Rate The Last Movie You Saw


Fat Girl (2001)

A little known French movie would seem like an odd choice for me. I picked it because it was on someone's list of disturbing movies in a video I watched on YouTube. It's basically, and I'm not sure how to explain this, a sexual coming of age story with 2 sisters? You've got the pretty 15 year old, and the heavier 12 year old. Most of the movie is bleak, but unremarkable, until you get the out of nowhere, wtf ending. I don't know who I'd recommend this to besides maybe Tokeza; this reminds me of a movie he loves. Movie Gal or Minio, maybe?
I enjoyed Fat Girl and would give it a slightly higher rating. At first I hated the ending, which seemed so random, but in hindsight it made much more sense. The shocking, abrupt ending leaves viewers feeling assaulted and betrayed, mirroring the fate of both girls. In a sense, even the viewer is raped.

Spirited Away - 8.5/10

This was my fourth Miyazaki after Princess Mononoke, My Neighbour Totoro and The Castle of Cagliostro. I thought it was excellent i still prefer PM but thought this was a close second. One thing i liked alot was how simple the story was, even though she was in such a weird and supernatural world quite a large part of the film was just her trying to get a job then working. And the most dramatic scene in the film was probably her trying to give someone a bath . Really loved the animation and the vast amount of characters, no doubt this will be high on my list.

Rango - 8/10

Another great animation that will more than likely make my list. I thought this was hilarious from start to finish. Even some of the short pointless scenes cracked me up, like the part when Rango just arrives in town and he starts imitating everyones walk . Great use of dialogue and spaghetti western references here. Also you could never go wrong with a Clint Eastwood/Man With No Name cameo .

Rango is my favourite animation. Very funny and filled with loads of great references, love the Chinatown plot too.

I liked Spirited Away but I didn't get the greatest like everyone else when I first saw it, I thought it was a bit messy, and prefer Princess Mononoke and My Neighbour Totoro. It does annoy me though how Miyazaki sometimes creates great things in terms of art, and then has things like huge black blobs and giant babies.

I enjoyed Fat Girl and would give it a slightly higher rating. At first I hated the ending, which seemed so random, but in hindsight it made much more sense. The shocking, abrupt ending leaves viewers feeling assaulted and betrayed, mirroring the fate of both girls. In a sense, even the viewer is raped.
Very interesting ending and that's what made the movie for me. I took it as basiclly the same thing happened to both girls in different ways, except the girl who was taken by force wanted it, and the girl who wasn't, didn't.

The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible
Jaws (1975)

I watched it for the first time when I was 14 or 15 and I never understood the hype about this movie. However, I decided to give it another shot and I don't regret it! Though it won't be in my personal favourites it's still a great movie! I like the way they kept it realistic, it really holds up!

"Smile, you son of a bitch!"


Finished here. It's been fun.

Bottle Rocket

Truly an unexpected delight.

I wouldn't really call myself a fan of Wes Anderson, as for the most part his films do little for me. Yet for or whatever reason I decided to check this one out nonetheless, and I must say this is one hell of a directorial debut. This movie is charming,sweet,funny and there's strong emotion to it as well. The use of music was superb, and the style wasn't nearly as indulgent as it is in his later films. I prefer the toned-down, minimalist feel. I loved the characters as well, to the extent that I wish i got to spend more time with them.

In sum,Bottle Rocket is a gem and I can't believe I've avoided seeing it for so long.

Bottle Rocket is indeed delightful. I watched it earlier this summer and was pleasantly surprised by it.

Ocho apellidos vascos (2014)

(English: Eight Basque surnames)

A normal man? For me, a normal man is one who turns his head to see a beautiful woman's bottom. The point is not just to turn your head. There are five or six reasons. And he is glad to find people who are like him, his equals. That's why he likes crowded beaches, football, the bar downtown...

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I just watched Bottle Rocket for the first time this year as well. For me it just cemented how much I love Anderson.

Rango is my favourite animation. Very funny and filled with loads of great references, love the Chinatown plot too.

I liked Spirited Away but I didn't get the greatest like everyone else when I first saw it, I thought it was a bit messy, and prefer Princess Mononoke and My Neighbour Totoro. It does annoy me though how Miyazaki sometimes creates great things in terms of art, and then has things like huge black blobs and giant babies.
For me Totoro is the weakest of the four Miyazakis i've seen. Possibly a rewatch is in order close to the dealine, if i get to watch all i wanted to in time of course.


Agreed on the giant baby. It was clearly used as a plot device for a few different reasons, mainly so Haku had a reason to go after Sin, and so the witch would stick to her promise; but he could've thought of something better. The black blob was somewhat unnecessary too, but i personally thought the animation on that bath scene was fantastic and it was relevant to the story. Point taken though, he does use some very odd characters.

The one thing i didn't see explained, was the sudden personality change of the witches sister when they arived at her cottage? I'm not sure if i missed something but i initially thought it was either a trick or that it would at least be explained?

The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible
Despicable me 2

As shallow as the first one... There are some funny movie references and the animation is better but I still find it overrated...


I watched 3 Movies yesterday that I haven't posted about so I'm going to rapid fire 3 reviews.

The Aviator

Martin Scorsese is great at period pieces. This movie makes me wonder even more how Leo does not have an oscar yet. Loved it, but not my favorite Scorsese film.

"Oh, so you'd be General, huh? If you were General, I'd be Emperor, and you'd STILL get the sake! So shut up and get the sake!" -Hattori Hanzo

"#GAMEOVER420BLAZIT" -bluedeed

From Dusk Till Dawn

I've been on a Rodriguez kick lately. I've seen this film only 2 other times, but it needed a rewatch so I could review it.
What makes this movie SO great, is Rodriguez directing, and the Screenplay by Tarantino! What a great 1, 2 punch. This is my second favorite Rodriguez film only to Sin City.
I love how the shift of tone from the first half to the second half. It's so obvious yet so seamless! It's amazing. What a fun flick.

Make a better place

The Village 2004

a very thrilling mystery, well acted and directed.

I think I even liked it more than The sixth Sense, both are written & directed by Shymalan, and I believe it takes a genius to do that kind of work, I wish he gets back on track someday.

"Beliefs don't change facts. Facts, if you're rational, should change your beliefs" Ricky Gervais

The Village 2004

a very thrilling mystery, well acted and directed.

I think I even liked it more than The sixth Sense, both are written & directed by Shymalan, and I believe it takes a genius to do that kind of work, I wish he gets back on track someday.

finally, someone else that appreciates this.

Chappie doesn't like the real world
finally, someone else that appreciates this.
I like The Village. I didn't really like the twist, but that didn't effect my opinion of the over all movie.