The MoFo Personal Pictures Thread


The People's Republic of Clogher
I'm deleting it. Whatever its intention if it makes someone uncomfortable I'm inclined to look at a post a bit differently.

Move along people.
"Critics are like eunuchs in a harem; they know how the Tatty 100 is done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves." - Brendan Behan

i'm SUPER GOOD at Jewel karaoke
guys, geez, I wasn't like shaking in my boots upset over it. just kinda awkward about it. if I had known it was going to create this whole page and a half discussion I wouldn't have even said it in the thread.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
I also used 'pussy' in my post, but nobody ever cared! VICTORY!
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

80 degrees, cloudy, lawn freshly mowed. Perfect time for grilling.
I have an Argentinian friend who loves to cook barbecues. He does some great meat. I tried to do so later and he took over the cooking process.

Busted up my leg on the rocks at the river about an hour and a half ago. Very lucky I didn't break it, managed to walk away with just cuts and bruises.

This isn't a particularly great picture, but I haven't posted any since I lost a bunch of weight, so here's one my mom took at a softball game last night:

lol, raging avocados?
Yeah, I should probably explain that, huh?

When we started playing last year we didn't have uniforms, obviously, so we just picked a color so everyone could wear a shirt they already had or just buy one that was generally the right shade. We chose green.

Later we decided to vote on a real team name, and everybody was invited to make suggestions. Because we all already had green shirts, it made sense for some of the suggestions to be based around that color. I thought about green things, and avocados popped into my head. So I half-jokingly suggested "Raging Avocados."

Not only did it win, it won by a landslide.

So here we are. I regret nothing.

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
This isn't a particularly great picture, but I haven't posted any since I lost a bunch of weight, so here's one my mom took at a softball game last night:
Good for you, Chris. Besides exercise, what foods/drinks helped you lose weight?

It was mostly the diet; exercise helped a bit, but I don't do a ton of it. There's a lot more detail in the Health & Fitness Tournament thread, but the short version is that I cut out a lot of carbs, supplemented the proteins with fruit, walked regularly, and started eating less late at night.

People started posting more since the last time I was on here nice pics everyone

@FalseWriter that looks like it hurts
Yeah it did a bit, I fell and my shin took a big smack on a large jagged rock. It's odd that right when it happened I barely felt it, then I looked down at my leg and saw blood oozing out of 4 different places, it started to hurt after that.

Oof that looks sore FW, be more careful next time!
Chris, you're looking good!
Heh, yeah I will for sure! I climbed all over those rocks like twenty times before and never got a scratch on me, but it takes one time and now I'm not too crazy about doing it again.

Thanks for the concern, both of you!

Oh yeah, buddy, it's time to work those arms.

It was mostly the diet; exercise helped a bit, but I don't do a ton of it. There's a lot more detail in the Health & Fitness Tournament thread, but the short version is that I cut out a lot of carbs, supplemented the proteins with fruit, walked regularly, and started eating less late at night.
Now you will find him posting here, Body Building/Body Sculpting!, as he works with us to become some of the strongest MoFos on the planet. Well, OK, maybe just on the board.

You did a great job losing the weight, Yoda. Very good!