favorite directors/favorite films


Terry Gilliam
Brazil (1985) Adventures of Baron Munchausen, The (1988) Fisher King, The (1991) Twelve Monkeys (1995) Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (1998)

Joel Coen
Raising Arizona (1987) Fargo (1996) Big Lebowski, The (1998) O Brother, Where Art Thou? (2000) Man Who Wasn't There, The (2001)

Joe Dante
'burbs, The (1989) -I can't imagine a world w/o my favorite movie

George A. Romero
Night of the Living Dead (1968) -honorable mention for popularizing zombies

couldn't think of anyone else that I either thought deserved it, or had 5 movies I loved
Nice to see some love for the Burbs...severely underrated comedy.

1. Ingmar Bergman

- The Seventh Seal
- Persona
- Autumn Sonata
- Cries and Whispers
- Wild Strawberries

2. Andrei Tarkovsky

- Stalker
- The Mirror
- Solaris
- The Sacrifice
- Nostalghia

3. Werner Herzog

- Aguirre, the Wrath of God
- Nosferatu, the Vampyre
- Stroszek
- The Enigma of Kaspar Hauser
- Signs of Life

4. Guillermo del Toro

- Pan's Labyrinth
- Hellboy
- Devil's Backbone
- Cronos
- Hellboy II: The Golden Army

5. Dario Argento

- The Bird with the Crystal Plumage
- Deep Red
- Suspiria
- Phenomena
- Inferno

6. David Cronenberg

- The Fly
- They Came from Within
- Rabid
- Videodrome
- A History of Violence

7. Robert Altman

- 3 Women
- The Long Goodbye
- McCabe & Mrs. Miller
- Nashville
- Gosford Park

8. Luis Bunuel

- That Obscure Object of Desire
- The Milky Way
- L'age d'Or
- The Phantom of Liberty
- Simon of the Desert

9. Alejandro Jodorowsky

- The Holy Mountain
- El Topo
- Fando y Lis
- Santa Sangre
- The Dance of Reality

10. David Lynch

- Eraserhead
- Mulholland Drive
- Blue Velvet
- The Elephant Man
- Lost Highway

Martin Scorsese

The King of Comedy
Taxi Driver
The Aviator
The Departed

Woody Allen

Crimes and Misdeamors
The Purple Rose of Cairo
Midnight in Paris
Manhattan Murder Mystery

Robert Altman

Gosford Park
Short Cuts
The Player

Sidney Lumet

Dog Day Afternoon
12 Angry Men
Murder on the Orient Express
The Verdict

Mel Brooks

Young Frankenstein
Blazing Saddles
High Anxiety
History of the World Part I

Rob Reiner

This is Spinal Tap
The Princess Bride
When Harry Met Sally
A Few Good Men

Ron Howard

Apollo 13

Sorry, I couldn't narrow it down to 5 either.

#10. James Whale

The Invisible Man
The Old Dark House
Bride of Frankenstein
The Man in the Iron Mask

#9. Roger Corman

House of Usher
Pit & the Pendulum
The Masque of Red Death
The Raven
The Little Shop of Horrors

#8. Edward D. Wood Jr.

Plan 9 From Outer Space
Bride of the Monster
Glen or Glenda
Night of the Ghouls
Jail Bait

#7. Mario Bava

Blood & Black Lace
Black Sunday
Black Sabbath
Kill... Baby, Kill
Planet of the Vampires

#6. George A. Romero

Night of the Living Dead
Dawn of the Dead
Day of the Dead
The Crazies

#5. Russ Meyer

Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill!
Beyond the Valley of the Dolls
Motor Psycho

#4. Tobe Hooper

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
The Funhouse
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2

#3. John Carpenter

The Thing
The Fog
Assault on Precinct 13
Big Trouble in Little China
They Live
Escape From New York

#2. Wes Craven

A Nightmare on Elm Street
Scream Movies
The Last House on the Left
The Hills Have Eyes
New Nightmare

#1. Stanley Kubrick

The Shining
Eyes Wide Shut
Paths of Glory
Full Metal Jacket
A Clockwork Orange

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
I've no reason to believe that Carpenter won't rise up into my top 15-20 when I finally get to all his filmography. The master of the atmosphere.

That being said, you missed Red Eye for Wes Craven.

Great list nostromo, I had considered James Whale for my own list, and a few others popped up in my mind. I haven't seen enough of Corman but I love what I've seen, also very interested in seeing more Bava, and seeing a Meyer film.

I've no reason to believe that Carpenter won't rise up into my top 15-20 when I finally get to all his filmography. The master of the atmosphere.

That being said, you missed Red Eye for Wes Craven.
Hmmm, I think I like all the films nostro listed for Craven more than Red Eye.

I wish I had more horror directors in my top ten, but when it comes to craft I just admire a lot of the arthouse directors.

I've only seen Plan 9 from Outer Space, it's definitely fun and I imagine he's a really goofy director, so maybe that's why. He's kind of a strange and fascinating oddity.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
Nostromo and all the rest of you, make sure you watch James Whale's Show Boat which is full of expressionistic imagery similar to his horror films. I'm pretty sure you'll dig it.
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page

Quentin Tarantino
-Pulp Fiction(1994)
-Kill Bill(2003)
-Kill Bill 2(2004)
-Inglourious Basterds(2009)
-Reserviour Dogs(1992)

Martin Scorsese
-Shutter Island(2010)
-The Departed(2006)
-Wolf Of Wall Street(2013)
-Taxi Driver(1976)

Christopher Nolan
-The Dark Knight(2008)
-The Prestige(2006)

Kevin Smith
-Clerks 2(2006)
-Jay and Silent Bob Strikes Back(2001)
-Zack and Miri Makes a Porno(2008)

Alfred Hitchcok
-North By Northwest(1959)
-Dial M for Murder(1954)
-Strangers on a Train(1951)

Trouble with a capital "T"
Nostromo and all the rest of you, make sure you watch James Whale's Show Boat which is full of expressionistic imagery similar to his horror films. I'm pretty sure you'll dig it.
I've been wanting to watch the original Show Boat for a very long time. But I never knew James Whale's directed it. I'll post a review one of these days when I see it.

Did anybody see the movie based on James Whales life Gods and Monsters (1998)? It was interesting and well made.

I listed my favorite directors in another thread that got locked, I figured I'd post them here.

Stanley Kubrick: Full Metal Jacket, A Clockwork Orange, 2001: A Space Odyssey

Peter Jackson: The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, The Hobbit Trilogy

Sam Peckinpah: The Wild Bunch, Straw Dogs, Cross of Iron

Terrence Malick: The Thin Red Line, Days of Heaven, Badlands

Edward Zwick: Glory, The Last Samurai, Blood Diamond

My favorites are always changing, but for now:

Takeshi Kitano
1. Hana-bi
2. Sonatine
3. Kikujiro
4. A Scene at The Sea
5. Boiling Point

Masaki Kobayashi
1. Harakiri
2. Samurai Rebellion
3. Kwaidan
4. The Human Condition

Lars von Trier
1. Breaking the Waves
2. Melancholia
3. Europa
4. Antichrist
5. The Element of Crime
Still need to see: The Idiots, Dancer in The Dark, Dogville

Orson Welles:
1. Citizen Kane
2. The Trial
3. Macbeth
4. F For Fake
5. Touch of Evil
Still need to see: The Lady From Shanghai, Othello, Mr. Arkadin

Jean-Luc Godard:
1. Breathless
2. Weekend
3. Vivre sa Vie
4. Goodbye to Language
Still need to see: Like most of his filmography

For the latter, I haven't seen very many of his films, but three of the four I've seen by him were just perfection.

Still got loads of Directors i want to explore, and some i've really liked so far i've yet to see 4 films of, but at this point it'd be something like this.

Martin Scorcese:

1.Taxi Driver
2.The King of Comedy
4.The Wolf of Wall Street
5.The Last Waltz

Alfred Hitchcock:

1.North By Northwest
4.Dial M For Murder

Akira Kurosawa:

2.Seven Samurai
5.Dersu Uzala


1,The Godfather
2.Apocalypse Now
3.The Godfather Part 2
4.The Outsiders


1.There Will Be Blood
2.The Master
4.Punch Drunk Love
5.Boogie Nights

David Lynch

2.Mulholland Drive
3.Blue Velvet
4.The Elephant Man
5.The Straight Story

Werner Herzog

1.Aguirre: The Wrath of God
2.Grizzly Man
5.Into The Abyss

Alex Gibney:

1.Enron: The Smartest Guys In The Room
2.Taxi to the Dark Side
3.Casino Jack
4.Magic Trip
5.We Steal Secrets

Woody Allen:

2.Take The Money and Run
3.Midnight in Paris
5.Annie Hall

Stanley Kubrick

1.A Clockwork Orange
2.The Shining
3.Full Metal Jacket
4.Eyes Wide Shut

That guy with the Alien avatar.
Ridley Scott
- Alien
- Blade Runner
- Gladiator
- White Squall
- Legend

M. Night Shyamalan
- Signs
- The Sixth Sense
- After Earth

Wes Craven
- The People Under the Stairs
- They
- A Nightmare on Elm Street
(All of them, even the remake.)

John Carpenter
- The Thing
- They Live
- Halloween
- Escape From New York
- Prince of Darkness
- In The Mouth of Madness

James Cameron
- Aliens
- The Abyss
- Avatar
- Titanic

Paul W. S. Anderson
- Event Horizon
- Pandorum

Peter Jackson
- Lord of the Rings Trilogy
- The Hobbit Trilogy
- King Kong

Steven Spielberg
- Indiana Jones
- E.T.
- Close Encounters

Stanley Kubrick
- 2001
- A Clockwork Orange
- The Shining
- Full Metal Jacket!

David Lynch
- Dune
- Lost Highway
- Mulholland Dr.

Top 10 Directors

1. David Lynch (Wild at Heart (1990), Lost Highway (1997), Mulholland Drive (2001))

2. Coen Brothers (Barton Fink (1991), Fargo (1996), The Big Lebowski (1998))

3. Nicolas Winding Refin (Bronson (2008), Drive (2011), Only God Forgives (2013))

4. Jim Jarmusch (Broken Flowers (2005), The Limits of Control (2009), Only Lovers Left Alive (2013))

5. David Fincher (The Game (1997), Panic Room (2002), Gone Girl (2014))

6. Ridley Scott (Blade Runner (1982), Thelma & Louise (1991), Black Hawk Down (2001))

7. Edgar Wright (Shaun of the Dead (2004), Hot Fuzz (2007), The World's End (2013))

8. Jeremy Saulnier (Blue Ruin (2013), Green Room (2015))

9. Zack Snyder (Watchmen (2009), Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole (2010), Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016))

10. Steven Spielberg (Indiana Jones, Saving Private Ryan (1998), Minority Report (2002))

Please hold your applause till after the me.
Just to name a few. (No particular order save for Scorsese as he is my favorite.)

Martin Scorsese
1. Goodfellas
2. Taxi Driver
3. Departed
4. Raging Bull
5. Hugo

Alfred Hitchcock
1. North By Northwest
2. Psycho
3. Strangers on a Train
4. Vertigo
5. The Birds

Steven Spielberg
1. Raiders of the Lost Ark
2. Schindlers List
3. Saving Private Ryan
4. Jurassic Park
5. Jaws

Coen Brothers
1. No Country For Old Men
2. Big Lebowski
3. Fargo
4. True Grit
5. Millers Crossing

James Cameron
1. Terminator 2
2. Aliens
3. Terminator
4. Titanic
5. Avatar

David Fincher
1. Fight Club
2. Se7en
3. Social Network
4. Girl With The Dragon Tattoo
5. Curious Case of Benjamin Button

Stanley Kubrick
1. Dr. Strangelove
2. Paths of Glory
3. The Shining
4. Full Metal Jacket
5. 2001

Quentin Tarantino
1. Pulp Fiction
2. Inglorious Basterds
3. Kill Bill 1 and 2
4. Django Unchained
5. Reservoir Dogs

Ridley Scott
1. Blade Runner
2. Alien
3. Gladiator
4. The Martian
5. Thelma and Louise

Robert Wise
1. The Day the Earth Stood Still
2. The Haunting
3. Sand Pebbles
4. The Setup
5. West Side Story

Ron Howard
1. Apollo 13
2. Beautiful Mind
3. Frost/Nixon
4. Splash
5. Parenthood

Sidney Lumet
1. 12 Angry Men
2. Dog Day Afternoon
3. Network
4. Serpico
5. Fail Safe

Christopher Nolan
1. The Dark Knight
2. Inception
3. Memento
4. Insomnia
5. Interstellar