Mad Men fans?


Really liked that last ep of the series. I love Peggy, and she was finally allowed to have her day with no sniping about her being a woman and no acting as a mom talk - in direct contrast with her motherliness towards the neighbours kid.

WARNING: "Spoilers" spoilers below
Poor Bert I always wondered exactly what He did all day in his office, now I know - practising his singing and dancing! Don's marriage was on the rocks already, I actually thought they'd spirit up a few eps ago. And Roger coming up with the goods to keep Don and put Cutler's nose out of joint. Great stuff
Happy with that but far too long to wait, that's a big mistake

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Time to resurrect this thread for the last 7 episodes. I just watched last nights. In true MadMen fashion it will be a slow roll getting started but there was plenty to love. In fact I simply love just being back with some of the greatest characters ever to be put on TV.

My favorite things about this episode was the Ken storyline, which had the most satisfying end game. Of course just trying to get back into Don's psyche again is always a treat. He has always been preoccupied with his mortality, or maybe just mortality in general. Makes you think all the people that have been predicting his death at the end are onto something, but I have always hoped not.

Roger has always been one of my favorite characters but they didn't do him any favors this episode. He was annoying in the diner scene instead of funny. He treated Ken like garbage which is not as fun as it would be with Pete or the TV guy whose name I always forget. Also, the mustache needs to go.

I watch AMC quite a lot and I have heard nothing but great things for Mad Men, but I just never go through and actually watch it...
[ J ] - [ S ] - [ F ]

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I haven't watched a lot of it, but what I've seen so far has been great - i might catch up on the older seasons later

Loved the episode and Mad Men finally used one of my favorite songs of the period. I always thought it would fit perfectly with an image of Don Draper sitting in a bar:

I've loved this song since the moment I first heard it in Scorsese's After Hours.
Cobpyth's Movie Log ~ 2019

My favorite things about this episode was the Ken storyline, which had the most satisfying end game.
That scene with Ken was my favorite of the whole episode.
Btw can anyone tell me if that waitress was part of the show in earlier seasons? She looks so familiar but maybe I've just seen her somewhere else...

Re: Ken. It was satisfying on one level, but kind of sad on another. He almost got out of the industry, but decided he'd rather make them miserable rather than make himself happy.

Re: the waitress. No, she's new, but I wondered the same thing at first, and she looks like a couple of women Don was with way back in season 1 like his hippie girlfriend from the pilot, and (most relevant) Rachel, who factored heavily into this episode. Which I'm sure was deliberate.

Re: Ken. It was satisfying on one level, but kind of sad on another. He almost got out of the industry, but decided he'd rather make them miserable rather than make himself happy.
It wasn't even satisfying to me. It was just sad. He chose the trivial above the transcendent, while thinking he somehow "won".

Way back in the day, I remember talking to my wife about how he seemed the least tied to the agency, what with his writing and general happiness/disregard for office politics. The fact that he's done such an about-face says a lot about how we're expected to view that whole world, which in turn probably gives us some hints about how it'll all end.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Re: Ken. It was satisfying on one level, but kind of sad on another. He almost got out of the industry, but decided he'd rather make them miserable rather than make himself happy.
Good point. It is satisfying from a viewer stand point, but he is essentially in the same position as before. However, based on the conversation with his wife it seems like he has serious doubts about his ability to write the great amercan novel anymore anyway. That in itself could be viewed as pretty sad as well. I guess in the end he kind of represents the every man. Desperately not wanting to do what he is doing, but really not having anywhere to turn. I was just glad to see him. Ken kind of disappears for long periods which makes me think this was probably his send off.

Roger's moustache!

Loved having them all back. Awful to think it was ok back then to treat women in the way those three guys did to Peggy and Joan - made my skin crawl. The exchange between the two women in the lift was electric.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
What's everyone thinking? I didn't love the last episode. Never been a Glenn fan. I didn't love the Joan stuff either. She has always felt kind of stuck between two worlds. Her new man didn't really add much.

I literally have never laughed so hard at Mad Men as when the young creative kid asked the Tinkerbell execs how they had the balls to walk back into the room. It was setting up a much more poignant moment, but him trying to pull off Don right then made me laugh for like thirty seconds.

I thought it was a particularly poignant episode for Don. I thought he looked adrift at the end. No missus, no furniture and now no apartment, and a child who is disdainful of the the very thing that has carried him through his adult life - his charm.

The Tinkerbell biscuit bit was funny, but again a slap in the face from the departing bloke about Don's looks. Definitely a get at Don ep!

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I thought it was a particularly poignant episode for Don. I thought he looked adrift at the end. No missus, no furniture and now no apartment, and a child who is disdainful of the the very thing that has carried him through his adult life - his charm.

The Tinkerbell biscuit bit was funny, but again a slap in the face from the departing bloke about Don's looks. Definitely a get at Don ep!
I like what Don says to Sally at the bus stop as well, when he tells her she is Don and Betty whether she wants to be or not. Again, something that Weiner has been driving at for seasons now. Sally resents her life but you always still see that hint of Don and Betty under the surface. Good stuff.

Finished here. It's been fun.
I am so ready for tonight's episode. Last week's episode while good was probably me least favorite of the 2nd half so far, that being said I still rate it an 8.0/10.

That glen and betty scene in the kitchen was 20 shades of cringe.

I still genuinely don't see at which place they're going to conclude Don's character.

What would you all do if you were in his situation with his state of mind? Is it even possible for him to find satisfying happiness or is he doomed?

I loved the bit where he questioned Peggy and constantly asked her for a bigger goal in her life. He basically banalizes her complete sense of purpose.

"Why don't you sh*t on someone else's dreams?"

Funny and poignant scene.

Finished here. It's been fun.
What a fantastic episode, it sort of felt like a series finale in a sense. Can't believe that there's only three episodes left in the whole series.

I'm not old, you're just 12.
I still genuinely don't see at which place they're going to conclude Don's character.

What would you all do if you were in his situation with his state of mind? Is it even possible for him to find satisfying happiness or is he doomed?

I loved the bit where he questioned Peggy and constantly asked her for a bigger goal in her life. He basically banalizes her complete sense of purpose.

"Why don't you sh*t on someone else's dreams?"

Funny and poignant scene.
I think that the show should end with Don accepting that he is, and always will be, Dick Whitman. All of his problems in his life have been because he's been lying to everyone and himself. His whole life has been a total sham, if you think about it.

That's just my take.
"You, me, everyone...we are all made of star stuff." - Neil Degrasse Tyson