

This is amazing news, I loved the test footage and if the film is all cgi like the test footage, I dont care. We need a decent comic book version of Deadpool in film and it has to be for a mature audience not a 12/pg13, Marvel take note!
I know right, and with Ryan Reynolds and his brand of comedy and touch to Deadpool this could be awesome.

Just found out the film will be rated PG-13.
Could you give us a source? That's such terrible news I can't believe it unless I see proof
I love films, videogames an- SHUT UP DONNY! YOU'RE OUT OF YOUR ELEMENT!!
I'm a dudeist, a jedi, and a ninja.

A loving heart is the truest wisdom.
Could you give us a source? That's such terrible news I can't believe it unless I see proof says it's rumored but not confirmed. I'd be surprised if the theatrical version is rated R though. With big budget blockbusters about the most you can hope is an R rated director's cut on DVD and Bluray.
You will find that if you look for the light, you can often find it. But if you look for the dark, that is all you will ever see.

Well, guess I'll backtrack in an effort to stay positive...

Hopefully this will make the script better, because of a lack of cop-out, insert bloody mess here scenes. The scene in Guardians where Ronan first uses his hammer is pretty gruesome, yet you only see the after. You can do a lot with innuendo and metaphor, that the absence of F-bombs shouldn't be that big a deal.

Here is a good idea that I take no credit for whatsoever...

Let the movie be full of bleeps and pixelated mayhem. Use the the 2 f drops allowed per a pg-13 by having Deadpool find the censor as an end credits scene and giving him a piece of his mind.

I'm really excited they finally announced this film! I will be lining up days before the comes out for sure! When I first saw X-Men Origins Wolverine, I didn't mind it as much. Since then I have become a Deadpool fan from the comics and that movie just demolished that character. Hoping for redemption in this movie.

I hope this is going to be a good movie. You have to do Deadpool right. Not like that mess that we shall never talk about again (X-Men Origins: Wolverine). I'm surprised it's coming out a few months before X-Men: Apocalypse, but I think Fox is really realizing what they have here, and are going to take advantage of it as much as possible.

Deadpool is a great character no doubt, I just hope the cast choice is good, I honestly didn´t hate the first appearence of Ryan Reynolds in X men Origins: Wolverine, I hated the last part of the movie but the Deadpool from the begging was awesome, i think we will see him again in this new movie. Deadpool in my opinion is even funier than spider man and just to think of having him in the big screan but a smile on my face xDD

Ryan Reynolds is closing a deal to star in Fox-Marvel’s “Deadpool,” their long-in-development “X-Men” spinoff.
Reynolds announced the news by posting an image Thursday of the Deadpool character on his Twitter account.
Uh… It's Chimichanga Time.
— Ryan Reynolds (@VancityReynolds) December 4, 2014<&callback=load_tweet">/a>
“It’s chimichanga time” is a reference to Deadpool’s favorite food.

Fox announced several months ago that it had slotted “Deadpool” for Feb. 12, 2016. Reynolds, who portrayed the character in 2009’s “X-Men Origins: Wolverine,” has been expected to star for many years.
Tim Miller is directing the superhero film from a script by Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick. Lauren Shuler Donner is producing.

Image has been released of Reynolds in costume. Looks a bit cheeky.

I guess this is showing what kind of film to expect. Hopefully they've not made some PG rated kids' comic book film.

Image has been released of Reynolds in costume. Looks a bit cheeky. I guess this is showing what kind of film to expect. Hopefully they've not made some PG rated kids' comic book film.
Actually Ryan Reynolds posted it on his Twitter as a joking inspiration to Burt Reynold's nude photo in 1972.

As for the rating, nobody knows yet whether Deadpool will PG-13 or Rated R. Even as of two days ago, when Ryan Reynolds spoke with EW he said

"That debate rages on. We'll see." .

Officially rated R. Makes sense. This is gonna be a niche movie, no reason to handcuff it.

"It's okay Jessie, Slater can't hurt you."

Deadpool is a film I happen to be more excited about than I ever knew I would be. I think it's going to be badass.

And of course, a rated-R comic book film with Ryan Reynolds cracking filthy jokes and performing crazy violence can only be great.

F*ck you Slater... can't wait!

JAJAJAJ, I was looking news from the Deadpool Movie and I was listening that "I am so exciting" song and I couldn't stop laughing when I stare at that groot gif jajajajajajjajaj Imao, The dance of that mini groot and the song match perfectly XDD.