Rate The Last Movie You Saw


We Are Marshall (2006) - McG

- It's the first time ever that I am being so emotional and nostalgic watching a sports film and the fact that I love football make me feel something special... I cried for the whole 2h10 of the film. I was emotionally invested from beggining to end and that's why I watch films and I never will stop, to live experience like that. The fact that this movie is a real life story is truly insane and you truly saw the impact of a football team on a small community. If you love football and want to have a special moment and watching a true pure football lover movie this is the perfect flick for it. Definitely a new member of my Top 30. Simply brilliant.
Being a native West Virginian this film strikes close to home (Although I don't live anywhere near Huntington) but I'm not the biggest fan of it sadly.

Being a native West Virginian this film strikes close to home (Although I don't live anywhere near Huntington) but I'm not the biggest fan of it sadly.
It's special the feeling I get while watching that flick! Truly an admirable work imo
''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk

Inherent vice (2015)
A little bit muddled, sexy in some scenes, it was ok 7/10 i like joaquin phoenix movies he is one of the few true left actors of the 90s

Welcome to the human race...
Rio Bravo -

Not the best John Wayne movie, but probably the most fun.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope

This one may get me in a bit of trouble but I can handle it. First of all let me say there is a lot of blame to go around in this travesty and #1-5 on the list of people doing things the wrong way are the police. They thought they had the right kids and because of that simply railroaded them. It is textbook abuse of power in it is unforgivable. The problem for me is that this is all the documentary cares about and all it is going to let us in on. I want these kids to take responsibility for the fact that they were indeed traveling the park like a group of wild animals and randomly assaulting people walking or jogging the park. No, I don't buy that they were innocent observers. In fact that doesn't even exist when you are talking about this level of violence. I also want to know why these five were chosen out of a pack of teenagers. Why in the world did these kids stick to their story in court when it was obvious they weren't getting the deals they thought during interrogation? Why did the parents not ask for attorneys up front? One father went to work when his 13 year old was being interrogated for rape. Baffling, and the problem is that the documentary is completely uninterested in giving us a full picture. I feel about it the way I feel about most politicians these days. It isn't lying to me, it is being disingenuous by giving us only the facts that serve its purpose.

The Night of the Hunter (1955)

A normal man? For me, a normal man is one who turns his head to see a beautiful woman's bottom. The point is not just to turn your head. There are five or six reasons. And he is glad to find people who are like him, his equals. That's why he likes crowded beaches, football, the bar downtown...

The Scorch Trials: 4.5/10.

The Diary of Anne Frank (1959)


A couple of families, and then another man, are Jews who are hiding out from the Nazis in a factory with the help of a couple who work in the office below. It's sort of like the realistic version of the beginning of Inglourious Basterds. I thought there were too many lulls over the course of it's almost 3 hour run-time, otherwise I could've loved it. This is a very good movie with several powerful moments.

Finished here. It's been fun.


A sensational film-noir, and one that really took me by surprise. I knew little about it coming in, so it was a joy to witness such a terrifc picture. The film is lushly photographed, tightly scripted, and wonderfully acted. It's paced perfectly and it always kept me guessing. The rating will inevitably jump up during rewatches. Loved it.

Insidious Chapter 3 (2015)

What a disappointment. This is just not the kind of insidious entertainment I know and love. The previous ones had amazing atmosphere, great use of practical effects, inventive and effective scares and a lot of terrifying fun. There is a reason I put the first two movies in the top 10 of my horror list. They may be a compilation of horror elements and homage, but they are crafted just after my head and they have a great blend of horror and entertainment.

This one had a little of all the above, but a lot of it almost came off as a pathetic parody on itself. First off, the atmosphere is almost gone in this one, where only the last half hour or so can be dubbed slightly acceptable. But really, the script has never been the strong point of the 'Insidious' movies and that's where James Wan used to lift it to a whole other level. But new director Leigh Whannel is no Wan and he should stick to scripting, though it seems this one was rushed by the studio, as was the entire production. The script had many great ideas that was never developed upon, there was a great set that was never used and overall it was a mess with no heart. The first half of the film wasn't even an 'Insidious' film - it looked like any other annoying teen wannabe-horror with loud jump scares, plain characters and no development.

These movies used to be ALL practical, but this one took the easy way a lot of times and used CGI. And gone was the great tense music from 1 and 2, where the 3rd went full-on jump scare noises. Wan always used effective scares, but this had so many jump scares in the first half I became annoyed. There was weird humor thrown in there too, which the previous films where never about. They were terrifying fun not cracking jokes fun. Again, it was almost like a parody on itself. Many of these things made the film lose any kind of tension it might have had and what might have been good came off rather bad.

I'm so disappointed, any horror fan would be able to relate to this. Here's a sequel to a horror(s) you love, respect and appreciate and now things are just kind of ruined. It wasn't downright awful but just really disappointing and generally just not that good...


Survivor 5s #2 Bitch

Had me howling in quite a number of scenes not sure about McCarthy getting an Oscar nom for this though.

And just because

Mean Girls

I was crying in some points, and I can genuinely quote a good 90%+ of the film's script, without a doubt my favourite comedy. It's just so in sync with my sense of humour, as is Bridesmaids. Tonight was a good night

Insidious Chapter 3 (2015)

What a disappointment. This is just not the kind of insidious entertainment I know and love. The previous ones had amazing atmosphere, great use of practical effects, inventive and effective scares and a lot of terrifying fun. There is a reason I put the first two movies in the top 10 of my horror list. They may be a compilation of horror elements and homage, but they are crafted just after my head and they have a great blend of horror and entertainment.

This one had a little of all the above, but a lot of it almost came off as a pathetic parody on itself. First off, the atmosphere is almost gone in this one, where only the last half hour or so can be dubbed slightly acceptable. But really, the script has never been the strong point of the 'Insidious' movies and that's where James Wan used to lift it to a whole other level. But new director Leigh Whannel is no Wan and he should stick to scripting, though it seems this one was rushed by the studio, as was the entire production. The script had many great ideas that was never developed upon, there was a great set that was never used and overall it was a mess with no heart. The first half of the film wasn't even an 'Insidious' film - it looked like any other annoying teen wannabe-horror with loud jump scares, plain characters and no development.

These movies used to be ALL practical, but this one took the easy way a lot of times and used CGI. And gone was the great tense music from 1 and 2, where the 3rd went full-on jump scare noises. Wan always used effective scares, but this had so many jump scares in the first half I became annoyed. There was weird humor thrown in there too, which the previous films where never about. They were terrifying fun not cracking jokes fun. Again, it was almost like a parody on itself. Many of these things made the film lose any kind of tension it might have had and what might have been good came off rather bad.

I'm so disappointed, any horror fan would be able to relate to this. Here's a sequel to a horror(s) you love, respect and appreciate and now things are just kind of ruined. It wasn't downright awful but just really disappointing and generally just not that good...

dissapointed that you didn't appreciate more than that but the ending is awesome



Had me howling in quite a number of scenes not sure about McCarthy getting an Oscar nom for this though.

And just because

Mean Girls

I was crying in some points, and I can genuinely quote a good 90%+ of the film's script, without a doubt my favourite comedy. It's just so in sync with my sense of humour, as is Bridesmaids. Tonight was a good night
it's chick flick time on MovieForums