Star Wars VII title ideas


Star Wars VII: Recession proof profit
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Star Wars VII: The Magnificent VII
Star Wars VII: Lando and the 40 Dog of Schlitz Malt Liquor
Star Wars VII: I Was a Teenage Padawan
Star Wars VII: Ewoking Tall
Star Wars VII: Cloud City Atlas
Star Wars VII: Citizen Sideous
Star Wars VII: Han Slo-Mo
Star Wars VII: Inglourious Banthas
Star Wars VII: Cool Handless Luke
Star Wars VII: Rebel Without An X-Wing
"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Episode 7: Luke Who's Talking

Episode 7: Hoth Tub Time Machine

Episode 7: R2D2 and not so silent C3PO Strike Back

Episode 7: Leia-r Cake

Episode 7: Rita, Sue and Darth Vader Too

Episode 7: Journey to the center of the Death Star

Episode 7: The Han with the Golden Blaster

Episode 7: The Han with the Golden Blaster: Greedo Shot first

Episode 7: The Han with the Golden Blaster: Or did Han shoot first?

Star Wars VII: Dies... The Jar Jar does. lol.

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Star wars eternal black :P

The Bib-iest of Nickels
Star Wars:That will make Episode I II and III look good...(if that is possible)
Honestly, while I might get heat for this, not that I have ever cared, but I don't think Revenge of the Sith was a bad movie. There was bad dialogue, but that can be said about literally all of the movies in the franchise. Granted, I saw it almost a decade ago when it first came out, so my memories might be a little fuzzy. However, I will also say this, I didn't find A New Hope to be absolutely amazing. I mean, they took their time with the world, flushed it out especially well, however, except for Han Solo, all of the characters were annoying. Even Luke, which hurts to say because I absolutely love Mark Hamill for the voice-acting that he did for The Joker in the Batman animated series', TV-movies, and video-games.

Personally, I always loved the Star Wars movies when I was younger, but when I went back and watched them, it wasn't until The Empire Strikes Back that I felt extremely invested into the story. Say what you will...

Um, oh, uh,

Star Wars: Hope's Second-Coming
Star Wars: Star Harder
Star Wars: All Hope Is Lost

Movie Forums Stage-Hand
Return of The Sith