What horrible movies were you forced to watch and why?


I just remembered a movie going experience i'd totally been repressing, apparently. Back in the mid 90's, a friend of mine was a film critic for his university's newspaper. He was given two passes to a critic's showing of an upcoming movie, and he invited me along. I hopped the train and met him in the city, ready for free entertainment. The film? Breaking the Waves by Lars Von Trier...
Oh holy crap was that a terrible movie. It was disturbing, depressing, and held no entertainment value whatsoever. I actually thought it was a bit sexist, too. I loathed that film, and refuse to see anything by that particular director to this day. We left the cinema in such foul moods, nothing could cheer us up...
That seems like pretty bad judgement on his part. By looking at your top ten, I wouldn't recommend anything of the like. Did he know of your taste?

I'm not old, you're just 12.
That seems like pretty bad judgement on his part. By looking at your top ten, I wouldn't recommend anything of the like. Did he know of your taste?
well he didn't know what the film was either. I don't think either of us would have chosen it were it not free, even though he definitely was more into art films than I ever will be.
"You, me, everyone...we are all made of star stuff." - Neil Degrasse Tyson


Edge of Tomorrow: I wouldn't say it's horrible, but I watched against my will because my brother promised it would be better than Brave...I'm not sure that was much of a promise.
Not So Slim Shady

Chappie doesn't like the real world
I'm 33 and I love that movie. I'd say it's just about as popular with adults, especially young adults, as it is with children. A lot of the "kids" animation these days really resonate with an adult audience. As a fan of animation, I frequently go and see films like that at the theater and it's not at all uncommon to see other adults there sans children.
Yeah, about the only movies that could get me to the theaters these days are animated movies because I usually at least somewhat enjoy them.

I love How To Train Your Dragon as does just about every adult I know.

Well everyone else who watched it liked it too. I guess I'm the only one who doesn't like How to Train Your Dragon. But it was just an hour and a half sitting on the top of the sofa, because the room was crowded. People were even sitting on the floor. So it was uncomfortable and boring for me.

Registered User
Awful? As in disgusting, terrible, revolting, repulsive, etc.? What films have you seen in critical viewings class which were better?
Mark needs to stop being so insecure and accept that people have different opinions than him, rather than challenge their credentials in a petty manor. Not everyone has to like Citizen Kane just because it's regarded as a classic.

Registered User
No, they should like it because it's great.
Nah not really - liking has more to do with personal preferences - you but you can still appreciate greatness. Big difference lol

Registered User
I think that was mark's point when asking about which films they'd seen which were better in a critical viewing.
Hard to tell with Mark

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Mark needs to stop being so insecure and accept that people have different opinions than him, rather than challenge their credentials in a petty manor. Not everyone has to like Citizen Kane just because it's regarded as a classic.
You should probably know that the reason everyone here is defending Mark and respects his opinion is because he is the exact opposite person that you seem to think he is.

If you would spend some time on here and get to know people's personalities instead of showing up fifteen minutes a week to pick fights you might understand that.

Registered User
You should probably know that the reason everyone here is defending Mark and respects his opinion is because he is the exact opposite person that you seem to think he is.
I got the impression he was drive-by trolling a newbie who's opinion bugged him, since he has a history of doing that. Notice how the user has only 7 posts, and Mark has no contribs in this thread other than dissing a newbie's opinion?

If you would spend some time on here and get to know people's personalities instead of showing up fifteen minutes a week to pick fights you might understand that.
I'm calling him out - I know he won't reply because people who do that aren't used to being confronted - he tried the same thing on me, then when I called him out he backed off without a word, lol.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I am not going to speak for him because I know he doesn't want or need me to. What I will say is mine and your first experiences on this site are very different.

Normally I wouldn't go on with this, but I feel that's one of the reasons that UF hasn't returned and I don't want that to happen again with a member who's given so much for the sake of making a post.

You really couldn't be more wrong about mark. He'd love nothing more, well, except watch films of course, I think, than to sit and talk movies all day with most people, but he can't for health reasons. Not via a keyboard, at least. That's one of the reasons his posts are short now. If you want to know what he thinks about a film, try and find somewhere on the site where he's talked about the film before. You might not agree, I often don't , but he had no problem being able to explain his point and get it over in a way which made even the most unappreciative audience (often me again) understand why he thought what he did.

He may be a little crankier now and his posts are far less frequent and much shorter (for instance, go look at the movie tab. He might've only watched about half as many films back then, but each entry would usually have quite a bit written about it and he'd always be happy to expand on any and all points raised) but he's still a much valued, respected and loved member of the site.

Of course you don't have to like him or respect him or anything else. But if you don't like him, at least be sure about who you don't like.

This isn't me having a go at you, BTW, but I know who you think mark is and who he is is wrong.

Registered User
Normally I wouldn't go on with this, but I feel that's one of the reasons that UF hasn't returned and I don't want that to happen again with a member who's given so much for the sake of making a post.

You really couldn't be more wrong about mark. He'd love nothing more, well, except watch films of course, I think, than to sit and talk movies all day with most people, but he can't for health reasons. Not via a keyboard, at least. That's one of the reasons his posts are short now. If you want to know what he thinks about a film, try and find somewhere on the site where he's talked about the film before. You might not agree, I often don't , but he had no problem being able to explain his point and get it over in a way which made even the most unappreciative audience (often me again) understand why he thought what he did.

He may be a little crankier now and his posts are far less frequent and much shorter (for instance, go look at the movie tab. He might've only watched about half as many films back then, but each entry would usually have quite a bit written about it and he'd always be happy to expand on any and all points raised) but he's still a much valued, respected and loved member of the site.

Of course you don't have to like him or respect him or anything else. But if you don't like him, at least be sure about who you don't like.

This isn't me having a go at you, BTW, but I know who you think mark is and who he is is wrong.
I'll just put it this way - the only time I've had contact with the guy is him showing up out of the blue and making snarky "drive-by" comments; I'm assuming just because he disagrees with the opinion. When I called him out on this, he started doing the same thing - just passive-aggressively wording the comments in "3rd person" instead of addressing me directly. From the post in this thread to another newer user it looks like he has a habit of flaming newbies.

If he has health issues then my heart goes out to him, but if he keeps up his routine of sniping at me or others like that then I'll continue to be annoyed.

Here's just a few random examples:



Both those examples are from the same day. That may or may not be of any consequence, but I thought I'd raise it. Maybe he was having a bad day that day or, maybe, he saw two posts/reviews of two films from the same person, neither of which really review the films.

Beyond the content, I can't think of a reason for the von Trier comment. Maybe Von Trier made a comment about how he loved it? Maybe it's to do with Von Trier's Funny Games and his reasons for making it? That's what I took it to be.

Your post about Juno is almost exclusively about young high school mothers and society rather than the film itself. Whilst that's not invalid, his comment about reviewing the film rather than your feelings about the subject are valid, IMO. You don't have to address them, you've made your post and, if you're happy with it fine, but I think he's trying to provoke your thoughts about the film, rather than the subject matter.

I could be wrong. I probably am. Maybe that's why I've annoyed him so much over the years.

The Last Airbender: Do not get me wrong the show is one of the top 10 greatest shows of all time not just in animation but the second I found out who the director is I did not want to watch it. But my friend convinced me to give the movie a chance and I was dragged with him to watch it.

One of the worst pieces of **** that my eyes have seen

For years I was made watch It's A Wonderful Life every Christmas morn by my wife - finally caved and bought her the dvd (b/w version natch) so she can scratch that particularly irritating itch at her convenience on her own. Simply cannot stand Jimmy Stewart in that film (and a few others too truth be told).
At last! A cinematic soulmate...I have never gotten the appeal of It's a Wonderful Life either...that movie bores the crap out of me and I have understood the universal love it has earned.