The MoFo Top 100 of the 1970s: Countdown

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A long time ago, it was a glorious age in the cinematic universe. The 1970s is considered by many film fanatics to be one of the strongest, if not the strongest, decades of the medium that we love, both commercially and artistically. Faced with the impossible task of choosing favorites from among favorites, determining the very best of the very best, and culling legends from legends, many Movie Forums members did their level best to sort through it all, to filter that vibrant bounty through their individual tastes and sensibilities, and rank it in something as insufficient but challenging as a top twenty-five list. Here, now, are their collective choices for the best and/or favorite films of the decade. THIS is the thread where the list was announced, if anybody needs to toggle back to it for reference sake.

Ninety-Nine (99) MoFos found this an offer they couldn't refuse and submitted ballots, and I thank each and every one of you...yes, even Sexy Celebrity. Obviously this exercise is beyond futile without your support, and so many of you came out to play. Who are all ya all...?

7thson, Aniko, Austruck, bluedeed, BlueLion, Brother Blue, BrowningIdentity, Callum, Camo, Captain Spaulding, Christine, Citizen Rules, Cobpyth, cricket, dadgumbah, Daniel M, Deadite, Derek Vinyard, Ðèstîñy, donniedarko, earlsmoviepicks, edarsenal, Frightened Inmate No. 2, gajughead, gandalf25, gbgoodies, Gideon58, Godoggo, Golgot, Guaporense, The Gunslinger45, Harry Lime, Hit Girl, HitchFan97, Hitchcockian, Holden Pike, honeykid, iluv2viddyfilms, IrishSansRed, Jack1, jal90, JayDee, jiraffejustin, jrs, Kaplan, -KhaN-, linespalsy, Lucas, mark f, meatwadsprite, mikeython1, Mingusings, Miss Vicky, mojofilter, Monkeypunch, moviefan1996, Mr.Minio, Mr.Sparkle, Nausicaä, Nemanja, n3wt, Norman Desmond, nostromo87, OMEGA5, Peter Vincent, Powdered Water, Pussy Galore, Pyro Tramp, rauldc14, Rhys, The Rodent, the samoan lawyer, SamsoniteDelilah, Sane, sarah f, The Sci-Fi Slob, séance, Sedai, Sexy Celebrity, Shadow, Sinny McGuffins, Skepsis93, Swan, syj, Tacitus, teeter_g, Thursday Next, TokeZa, TONGO, Tyler1, TylerDurden99, Upton, The Usual Suspect, WBadger, weeman, wintertriangles, Yasashii, Yoda, and Zotis

Special thanks to Skepsis93 for being there for questions, some of them dumb, and most of all for providing such a kick-ass template and high bar to aim for with his Top 100 of the 1980s list. To Daniel M for his magical spreadsheet with its movie-counting formula making this task at all do-able, and for patiently explaining to this particular Luddite how to use it. And of course to Yoda for his input and for keeping up such a wonderful virtual sandbox for all of us cinematic idiots to gripe and gush at each other in, over movies and whatever other nonsense tickles our fancies.

For those late to the party, films received one to twenty-five points, depending on its place on each MoFo's numbered ballot. Four hundred and twenty-seven different films received votes, these are the films with the highest point totals, revealed from number one hundred on down to numero uno. Ties are broken by which film appeared on more ballots. Two titles will be revealed per day, until we reach the top ten. Please still do not publicly reveal all of your personal choices until the entire list has been presented, but otherwise feel free to remark where certain films were on your ballot, as they come up. Of course chat up the list as we go, and speculate all the live long day.

Now...let's go the distance!

"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

This will be updated with each reveal, and clicking on each title will direct you to its place in the thread...

100. Logan's Run
99. The Omen
98. Being There
97. Fantastic Planet
96. All That Jazz
95. Breaking Away
94. Bring Me the Head of
Alfredo Garcia

93. The Holy Mountain
92. Jeremiah Johnson
91. Sleuth

90. The Taking of Pelham
One Two Three

89. Jeanne Dielman, 23 Quai du
Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles

88. The Tenant
87. Saturday Night Fever
86. Autumn Sonata
85. Ali: Fear Eats the Soul
84. The Discreet Charm of
the Bourgeoisie

83. Straw Dogs
82. F for Fake
81. The Man Who Would
Be King

80. Assault on Precinct 13
79. The Wicker Man
78. MASH
77. Mean Streets
76. Hausu
75. All the President's Men
74. Paper Moon
73. Marathon Man
72. Don't Look Now
71. The Conformist

70. Mad Max
69. The Muppet Movie
68. Invasion of the Body

67. Walkabout
66. National Lampoon's
Animal House

65. Suspiria
64. The Last Picture Show
63. Rocky II
62. The Spirit of the Beehive
61. Little Big Man

60. Le Cercle Rouge
59. Grease
58. Badlands
57. The Sting
56. Picnic at Hanging Rock
55. Serpico
54. The Jerk
53. Five Easy Pieces
52. Manhattan
51. Deliverance

50. Cries & Whispers
49. The Outlaw Josey Wales
48. A Woman Under the Influence
47. Willy Wonka and the
Chocolate Factory

46. The Rocky Horror Picture Show
45. The Mirror
44. Kramer vs. Kramer
43. Nashville
42. American Graffiti
41. Monty Python's Life of Brian

40. Cabaret
39. Solaris
38. The Deer Hunter
37. The Warriors
36. Carrie
35. Dawn of the Dead
34. Dirty Harry
33. Blazing Saddles
32. Network
31. The French Connection

30. Annie Hall
29. Days of Heaven
28. Dog Day Afternoon
27. Harold & Maude
26. Eraserhead
25. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
24. Enter the Dragon
23. Superman: The Movie
22. McCabe & Mrs. Miller
21. Aguirre, the Wrath of God

20. Stalker
19. The Long Goodbye
18. The Conversation
17. Halloween
16. Barry Lyndon
15. Young Frankenstein
14. Close Encounters of
the Third Kind

13. Monty Python & the Holy Grail
12. The Exorcist
11. Rocky

10. The Godfather Part II
9. Apocalypse Now
8. One Flew Over the
Cuckoo’s Nest

7. A Clockwork Orange
6. Chinatown
5. Alien
4. Star Wars
3. Taxi Driver
2. Jaws
1. The Godfather

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101. Murder by Death (64)
102. Coffy (64)
103. Patton (63)
104. Duel (63)
105. Sleeper (63)
106. High Plains Drifter (62)
107. Black Christmas (62)
108. Sorcerer (61)
109. Wake in Fright (60)
110. Celine & Julie Go Boating (58)

111. Get Carter (57)
112. Klute (57)
113. Claire's Knee (56)
114. Sisters (56)
115. Stroszek (55)
116. The Spy Who Loved Me (55)
117. Dersu Uzala (55)
118. Rollerball (55)
119. Phantom of the Paradise (54)
120. Tale of Tales (52)

121. Frenzy (51)
122. Amarcord (51)
123. The Three Musketeers (50)
124. Smokey & the Bandit (49)
125. Richard Pryor: Live in Concert (49)
126. 3 Women (48)
127. Charlotte's Web (48)
128. The Day of the Jackal (47)
129. The Last Detail (46)
130. The Heartbreak Kid (46)

131. Love & Death (45)
132. Phantasm (45)
133. Nosferatu the Vampyre (44)
134. Killer of Sheep (44)
135. Fiddler on the Roof (44)
136. Watership Down (43)
137. Disney's Robin Hood (43)
138. Tora! Tora! Tora! (42)
139. Two-Lane Blacktop (42)
140. Pink Flamingos (41)

141. El Topo (40)
142. Play It Again, Sam (40)
143. Play Misty for Me (38)
144. Star Trek: The Motion Picture (38)
145. The Champ (38)
146. The Last Waltz (37)
147. Scenes from a Marriage (37)
148. Macbeth (36)
149. Escape from Alcatraz (36)
150. Le Boucher (36)

151. Scum (36)
152. Foxy Brown (35)
153. Papillon (34)
154. Bedknobs & Broomsticks (34)
155. Alice in the Cities (34)
156. Silent Running (34)
157. Time After Time (34)
158. The Duellists (33)
159. The Goodbye Girl (33)
160. Lone Wolf & Cub: Baby Cart in Peril (33)

161. Slap Shot (32)
162. Performance (32)
163. World on a Wire (32)
164. The Castle of Cagliostro (32)
165. Duck, You Sucker! (32)
166. Murmur of the Heart (32)
167. The French Connection II (31)
168. Carnal Knowledge (31)
169. Silver Streak (31)
170. Jaws 2 (31)

171. The Man Who Fell to Earth (31)
172. Who Can Kill a Child? (31)
173. Deep Red (29)
174. Catch-22 (29)
175. Hypothesis of a Stolen Painting (29)
176. Three Days of the Condor (28)
177. Live and Let Die (28)
178. Death Race 2000 (28)
179. The Passenger (27)
180. The Night Stalker (27)

181. The Poseidon Adventure (27)
182. Midnight Express (26)
183. The Ascent (26)
184. Allegro Non Troppo (26)
185. High Anxiety (26)
186. Charley Varrick (26)
187. Next Stop, Greenwich Village (25)
188. Mikey+Nicky (25)
189. (TIE) The Blind Woman's Curse (25)
Che? (25)
Woodstock (25)


Here we go...

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We're off to a great start! Two excellent films. Unfortunately, there wasn't enough room on my list for either of them.

The Brave Little Weeman Returns!

I like Logan's Run. I don't love it but I like it. I've been meaning to watch The Omen for a while mainly for this countdown, but also for added Gregory Peck.
"This aggression will not stand, man" -The Big Lebowski


The Omen is excellent ! no doubt
''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk

Haven't seen Logan's Run. I like The Omen well enough but it was never in consideration for my list, i did expect it to be 10-15 spots higher though. Agreed with Slob on the layout.

Also thanks for taking the time to do this Holden

aaaaaand.... seen neither. But those are two expected-ish entries. Maybe we won't be seeing any (or as many) WTF appearances (looking at you, Visitor to a Museum and Rocky IV) this time around, given the insane amount of lists that were submitted?

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
1976 is already represented by two! I didn't vote for them, but they're fun mainstream movies, although I think The Omen is the better of the two. I saw LR once at the theatre, but I saw The Omen with my bro at a sneak preview on 6-6-76 and about five times total at the theatre.
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page

aaaaaand.... seen neither. But those are two expected-ish entries. Maybe we won't be seeing any (or as many) WTF appearances (looking at you, Visitor to a Museum and Rocky IV) this time around?
I assumed that was just 2/3 art house buffs putting it near the top of their list. But yeh, lots of films from the Eighties I don't think would stand a chance getting on this.

Not seen either of them too. Bit of a disappointment but I'm not too bothered as both look interesting, been wanting to see The Omen for a while, seems like a good horror that everyone around here likes.

I assumed that was just 2/3 art house buffs putting it near the top of their list.
It was. This time 'round, I figure 99 lists is enough to eradicate that sort of thing, meaning a film has to appeal to broader range of people to get a spot, even at the lower end. Can't decide if I like that or not.

It was. This time 'round, I figure 99 lists is enough to eradicate that sort of thing, meaning a film has to appeal to broader range of people to get a spot, even at the lower end. Can't decide if I like that or not.
Yeah you're right, I've done my list fairly and not tactically, and if everyone has, I think it means a fairer representation of the tastes on here, so will probably be a good thing.