

I have just been on IMDb and a lot of the reactions to it seem to be negative and cannot understand why it would be made.
Really? I just looked and there are quite a lot of good and reasonable reviews on there also.

Really? I just looked and there are quite a lot of good and reasonable reviews on there also.
Oh I am not saying there are not, I am simply pointing out that this is the attitude of some people. I have also asked people around me who may or watch it and they seem to be negative about it.
twitter: @ginock
livejournal film reviews:

And the film is only 118 minutes. 10 minutes of that will be the end credits, so the running time technically is 108.

Just over an hour and 3/4... sounds like a blast.
I understand your feelings about the film, but what's this about?
5-time MoFo Award winner.

I thought the regular thing these days is at least two hours... slashing it down to a kid pleasing 12 rating, with a running time short enough so that toddlers won't get bored sitting still for too long...

Sounds like an excellent movie, mate.

I thought the regular thing these days is at least two hours...
I understand what you are saying but I would rather a film know when to stop than drag it out to try to a longer period to try to make it look more impressive.

I understand what you are saying but I would rather a film know when to stop than drag it out to try to a longer period to try to make it look more impressive.

I hate this hideous "everything must be at least two hours otherwise people won't think they're getting their moneys worth" attitude that Hollywood seems to have now. Just tell the story. If it's 90 minutes. Fine. If it's 240 minutes. Fine. Just tell the bloody story in the time needed to do so and leave it at that. Pisses me off.

My point on it is that it has taken 10 years and who knows how many hundreds of millions of squids...

... to get an hour's worth of footage using a script that was already written.

The Bib-iest of Nickels
We'll see, it comes out on my birthday, so that's when I'll be see it. Honestly, I am just happy to finally have a movie that I want to see in theaters this year.

I am seeing the Lego Movie on Friday out of desperation, although, some really seem to like it.

He may as well just drop a sheet around the bad guys and exclaim, "CAPTURED!"

Tasers can kill. There was a story recently about an 18 year old guy who was having a mental breakdown at home -- police were called and someone decided to taser him and the guy died from it. Happened in North Carolina, I believe.

But RoboCop threatening to Taser someone is more than lame.

Apparently there's little violence. When Robo goes for a bad guy, they cut the scene short so you never know what happens between him and which ever bad guy he's currently having a pop at.

There's a review on ign right now.

I have to admit, though, that would be kinda funny to see RoboCop tasering a guy and watching the guy with a shocked expression on his face as he's being zapped.

I really hope they don't ruin it with cheesy lines like most movies these days..

A lot of the acting and dialogue delivery has been slammed.

Sam L Jackson and Abby Cornish have been called pointless characters as well.

The only thing I've heard get a good review is the explorative between Robo and his wife after her gets turned into PretendyCop.