The Avengers: Age of Ultron


\m/ Fade To Black \m/
What made me chuckle about that picture is the fact the guy is holding the umbrella up, 1 - Its not raining because no one wants a wet robot suit and 2 - He isnt doing a very good job being as the sun is on the other side of poor Ultron (if that is Ultron)
~In the event of a Zombie Uprising, remember to sever the head or destroy the brain!~

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Looks like we are going to have drones of robots bodies for the Avengers to dismantle. Just like the first one with the aliens.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

Looks like we are going to have drones of robots bodies for the Avengers to dismantle. Just like the first one with the aliens.
Actually no, it's Tony Stark's HulkBuster Armor. The gif I posted represents concept art of the fight scene in Avengers: Age of Ultron. It's of the suit Tony Stark will wear when he fights the Hulk .

Here's some comic book art

My name's Bobby Peru, like the country.
Well, i hope with pictures of multiple Ultrons that this isn't going to be ala IM2. I think it worked for IM2, but for an avengers team to tear up a bunch of robots would seem too much of a rehash to me.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Actually no, it's Tony Stark's HulkBuster Armor. The gif I posted represents concept art of the fight scene in Avengers: Age of Ultron. It's of the suit Tony Stark will wear when he fights the Hulk .

Here's some comic book art

Actually no, I was referring to the EW cover where we see a few of Ultrons "henchmen" behind him.

... I was referring to the EW cover where we see a few of Ultrons "henchmen" behind him.
Maybe Ultron won't be the problem as much as The Vision will. Ultron could eventually turn out to help save everyone in the long run, and The Vision could become the main villian. You never know.

WARNING: "Marvel Comics" spoilers below
My real concern is how are they going to handle Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch. They obviously won't mention they're Magneto's children and they don't need to, but are they going to mention that they are mutants, or that mutants exist in this world? If not, how will they explain their powers? I hope they don't do the BS about how they are science experiments (like the mutants are Ultimate Marvel universe), and they gained their powers from there. Makes me wonder. I really would've liked to see Hank Pym and Wasp instead of them, due to how advantageous that is for the fanbases and the story, as they could've been more faithful to the comics, having Hank Pym creating Ultron instead of Tony Stark. I just hope it's not disappointing.

This post is possible spoilers for people who are not familiar with the comics at all.

My real concern is how are they going to handle Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch. They obviously won't mention they're Magneto's children and they don't need to, but are they going to mention that they are mutants, or that mutants exist in this world? If not, how will they explain their powers? I hope they don't do the BS about how they are science experiments (like the mutants are Ultimate Marvel universe), and they gained their powers from there. Makes me wonder. I really would've liked to see Hank Pym and Wasp instead of them, due to how advantageous that is for the fanbases and the story, as they could've been more faithful to the comics, having Hank Pym creating Ultron instead of Tony Stark. I just hope it's not disappointing.
Interesting, but the movie isn't following the comics at all. In the movie...

WARNING: "Age of Ultron" spoilers below
Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch are on Ultron's side and Tony Stark creates Ultron.

Interesting, but the movie isn't following the comics at all. In the movie...

WARNING: "Age of Ultron" spoilers below
Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch are on Ultron's side and Tony Stark creates Ultron.
Not that unfaithful to the comics.
WARNING: "Marvel Comics" spoilers below
The twins did initially start off as villains in the comics fighting with Magneto in the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants (they didn't know Magneto was their father at that time). After he was kidnapped and brain-washed by (I think) Dr. Doom, they became heroes by joining the Avengers to save him. I assume they're going to turn good by the end of the movie. Yeah it's a little different, given the characters involved but the premise is technically the same

Plus, reading through some articles about the movie, I see that they have a similar backstory with the one they have in the comics (being raised by gypsies, hence their surname "Maximoff") Though again, I hope they don't say they're science experiments. They don't HAVE to follow the comics accurately, but their mutant characteristic a pretty integral part of their characters.

Fresh from the con.

The one thing that struck me were the arrows. Coincedence, or implying that someone will have a larger role this time?