Enough is Enough !!!


Okay , I have had just enough now!!

I have been here for a little over 3 years, and I enjoy chatting with everyone here. I have fun posting and reading posts each and every day. Though, I have one problem. There are some people who get in the way of the enjoyment. They know who they are and it ruins my time, really getting on my nerves.
It's when I post a thread, no matter what it is, it seems to be "a waste". I don't think so at all.......I give input on movies ALL the time. I put threads on movies and fun threads as well. Why not either be part of the thread or not all. If I make do something wrong in a thread (or double post like I used to)....it's called a - - I don't know if you heard of it before - - um, well, a mistake
Also, please treat others the way you want to be treated. It's true I may have been a little harsh ...that's because I couldn't take your crap.
I have heard and whatnot that "He's just probably kidding or joking around" . That, i don't know.
Let me tell you that there is a line drawn. There is no need for the comments and complaints...keep them to yourself. I am SURE there will be. Right now I really don't care anymore. It all pisses me off too much!

You're right. You do indeed post on the topic of movies a lot. And that's great. Well done. Your contribution there is not being called into question.

I think you need to be much more selective about what other threads you start. Especially in the Intermission Forum. There is a line between good discussion-matter and pointless crap. If you can learn to determine which is which and use that knowledge to determine what threads you do or do not need to start, then good for you. You will have risen to a whole new level.

You get my drift? You get my drift.

Until then.

Hey Jrs, I for one value the useful info that you post.
When I Die Bury Me Upside Down So The World Can Kiss My A$$.

I'm rather torn here. While your prescence is, on the whole, certainly a positive one, I cannot deny that this forum's level of discourse has taken a dramatic turn for the worse over the last 6 months.

We've always had pointless threads, but of a different variety, if you get my meaning. They were pointless, but we knew it, and they were embraced as an excuse to trade witticisms (think: the long back-and-forths featuring some combination of Matt, Toose, myself, Mary, and perhaps Holden). Moreover, they were always supplemental.

I'd be lying if I said I haven't had some "complaints" as to the level of irreverency around here as of late. This forum used to be (and to some degree, still is) set apart from all the others in that you could always find other members willing to go over the most philosophical or issues with you. These days there's a bit too much "here's a thread dedicated to a single trailer" or "man this movie looks great!!!!!" for my blood. I do hope it can return to the conversational heights it's reached in the past.

Before I begin I want everyone to know that I am aware that I am new to this board. I know trust, friendship, repect, etc... comes with tenure. So I understand my words may not be weighed very heavily. I just wanted to pass along my thoughts here, which come from vast experience in community type enviornments. This is definitely a community here, although some may disagree, we share everything from personal thoughts to general opinions. Just like a small village, or a military unit, or whatever analogy works for you, we have those that we hate to love and those we love to hate, and those we love, but hate what they think, and so on and so on. Some threads may be pointless, some may even be down right boring. For the most part, however, those words "pointless", "boring", and a slew of others are relative terms. We stray ,way to often, off topic just to complain. If you want to mention a thread that has been posted before , or a topic that is run in the ground, just put a link to the previous thread or threads. Maybe even a comment or two wouldnt hurt about the subject of the thread. Certainly if you read the subject title, if it was forthcoming, you knew what it was about before you read it. If it looks boring or revisted, why even read it , other than you want to complian? I never try to start fights, but by golly I don't tun away from them either. Civility will go along way towards acheiveing a goal. Bottom line here: We dont have to all like each other to make this a fun place, matter of fact if we did, it would be quite boring, but please be at least civil to one another. Thanks
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

Evolution in Progress...
7thson has some good points... I am very new to the forum...and in fact i have never posted on a forum before in my life, so i have had to get help for the things i don't understand. But everyone here in my view has been polite when i had questions that i am sure seemed ridiculous or very simple, and so far i haven't seen anyone say anything so awful that they should be banned or downcast for their opion. I mean isn't the point of a forum to express yourself and your view with other people (hopefully to grow as a person). I am learning all sorts of stuff that i didn't know much about (like who directs which movies... i never knew much about directors beforee),and while i may still be ignorant and naive to many things I'd still like to think that my opinion counts and has merit, even if I don't have 1,000 + posts. Yoda you have been very helpful with some of my questions, and i know sometimes teaching idiots like me what is going on must be like raising kids but we all start somewhere and (most of us) mature in time. So while i am new to the forum, I would like to say this.

I appriciate all that I've seen, and read while here and hope you guys value my input as much as i value your knowledge as veteran movie-goers

Thanx Much

Captain Morgan
"If there is one sound the follows the march of humanity, it is the scream." David Gemmell

"Some people have a gift for stupidity,an almost mystic ability to withstand any form of logic."-David Gemmell

When I become and Evil Lord dominating all mankind to my will if an advisor says to me "My liege, he is but one man. What can one man possibly do?", I will reply "This." and kill the advisor.

Originally Posted by The Silver Bullet
Hey, Yoda, what's your favourite ice-cream flavour?
Is this kindling the fire or making a point? Both? Or better yet is it someone trying to be a smarta**, but they arent even good at it?

there's a frog in my snake oil
Kindling! Yes, that's the word! He's a kindling strewer so he is. Thankyou 7, i shall call our young sardonic rapscallion stick-boy from now on.

Am i on topic?
Virtual Reality chatter on a movie site? Got endless amounts of it here. Reviews over here

Originally Posted by Yoda
I'm rather torn here. While your prescence is, on the whole, certainly a positive one, I cannot deny that this forum's level of discourse has taken a dramatic turn for the worse over the last 6 months.

We've always had pointless threads, but of a different variety, if you get my meaning. They were pointless, but we knew it, and they were embraced as an excuse to trade witticisms (think: the long back-and-forths featuring some combination of Matt, Toose, myself, Mary, and perhaps Holden). Moreover, they were always supplemental.

I'd be lying if I said I haven't had some "complaints" as to the level of irreverency around here as of late. This forum used to be (and to some degree, still is) set apart from all the others in that you could always find other members willing to go over the most philosophical or issues with you. These days there's a bit too much "here's a thread dedicated to a single trailer" or "man this movie looks great!!!!!" for my blood. I do hope it can return to the conversational heights it's reached in the past.

Fully understandable Yoda....I began this thread in simple unnecessary(and probable assinine) rage. Like 7thSon stated, "Although some may disagree, we share everything from personal thoughts to general opinions."
Looking back at what I posted, I feel somewhat awkward. I just hope you all can excuse me for it.

I See You When You're Sleeping
What? That's it? I expected some sort of verbal fighting to go on!

jrs! You smell! (you probably don't though...)

I like cheese!
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

Originally Posted by MinionTV
What? That's it? I expected some sort of verbal fighting to go on!

jrs! You smell! (you probably don't though...)

Verbal fighting....hmmmm? I think I "smell" trouble.

Originally Posted by The Silver Bullet
Hey, Yoda, what's your favourite ice-cream flavour?
That wasn't as bad as my "What's your favorite fruit juice?" thread. Talk about hitting bottom of the barrel.

I am having a nervous breakdance
Originally Posted by MinionTV
jrs! You smell!
There's nothing wrong with crap.
The novelist does not long to see the lion eat grass. He realizes that one and the same God created the wolf and the lamb, then smiled, "seeing that his work was good".


They had temporarily escaped the factories, the warehouses, the slaughterhouses, the car washes - they'd be back in captivity the next day but
now they were out - they were wild with freedom. They weren't thinking about the slavery of poverty. Or the slavery of welfare and food stamps. The rest of us would be all right until the poor learned how to make atom bombs in their basements.

Is this kindling the fire or making a point? Both? Or better yet is it someone trying to be a smarta**, but they arent even good at it?
Don't reply to anything I write ever again.

Originally Posted by 7thson
Wait I take that back, it doesnt matter. I will abide by your wish, and never respond to anything you write ever again, from this point forward, here on out, till the sands of time pour their last grain through the hour glass of space. No Problem. Wish Granted*****poof********