Yearly First Viewing Top Tens


Thanks Seanc . Double indemnity was my latest veiwing from the top10 (and the one I had been postponing the longest), it has probably the best visual directing I've seen from Wilder and quite close to The apartment in terms of writing quality. So while my adoration for that one is too strong to be defeated, I would probably pick this as Wilder's most complete movie.

Stalker is a kind of long postponed work as well, but actually because I intended to explore the work of Tarkovsky in chronological order... I couldn't do this in the end, but that stopped me from watching this and Solaris (not yet seen) for a while. I am glad that I could finally watch it and get sucked into its superb atmosphere. It is no doubt a rich and complex film I'll enjoy even more in rewatch.

To be honest, and I'm kind of a fan of Roman Polanski's movies, Venus in fur flew under my radar for a long while. I didn't pay any attention to the director since I first grew an interest on Carnage at the time of its airing, though I couldn't see it in theaters (and by the way, watched it a month ago, and this time I was quite underwhelmed). For some reason Venus in fur didn't catch my interest at the time and I even forgot it existed. It turned to be a wonderful piece and its strong sexual tension and claustrophobic atmosphere throughout reminded me of the apartment trilogy.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Love your #4 MV. Like seeing Serpico in your honorable as well. I have loved that movie for a long time.

1. The Saragossa Manuscript (Has, 1965)
It's not often these days that a film will stay at the forefront of my mind for days after I've finished it. This film did. I cannot praise this film highly enough. It's absolutely stunning.
2. La Dolce Vita (Fellini, 1960)
3. It’s Such a Beautiful Day (Hertzfeldt, 2012)
"Six weeks later a sunflower grew out of his head."
I really don't think I can properly express just how amazing this film is. So I won't. If you haven't seen it, do so, immediately.
4. Hard to be a God (German, 2013)
Although technically a 2013 film, this probably will top my list of favourite films of 2014. Fantastic.
5. Cockfighter (Hellman, 1974)
An under seen gem. Albeit a very brutal and sometimes hard to watch, gem.
6. Body Double (De Palma, 1984)
This film has given me a whole new appreciation of De Palma, who was someone I'd long dismissed as a film maker which I now realise was a massive oversight on my part.
7. Blazing Saddles (Brooks, 1974)
There aren't many films which end with the destruction of the Hollywood system (I wouldn't call that a spoiler). Oh, and of course, it's very funny, too...
8. Stop Making Sense (Demme, 1984)
This film turned me into a Talking Heads fan.
9. Dead Man (Jarmusch, 1995)
Managed to catch it in the theatre over the summer. I have no doubt I would have liked the film if I'd seen it at home, but seeing it in a theatre certainly upped the experience.
10. The Parallel Street (Khittl, 1962)
A truly unique experience.

6. Body Double (De Palma, 1984)
This film has given me a whole new appreciation of De Palma, who was someone I'd long dismissed as a film maker which I now realise was a massive oversight on my part.
Glad to see yet another MoFo who acknowledges the sheer genius of that film.
Cobpyth's Movie Log ~ 2019

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Thanks for sharing Brother Blue. The only one of those I have seen is Beautiful Day which I quite liked. I have started Blazing Saddles a couple times but never made it through. I don't think Brooks humor is for me. I need to try some of his movies again though. It has been many years since I gave given him a shot.

Thanks for sharing Brother Blue. The only one of those I have seen is Beautiful Day which I quite liked. I have started Blazing Saddles a couple times but never made it through. I don't think Brooks humor is for me. I need to try some of his movies again though. It has been many years since I gave given him a shot.
I'd definitely give it another go. I, like you, wasn't quite feeling it at the start either, but I think the latter half really picks up and the ending is just fantastic.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Thanks for sharing Brother Blue. The only one of those I have seen is Beautiful Day which I quite liked. I have started Blazing Saddles a couple times but never made it through. I don't think Brooks humor is for me. I need to try some of his movies again though. It has been many years since I gave given him a shot.

If you like sci-fi, try watching Spaceballs. It's my favorite Mel Brooks movie, and it helps if you're a fan of the genre.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I've only seen one of yours Brother Blue, Dead Man. I liked quite well and even reviewed it here on my review thread. Since that one I've watched Mystery Train another Jim Jarmusch film. He's becoming a favorite director of mine. I'll have to watch a few more of his films.

mine will be horror-themed, just bc i feel like it



#8. SCRE4M (2011)

#7. BLOOD & BLACK LACE (1964)



#4. ERASERHEAD (1977)


#2. SCREAM 2 (1997)

#1. THE BURNING (1981)

seen a lotsa good non-horrors for the first time this year too!

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
If you like sci-fi, try watching Spaceballs. It's my favorite Mel Brooks movie, and it helps if you're a fan of the genre.
I watched that a bunch in High School but have never gone back to it. I am really scared it won't hold up because of the jokes I remember. I will get back to it though.

Man I've watched a lot of masterpiece this year. I never thought it would be that hard to make a top 10. I just couldn't, it has to be a top 20. (and I would put 40 easy)

1. The Decline of the American Empire (1986) directed by Denys Arcand
2. The Barbarian Invasion (2003) directed by Denys Arcand
3. The Third Man (1949) directed by Carol Reed
4. Three Colors Red (1994) directed by Krzysztof Kieslowski
5. Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter... and Spring (2003) directed by Ki-duk Kim
6. Le Cercle Rouge (1970) directed by Jean-Pierre Melville
7. Inherit The Wind (1960) directed by Stanley Kramer
8. Harakiri (1962) directed by Masaki Kobayashi
9. Autumn Sonata (1978) directed by Ingmar Bergman
10. That Obscur Object of Desire (1977) directed by Luis Bunuel
11. Double Indemnity (1944) directed by Billy Wilder
12. The Man Who Would be King (1975) directed by John Huston
13. Companeros & My Name is Nobody (1970, 1975) directed by Sergio Corbucci and Tonino Valeri
14. Whisper of the Heart (1995) directed by Yoshifumi Kondo
15. The Big Blue (1988) directed by Luc Besson
16. The Professionnal (1981) directed by George Lautner
17. L'âge des Ténèbres (Days of Darkness) (2007) directed by Denys Arcand
18. Hiroshima Mon Amour (1959) directed by Alain Resnais
19. Laura (1944) directed by Otto Preminger
20. Stalker (1979) directed by Andrei Tarkovsky

Other movies that I LOVED, but just couldn't make the top 20

The Experiment
5 Centimeters Per Seconds
Abre los Ojos
Kramer vs Kramer
Late Spring
Claire's Knee
The Straight Story
Memories of Murder
Wild Strawberries
Mulholland Drive
In a Lonely Place
Gone Girl
Red Beard
The Red Shoes
The Twilight Samurai
Under the Skin
Babette's Feast
Get Carter
X-Men Days of Future Past
Bound for Glory
F for Fake
Jagten (The Hunt)
I Comme Icare (I as in Icarus)
La Nuit Américaine (Day for Night)
The Friends of Eddie Coyle
Belle de Jour
Breaker Morant
The Seventh Seal
Festen (The Celebration)
Chariots of Fire
I do not speak english perfectly so expect some mistakes here and there in my messages

These are the best ones I saw this year. I excluded animation since that countdown is still going, and I bolded what's probably my favorite 15-

The Long Good Friday
Rain Man
Elmer Gantry
The Wolf of Wall Street
Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolfe
The Best Years of Our Lives
Little Big Man
Singin' in the Rain
Mona Lisa
The Bridge on the River Kwai
Witness for the Prosecution
Planet of the Apes
The Straight Story
American Hustle
The 25th Hour
The Apartment
Coming Home
The Beguiled
The Shootist
Wake in Fright
The Adventures of Robin Hood
Mikey and Nicky
3 Women
The Marriage of Maria Braun
Joe (1970)
The Seven Samurai
War and Peace
On the Waterfront
The 400 Blows
The Third Man
Breakfast at Tiffany's
One-Eyed Jacks
Lawrence of Arabia
Touch of Evil
A Seperation
High and Low
Divorce Italian Style
Le Trou
The Umbrellas of Cherbourg

Good thread idea seanc. I don't know if I want to list mine because I don't want to give spoilers for the top 150 list I'm working on. But I'm enjoying looking at other people's lists.

I cant really recall all the movies i have seen this year, but from the last half year i would say these three are at the top of my list of new discoveries:

World on a Wire (1973) by Rainer Werner Fassbinder

Platform (2000) by Jia Zhang-Ke

Shadows of Our Forgotten Ancestors (1964) by Sergei Parajanov

Two other films that i forgot, that were really intriguing:

Je t'aime, je t'aime (1968) by Alain Resnais

Quince Tree of the Sun (1992) by Victor Erice

Here are the ten best movies I saw for the first time since January 1st 2014:

1. 12 Years a Slave
2. Gravity
3. The Conformist
4. The Americanization of Emily
5. The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeois
6. The Grand Budapest Hotel
7. Sorcerer
8. Inside Llewellyn Davis
9. Dallas Buyers Club
10. Fruitvale Station
I may go back to hating you. It was more fun.

Too hard for me to work out a top 10 so here are the films that I watched for the first time in 2014 and rated
. They are ordered according to when I watched them:

The Circus (1928) - Charles Chaplin
Fanny & Alexander (1982) - Ingmar Bergman
The Human Condition III: A Soldier's Prayer (1961) - Masaki Kobayashi
The Wind Will Carry Us (1999) - Abbas Kiarostami
Rear Window (1954) - Alfred Hitchcock
A Separation (2011) - Asghar Farhadi
High & Low (1963) - Akira Kurosawa
Still Walking (2008) - Hirokazu Koreeda
Together (2000) - Lukas Moodysson
The Weeping Meadow (2004) - Theodoros Angelopoulos
The Turin Horse (2011) - Bela Tarr
Spirit of the Beehive (1973) - Victor Erice
Equinox Flower (1958) - Yasujiro Ozu
Like Father, Like Son (2013) - Hirokazu Koreeda
The Graduate (1967) - Mike Nichols
Boyhood (2014) - Richard Linklater
Judgement at Nuremberg (1961) - Stanley Kramer
2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) - Stanley Kubrick
Nights of Cabiria (1957) - Federico Fellini
Be With Me (2005) - Eric Khoo
The Red Shoes (1948) - Michael Powell/Emeric Pressburger

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
I wanted to make this list, but I didn't want it to contain anything that will show up on my best of 2014 list. This year I've seen a record number of both total movies and new-to-me films. Many have been, to put it mildly, junk. I may have forgotten a few, but here's a list of the ones I'd most like to share with you that you may not have seen. There is one cartoon short to support the ten features (so watch Porky in Wackyland before you watch each feature!)

Porky in Wackyland (Robert Clampett, 1938)
Many Wars Ago (Francesco Rosi, 1970)
Jimi Hendrix (Joe Boyd, John Head, and Gary Weis, 1973)
The Eagle Shooting Heroes (Jeff Lau, 1993)
The Beaches of Agnès (Agnès Varda, 2008)
Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son about His Father (Kurt Kuenne, 2008)
City of Life and Death (Chuan Lu, 2009)
Vittorio D. (Mario Canale and Annarosa Morri, 2009)
Mysteries of Lisbon (Raúl Ruiz, 2010)
End of Watch (David Ayer, 2012)
The Missing Picture (Rithy Panh, 2013)
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Thanks for sharing a list Mark. I have only ever heard of End Of Watch. I need to see that. Definitely something I would normally watch, not sure why I am taking so long getting to it.