Mother of God: Rauldc14s 100 TV Shows

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I know this is the arse end of your list, but it looks like your taste in TV might be as poor as your taste in film.

I like the L&O shows, though. That said, I rarely see them and only ever really got into the original on a week in, week out basis.

Bring it, raul. More, more more!
5-time MoFo Award winner.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
I don't watch First Take much anymore, but I still think it can be hilarious at times. Skip vs. Stephen A. And I like Cari Champion.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Do you still like First Take? I used to love it but Skip and Stephen A get on my nerves now.
I know this is the arse end of your list, but it looks like your taste in TV might be as poor as your taste in film.

I like the L&O shows, though. That said, I rarely see them and only ever really got into the original on a week in, week out basis.

Bring it, raul. More, more more!
I actually admit I like some rubbish, because for TV rubbish is entertaining. It is a different ball game than film to me. That said, I still like some good stuff too

I don't watch First Take much anymore, but I still think it can be hilarious at times. Skip vs. Stephen A. And I like Cari Champion.
I miss Jay and Dana. I even miss Woody some, of course it wasn't First Take when Woody was on. I go all the way back to when that show was called Cold Pizza.

I actually admit I like some rubbish, because for TV rubbish is entertaining. It is a different ball game than film to me. That said, I still like some good stuff too
I can understand that. I like crappy films for the same reason.

You have a show on your 100 that's still on but that you don't watch? Is it just me that finds that odd?
Not when its a five day a week show that has been running forever.

I hated "Fear Factor". It was such a disgusting concept.
Yea, I'll probably not survive very long in "Fear Factor" especially with snakes.
Watch a trailer and go to the moviesright.

You have a show on your 100 that's still on but that you don't watch? Is it just me that finds that odd?
Yeah, it's just you. You find everything odd if you don't agree with it.

Honeykid, you have been very irritating lately. I know why now. It came to me. You haven't been put in your place in awhile. You need the services of Ms. Whoopi Goldberg again. It's been awhile.

This will modify your behavior and bring you back to something I can tolerate.

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I never heard of Are You Aftaid of the Dark.

I've seen Maury, but i wasn't crazy about him.

The Simpsons is great.

I know I've seen Rocky and Bullwinkle, but I don't remember it.

Haven't seen Law and Order.

Haven't seen Pawn Stars, but I love Hardcore Pawn.

Haven't seen George Lopez or Next.

I remember loving The Weskest Link, but I don't remember anything about it.

Never heard of Cupcake Wars

I don't watch ESPN anymore.

Liked Sesame Street as a kid.

Next was a show on MTV -- I don't think it's still on? -- where these young people did this sort of speed dating thing. For example, there would be a bunch of guys on a bus. Outside the bus was a young lady who was looking to find a good date. A guy would come off the bus and he and the young lady would have a little date. If she started to get tired of him and realized she didn't like him, she'd holler "NEXT!" and that would mean she was DONE with him. He failed to impress her and the date would be over. Then another guy would come off the bus and they'd do it over again. If neither one of them got sick of each other and said "NEXT!" then the date was a success and they might continue seeing each other outside the show.

It was hilarious because often dates would end immediately as soon as the person came off the bus. Someone could walk off that bus and the other person could immediately judge them based on looks and call out, "NEXT!" Sometimes even the person getting off the bus would take one look at who's waiting for them and go, "NEXT!" This was the best part about the show. The people who don't even get started on the dates and get rejected immediately. They'd get so burned and start telling off the person, then the person who rejected them would start calling them ugly and such and such.

They even had gay people on the show sometimes.

I will watch Diners, Drive Ins, and Dives with my father-in-law when I'm visiting there. It's a great show for people who love food.

Haven't seen the other.