Star Wars VII title ideas


they can be funny, serious, whatever... mine will be dumb

Star Wars Episode VII - The Nerf Herders

Star Wars Episode VII - Wicked Samurai Ninjas vs Force Wizard Knights

Star Wars Episode VII - Strong Enough To Pull The Ears Off a Gundark

Star Wars Episode VII - It's a Trap

although the title will probably involve some form of the words Return, Rise, Dark, Revenge, etc

Finished here. It's been fun.
Star Wars Episode VII-The New Dawn

Star Wars Episode VII-Evil Rising

Star Wars VII: The Clone Wars II - Electric Boogaloo

Star Wars VII: Lucas betrayed Shiva

Star Wars VII: Stormtroopers go on Strike

Star Wars VII: Return of the Brown Eye

Star Wars VII: Revenge of the ***** (the all anal final chapter)

Star Wars VII: Sky Harder

Star Wars VII: Rise of the Wookies

Star Wars VII: Lando's Revenge

Star Wars VII: 3D

Star Wars VII: Why the hell are they making this movie?

Star Wars VII: The Independent Contractors Strike Back

Star Wars Episode VII: The Fall Of Solo

Jacen and Jaina Solo are the twins of Han and Leia.
If they use the story of Jacen Solo turning to the darkside and becoming Darth Caedus... it could work.

Star Wars VII: The Gungan Holocaust

Star Wars VII: Ewoks take Manhattan

Star Wars VII: Chewbacca hosts The Tonight Show

Star Wars VII: Fast Times at Tatooine High

Star Wars VII: The Day after Tomorrow on Hoth

Stop it guys, you're giving them ideas.
Here, if you have a milkshake, and I have a milkshake, and I have a straw. There it is, that's a straw, you see? You watching?. And my straw reaches acroooooooss the room, and starts to drink your milkshake... I... drink... your... milkshake!
-Daniel, There Will Be Blood

Star Wars Episode VII: We Don't Need The Cash, We're Disney For God's Sake, But We'll Make It Anyway. I Mean, Even With All The Doubting And Screaming From You FanBoys, We Know You'll All Go To See It Anyway. It's Star Wars, Man, And We Just Know We Have Your Attention. Even Though You'll Say You Didn't Like It, You'll Be Like Comic Book Guy From The Simpsons And Won't Be Able To Stop Yourselves Buying Several Cinema Tickets Each So You Can See It More Than Once

Star Wars Episode VII: Fart Gags And Mentally Handicapped Jokes

Starring Adam Sandler and Rob Schneider.

Star Wars Episode VII: Fart Gags And Mentally Handicapped Jokes

Starring Adam Sandler and Rob Schneider.
I'm there.

Star Wars Episode VII: Unleash the Wookie

Han Solo and Chewbacca die.
Or did they really?
Chewbacca is resurrected as a wookie-cyborg hybrid, and leaves a path of destruction across the galaxy seeking his fallen comrade

star wars episode vii - it's a trap
star wars vii: The independent contractors strike back
star wars episode vii: The cash-cow

"Anything less than immortality is a complete waste of time."

Finished here. It's been fun.
Star Wars Episode VII: Unleash the Wookie

Han Solo and Chewbacca die.
Or did they really?
Chewbacca is resurrected as a wookie-cyborg hybrid, and leaves a path of destruction across the galaxy seeking his fallen comrade

That movie sounds badass! Would be there day 1 and watch it.

A loving heart is the truest wisdom.
Star Wars Episode VII: No Matter How Bad It Is It Can't Be Worse Than The Phantom Menace

Star Wars Episode VII: Jar Jar Binks Is Used For Blaster Target Practice

Star Wars Episode VII: Giving Fans More Reasons To Complain About How The Originals Are Better

Star Wars Episode VII: Revenge Of The Lens Flares
You will find that if you look for the light, you can often find it. But if you look for the dark, that is all you will ever see.