Inherent Vice


I think truly great directors are worth exploring further, even if the first three films aren't particularly your thing. Tastes can evolve and one great film experience is enough to finally make someone see "the light".

I truly believe that there are films and directors that could be loved by everyone, if they just watched it with the right mindset, in the right mood and with the right understanding. You shouldn't ignore a widely praised filmography of a certain director just because you didn't like three movies of his.

At least, that's my humble opinion.
But if those three movies are what most consider to be his best, odds are said director is not for me.

But that being said we just got E-Pix and I can view The Long Goodbye on-demand. So I will be watching that very soon.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I miss that experience of going into a movie and knowing practically nothing. You can't get that anymore unless you avoid the internet which is a worse fate. I can't wait. Too long still.

I miss that experience of going into a movie and knowing practically nothing. You can't get that anymore unless you avoid the internet which is a worse fate. I can't wait. Too long still.
I need trailers to keep the waiting more bearable, personally. Especially for films that I am REALLY REALLY looking forward to. I mean, this is a movie I seriously have dreams about at night (multiple times)!

Me: Hey Paul Thomas Anderson can we please have a trailer for Inherent Vice now?
Paul Thomas Anderson:

Through the darkness of future past
The magician longs to see
One chants out between two worlds:
Fire walk with me.

DannyPlainview65's Avatar
Registered User
i have feeling we are going to be seeing this trailer if not this week, then definitely next week. its time.
"If you leave me now, in the next life you will be my sworn enemy. And I will show you no mercy"

i have feeling we are going to be seeing this trailer if not this week, then definitely next week. its time.
If they follow the same release strategy as Her, the trailer should be out on the 7th of August.

DannyPlainview65's Avatar
Registered User
I wonder if it's going the same route as the Master. Showing a scene that's not even in the film. Maybe Doc smoking weed and being interrogated by Bigfoot but camera only focuses on Phoenix and you only hear Brolins voice. Just like the master teaser.

The NYFF synopsis of the film:

Centerpiece – World Premiere
Inherent Vice
Paul Thomas Anderson, USA, 2014, 148m

Paul Thomas Anderson’s wild and entrancing new movie, the very first adaptation of a Thomas Pynchon novel, is a cinematic time machine, placing the viewer deep within the world of the paranoid, hazy L.A. dope culture of the early ’70s. It’s not just the look (which is ineffably right, from the mutton chops and the peasant dresses to the battered screen doors and the neon glow), it’s the feel, the rhythm of hanging out, of talking yourself into a state of shivering ecstasy or fear or something in between. Joaquin Phoenix goes all the way for Anderson (just as he did in The Master) playing Doc Sportello, the private investigator searching for his ex-girlfriend Shasta (Katherine Waterston, a revelation), menaced at every turn by Josh Brolin as the telegenic police detective “Bigfoot” Bjornsen. Among the other members of Anderson’s mind-boggling cast are Reese Witherspoon, Benicio Del Toro, Martin Short, Owen Wilson, and Jena Malone. A trip, and a great American film by a great American filmmaker.

A Warner Bros. Picturesrelease.

WARNING: "Inherent Vice" spoilers below
Sorry guys, still no poster or trailer...

Thanks Cob for the updates on this thread . I must admit though half of me wants to strangle you , every time i see this thread updated i feel like a kid on christmas about to open a present with an Inherent Vice Trailer inside.

One thing i wouldn't doubt in a second is that Joaquin Phoenix performance is epic. I doubt Miss Vicky would like it much, but i'd love for him to become part of PTA's rotating cast because i think he's one of the most talented actors working today.

Thanks Cob for the updates on this thread . I must admit though half of me wants to strangle you , every time i see this thread updated i feel like a kid on christmas about to open a present with an Inherent Vice Trailer inside.
The release of the Inherent Vice trailer will be one of the most satisfying moments in my entire life.

Finished here. It's been fun.
I am so hyped for this movie. PTA is going to roll on in with a brand new masterpiece and I for one can't wait.Also you guys should check out this video if you haven't already, very interesting little analysis of PTA's films.