Rate The Last Movie You Saw


Fantastic Four (2005) - Tim Story- Like it a lot. I don't know why it get so many hate because I find this flick entertaining and cool as hell. Characters are nice...The vilain is also badass.. ..it's a nice super-hero flick for me.
This is a basic mini way of how I felt about the 2015 version and even same rating. I didn't care for the 2005 version as much but, as you said it was entertaining and cool. At least you enjoyed it and that's what counts. Same goes for me with the latest incarnation.

Care for some gopher?
Pokój saren The Roe's Room (PL, 1997, Lech Majewski) -

Like Majewski's The Mill and the Cross, a highly artistic movie. There's not much plot (it chronicles one year in the life of an polish familiy from the son's point of view) and no dialouge. The story is narrated only by the painting-like visuals and operatic songs, which are absolutely amazing.
I've only seen two of his films but i'm already a fan of him! Really looking forward to the rest of his work.
"Gentlemen, you can't fight in here. This is the war room."

The Hustler (1961)

A movie about a loser who is great at winning but is still a loser by the end of it all. That's it. Pretty interesting character and Newman does okay, but personally I really enjoyed Jackie Gleason a whole lot more. Many of the characters are missing dept though, and they keep introducing new ones along the way, who aren't fleshed out at all by the end of the movie. I know it's about Newman and his character's journey, but still I didn't even think his character or performance was enough to carry the film. It is a very uneven film in my opinion, though it does look good in terms of cinematography and general technical achievements. As you may know my ratings have become more harsh lately, but don't take it too serious. You can give it an extra popcorn if you want. I just don't think there was much about this film at all, though I know many people love it.


MM, would you say that you disliked the type of person Fast Eddie was and the way he acted?
A little, sometimes a lot, but not in particular really. But if so that's only the director's intention and that's fine.

Btw, I'm not one of those people who doesn't like a movie because I don't like the character and his actions. I remember we had a discussion on the forum a while ago where some people said they didn't like a certain film because the character was unsympathetic or that they didn't cheer for him or whatever. I just think the movie was missing a lot of dept and a tighter story.

Trouble with a capital "T"

Btw, I'm not one of those people who doesn't like a movie because I don't like the character and his actions.
Me neither...I often like the weaselly character better than the good guy. Maybe that's why I like Alec(x) Baldwin so much.

The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible
Jurassic World (Colin Trevorrow, 2015)

So, this was disappointing.
The beginning is great, I liked how they presented the park with that legendary soundtrack. But from the moment the action starts it's just recycling of material of the past movies in a series of already seen Spielbergisms, which is frankly annoying! It became so damn predictable! I laughed on the fighting scene when the sea monster ate the big one cause cause it was so ridiculous...
The acting is not bad, though Chris Pratt is the most overrated actor of his generation. Bryce Howard is hot though.
Her and the decent CGI give it a positive rating but almost by charity...


I keep reading people complain about recycled material and predictability, and I have to ask, what exactly were you expecting? It was always going to be about a dinosaur theme park where the dinosaurs get loose and start killing people.

I thought it was awful. Bryce Howard and the CGI were two of the things I hated the most, I thought she came across as a poor actress (Pratt was disappointing too) and the CGI felt too digital, modern, trying to be realistic which meant it lost the spirit of the original, which although I'm not a massive fan of like some people, I would consider far superior.

It was really entertaining and was cool imo... I enjoyed it a lot
''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk

The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible
I keep reading people complain about recycled material and predictability, and I have to ask, what exactly were you expecting? It was always going to be about a dinosaur theme park where the dinosaurs get loose and start killing people.
Yeah, but two kids lost in the park while a couple of adults try to rescue them and fall in love in between? They could at least change the plot a bit...

I thought it was awful. Bryce Howard and the CGI were two of the things I hated the most, I thought she came across as a poor actress (Pratt was disappointing too) and the CGI felt too digital, modern, trying to be realistic which meant it lost the spirit of the original, which although I'm not a massive fan of like some people, I would consider far superior.
Howard is a bad actress, no doubt about that! I only said she was hot! xD
The CGI is the same as the rest of the movies being made nowadays... It's almost in the point where its quality tells nothing about a good movie or not!

I went in expecting a modern update of Jurassic Park with the spirit of the original. That's what I got and I really enjoyed it for that. I'm a huge fan of the original, liked the second and mostly hated the third. Yet I really liked this one, though I usually dislike modern blockbusters full of CGI and poor characters and poor story etc. I just think JW was one of the better ones.

I was ready to downright hate this movie, especially the CGI and maybe also the action etc. But I really had a fun time. I feel like it did the same as Fury Road did to Mad Max. You could feel the original but it is a modern update of the franchise. And in both cases, it works imo.

Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day (2014)

I think it was a sweet movie, kinda dragged me back to the early 2000's type of comedy movies so I liked it

.Royal purple is noblest shroud.
Theodora Empress of the Byzantine Empire

Master of My Domain
And I'm that's fine, but I'm specifically questioning the "predictable" complaint.
Yes, not only the story, but the little things.

For example, the message about brothers needing each other, the awkward attempts at humor that have been used a gazillion times, the CGi that seems to have been purchased from Digital Effects Depot, and many others...

But overall it was an okay film, and entertaining. Didn't think it was a waste of time, but after over 10 years of wait, couldn't they have made something hmmm I don't know maybe something with more quality?

The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible
Yes, not only the story, but the little things.

For example, the message about brothers needing each other, the awkward attempts at humor that have been used a gazillion times, the CGi that seems to have been purchased from Digital Effects Depot, and many others...

But overall it was an okay film, and entertaining. Didn't think it was a waste of time, but after over 10 years of wait, couldn't they have made something hmmm I don't know maybe something with more quality?
Thank you Gats! This is precisely what I meant!

Welcome to the human race...
Maggie -

Way better than a movie starring Arnold Schwarzenegger as a father watching his daughter slowly turn into a zombie has any right to be (though I almost feel like I should knock it down to 2.5).