearly, it would still probably come about 20 minutes in. We meet Wade before he’s met Vanessa (Morena Baccarin), when he’s a kind of small-time mercenary. Then he meets her and falls in love, and then they learn he’s got cancer. So this scene is post-cancer.

Green Lantern

For the most part, we try to stick to the rule that Wade Wilson can’t break the fourth wall. He’s not aware that he’s in a movie. Deadpool is. He only breaks the fourth wall when he’s Deadpool. So we’re tiptoeing on the edge of breaking our own rule there, because he’s still Wade at that point. We shot a few more Green Lantern jokes, but I’m not sure how many will survive the cut. Ryan definitely had some Green Lantern issues to work out. We had about a minute’s worth of dialogue between him and Colossus where he talks about it, like, ‘So a guy comes with a thousand-dollar suit and says, “We want you to play a superhero,” but there’s no script yet and the release date is completely unmakeable…’ He goes on this whole anti-Green Lantern run, but I’m not sure it’ll stay in, because probably not even half the people in the theaters will get those jokes. You can’t only play to the comic fans. He’s spouting weird **** all the time, and if you don’t pick up on every joke, that’s fine. But you can’t leave everybody behind all the time. Any joke that an audience needs to look up on the internet after the movie is not something I’m in favour of. But that scene’s one for the DVD extras, for sure.

Jed Rees is The Recruiter

That’s Jed Rees, who plays The Recruiter. He was great. He was the main alien in Galaxy Quest: that’s what I knew him from! He did a good job of being creepy and syrupy sweet. The 'superhero’ thing is a big issue for fans of Deadpool, and certainly with us. Deadpool’s not a superhero. He doesn’t want to be a superhero. He doesn’t like superheroes. So the whole idea of him potentially becoming a superhero is treated with disdain. We recorded a voiceover this morning where Wade is like, 'Even if you have cancer, just murdered a man in Mexico and you’re on the brink of death, if someone offers you the choice to become a superhero, the answer should be no…

Sword Fight

I can honestly say that nobody worked harder than Ed Skrein did. I loved that guy. He just has the best attitude ever. He trained really hard. He has some good moves and he’s really athletic, but he worked really, really hard with our stunt coordinators to do the best he could. Probably 80 per cent of what you see on screen is him. The only time we took him out was if we were doing some kind of rigged stunt. Ryan’s amazing too. Ryan didn’t train nearly as hard as Ed, but he’s uncanny. He has, like, photographic reflexes or something. We’d have the stunt guys do stuff and then I’d have Ryan come in and do a take or two, and I’ve almost always ended up using Ryan’s takes. He can learn choreography in seconds. Second unit shot three days of that fight in the car, and then I went in for one day with Ryan to pick up the character beats and a few other moves, and we ended up reshooting basically the whole thing with Ryan in that single day. We shot a fight in a warehouse where for Ryan it was six hours in make-up and then a 16-hour day, and he never complained. Ed was the same way, and then we did a whole other day with Ed right on top of that. And all that time, Ed was like, 'Don’t let the stunt guy do this!’ He was hopping on his toes the whole time, ready to jump in. 'Put me in, Coach! Put me in!’


We just wanted to show that Deadpool is this perfect mix of athleticism and accuracy: he’s got these Bullseye-like reflexes, especially with the guns and katanas. This is the end of the Twelve Bullets sequence, where he ends up with one bullet but he’s still got three guys to kill, so he waits for this perfect moment to do this super-cool move and take them all out with one shot. It was always a great moment in the script, and it turned out well. Everybody thought it was horribly gory, but I don’t think it’s that bad!


We were never going to be able to keep Colossus as a secret. He was in the script that leaked and all that. I wasn’t actually sure, until we were standing there shooting it, that at some point Fox was going to say, 'Hold on a second; we can’t put Colossus from our treasured X-Men franchise in this movie to be made fun of!’ But they did, and not only that, but also they let me change the look of him. As a fanboy I’ve always been like, 'That dude with the shiny skin is not ****ing Colossus.’ He should be this monstrous guy, and they actually let me make him seven-and-a-half feet tall. I did actually call Daniel Cudmore to ask him if he wanted to do this, even though he’d be entirely CG the whole time. He was very nice about it. He was like, 'I appreciate your offering, but nah.’

Negasonic Teenage Warhead

In the original script the action in the third act was great, but it was just Deadpool and a lot of guns. One of my notes early on was that I wanted to see more superhero stuff. We had Garrison Kane in there for a while, but in the final round of budget cuts we had to take him out, because he was a pretty expensive dude. He’s got these bionic arms that change shape; he would have been a visual effect for a large part of the movie. And as it turned out, a visual effect too far. I went through the list of Marvel characters and picked a few others I thought could be visually spectacular and fun. And at the end of that list was Negasonic, which I just thought was a freaky, funny name. And I sent this list over to the writers, Rhett (Reese) and Paul (Wernick), and they were like, 'Oh my ****ing god, we have to use her!’ So that’s how she ended up in the movie. Her name was cool, and we kind of wanted a straight-man to play against Colossus. We thought about Cannonball, but he would’ve been a stupid hick character, whereas the guys wrote Negasonic as this deadpan goth teen, which was a great angle. She turned out really well. There aren’t really many definitive Deadpool villains, apart from Cable. If we don’t put Cable in Deadpool 2 I think we’ll be run out of town on a rail.

Deleted Comic-Con Scenes

The Comic-Con trailer was a little bit longer. This version had to be shorter, for whatever reason, so the things that got taken out were a couple of real in-joke things that, again, wouldn’t necessarily play to a general audience. Stan Lee was in the Comic-Con trailer, and there was another shot with Rob Liefeld, Deadpool’s creator. Those moments were for the Comic-Con fans. It went over so well at Comic-Con. Everybody there was so primed to like this film. It didn’t go to my head at all. I came out just thinking, '****, now we really have to deliver!’ We were kind of under the radar before, at least within Fox. That’s all over now…

The rest of the commentary is over at Empire.

Source: Empire Via UltimateMovieFanatic

Saw a good read about Deadpool's backstory. At heart he is a good guy, he just has no moral compass. He enjoys killing people...a lot, but just bad ones.

I like comic stuff, but the shtick gets old kinda fast. Hopefully they get a good balance.

Hot damn, that trailer looks awesome, February 2016 can't come soon enough!

Found this in my Sequel Buzz thread from back in 2009. Thought it was kind of interesting noting how things came to be, and how people up to this past year/this year thought Ryan Reynolds playing Deadpool in the eventual standalone film was a rumor.

Fox developing Deadpool Spin-Off

Both MTV and Variety have confirmed that 20th Century Fox are moving forward with the Deadpool spin-off they’ve been talking about ever since the character was added to X-Men Origins: Wolverine. The idea from the very beginning was to introduce the character to audiences and lay foundations for a Deadpool solo film. X-Men Origins: Wolverine was recently deemed a success at the box office, therefore Fox have started to develop the spin-off with Ryan Reynolds returning as the Merc with the mouth.

Fox are currently looking for a writers, and I’m sure Reynolds will be happy with this news. Here he is talking about what he’d like to see in the film when it was still up in the air:

Source: Filmonic