MoFo Lists


I like how Guap bemoans the insular nature of all western animation, yet all of his favourite animation comes from one of the more insular cultures in the world: Japan.
I don't think Japan is that insular. Compared to most large countries it is quite open. I see many references made to foreigners all the time in Japanese media. Of course, Japan is much more isolated than small countries like Denmark, but that's not the correct unit of comparison. Japan is a civilization, like Europe+North America can be understood as a single society.

And the world's most insular culture is obviously western culture, in that list of top 1000 movies, I remember that about 890 movies on the list were from North America+Europe. In terms of animation the insularity manifests in these lists which are 85% western even though North America + Europe produces around 1/4 of the world's animation.

Western animation is just a manifestation of this general insularity. I noticed it in animation because it is the field where I consume the most non-Western culture, in music, videogames and live action film and TV about 90% of the favorites are also from North America + Europe. Though one thing that animation is different from other cultural products is that Europe + North America doesn't produce much of it specially in terms of adult content. The genres in animation that I like are virtually inexistent in that region of the world.

That's why anime fans exist and they are not called "animation fans", because these genres of animation that anime fans watch do not exist in the west (in significant quantities at least). Such as slice of life and serious science fiction.

It doesn't matter how many times you say insular, you're still wrong.
"Don't be so gloomy. After all it's not that awful. Like the fella says, in Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock."

Good news. This...

Also, is there any chance we'll be seeing access to the lists section on the mobile version some time soon? now done. Or at least, functional: you can view your lists, update them, view other people's lists and updates, etc. I finally got around to making most of the content areas usable on mobile, so you can read Essays, Reviews, and Box Office reports on mobile now.

The more interactive stuff (like searching Lists, filtering Reviews, and Quizzes) will be a little longer, but I really wanted to get the basics up, at least, especially for Lists. Thanks for your patience!

Hello Yoda, after Miss. Vicky's Animated List is completed, I was wondering if you can add some lists to this site? I have some suggestions, some are personal choices while others would make others happy. You don't have to do all of them, just as many as you can.

AFI's 100 Heroes and Villains
AFI's 100 Songs
AFI's 100 Quotes
(For the above three, you'll have one checkoff for each film that appeared on those lists, not the actual song, quote or character.)
AFI's 25 Scores
AFI's Top 10 (All in the same list.)

James Stewart's Filmography
Cary Grant's Filmography
Alfred Hitchcock's Filmography
Gene Kelly's Filmography
Fred Astaire's Filmography
Stanley Kubrick's Filmography
Quentin Tarantino's Filmography
Martin Scorsese's Filmography
Leonardo DiCaprio's Filmography
Christopher Nolan's Filmography

BFI List of the 50 Films You Should See before the age of 14

Lots of good suggestions. A couple complications, though, one specific and one broad.

The specific one is that we're using an external data source for our movie database, so we'd have to work around that to program in things like quotes or characters that aren't always tied to any one movie.

The broad one is that the next round of features planned for that area could render a lot of this superfluous, anyway. That's all I'll say for now.

Lots of good suggestions. A couple complications, though, one specific and one broad.

The specific one is that we're using an external data source for our movie database, so we'd have to work around that to program in things like quotes or characters that aren't always tied to any one movie.

The broad one is that the next round of features planned for that area could render a lot of this superfluous, anyway. That's all I'll say for now.

Thanks for catching that. This is actually a tricky problem--the data source we use lists release dates for different countries. It was released in 1962 in Brazil, but 1964 in America. If we use foreign release dates we run into problems with other lists--for example, some of the films on the decade lists look wrong because they were technically released just before or just after the start or end of a decade in some other country.

I'll have to think about how to handle this. I might add a date override field for special cases. Might not be too much work if it remains a rare problem.

That's interesting. I went through all the lists looking for movies to watch for the 1964 thread, and I marked that one down. Mark f mentioned in the thread that it was actually 1962, so I looked it up, and sure enough IMDb lists it as 1962. That's when I posted here.

Dig--please, by all means, always post here when you notice something like that. It's just as likely to be an outright error as it is to be an example of the issue I mentioned. And it's important to know how often it arises, anyway, so I can figure out if it's frequent enough that I should take the time to modify the system a bit more. Much appreciated!

Okay, I just went ahead and added an override field. It might not be the most elegant solution (it's a little redundant, possibly), but it was quick and easy and this doesn't come up too often. Thanks again.

Good call. I've got another one or two from BFI that have been suggested, and I'm behind on adding them. It might be a bit longer since the Oscars are coming up and I've got a lot to do with that, but I'll add this to the list and try to get a couple of these (along with Sight & Sound's documentaries list, most likely) up in a bit.

Coming soon, I promise! I'm a little swamped with Oscar stuff, but I'm recording the podcast soon, and I should be able to get a new list up between that and the Movie Club one next week.

Just added the new animation list:

Movie Forums: Top Animated Films

Gonna try to add another (external) list sometime next week, as well, to tide ya'll over as I work on a pretty sizable expansion of the lists area in the background.