10 Sci-fi Movies That Probably shouldn't have ever been made


Its not the 10 worst, but for sure they are certainly bad...

And I'm glad After Earth isn't on the list or Star Trek: Into Darkness because quite frankly, I think those movies are underrated.
I'm a filmmaker...no really One Nine Seven One.

And when I'm all alone I feel I don't wanna hide
No Lost in Space? That film was abysmal and had absolutely no redeemable qualities. Interesting to see Aliens vs Predator: Requiem at number one, since that is, at times, regarded as being a superior film to its predecessor.

The Thing from Another World shouldn't be on the list, Alien Resurrection isn't that bad. Plan 9 from Outer Space is the worst sci-fi film ever made; its shocking.

A loving heart is the truest wisdom.
I don't think Plan 9 should be on the list. It's too funny.
You will find that if you look for the light, you can often find it. But if you look for the dark, that is all you will ever see.

In the Beginning...
Yeah, Plan 9 should get a free pass. It's awful, but I can live with it being in the world more than, say, Battlefield Earth.

The other films on this list I can't really disagree with, although it could have been much, much longer.

Yep, I'm one who thinks AvP: Requiem totally outclasses the first AvP... Paul WS Anderson is an awful filmmaker.

Ghost Of Mars sucked... and don't get me started on Alien Resurrection.

Only one of the Transformers films made it? All 3 of them should be on that list.

Plan 9 and Battlefield Earth are abysmal too.

I liked The Thing From Another World though.
I prefer John Carpenter's version of the book, but the original film was ok. Certainly not bad enough to warrant an appearance on such a list.

I can't understand why there are 2, let alone any Star Trek films on there either.

I also can't understand why they missed Alien Hunter or Superman 4 though. By far the worst sci-fi movies I have ever seen.

Other films that should have made the list:

The Day The Earth Stood Still Remake
In Time
Space Truckers
Flash Gorgon
Robot Monster
Cosmos: War of the Planets
Planet of the Apes (2001)

The Thing From Another World should have never been made? Only seen parts of it, but it's one of the most acclaimed films of the Sci-Fi genre and had it not been made we probably wouldn't have the great film that is The Thing.

In the Beginning...
Equilibrium is better than the two Matrix sequels, which you didn't list, so it gets a pass from me too.

I think Jumper is a fun movie, and it's not nearly as bad as something like I Am Number Four. But you won't ever hear me say it's a "good" movie, so I guess I couldn't argue if it made the list.

Equilibrium is a good film. Sure its seems a little too inspired by The Matrix, but i enjoyed it more than Revolutions. Looper is a bad film, and very overrated, but far from the worst.

I am sorry, but AvP:R was bad. I remember that even after the film was released, one of the Straues (spelling) brothers was on the IMDb boards trying to defend the film from all the hate it was getting.

I think the black and white The Thing, compared to the original novella and John Carpenter's The Thing is pretty weak, even by 1950s standards. I saw it on tv when I was a kid, and I could have sworn that the guy playing the monster was also one of the guys in the camp.

The Bib-iest of Nickels
Other films that should have made the list:

The Day The Earth Stood Still Remake
In Time
Space Truckers
Flash Gorgon
Robot Monster
Cosmos: War of the Planets
Planet of the Apes (2001)
I might agree with all those, but Looper? Looper was ****ing awesome. I don't think it's overrated at all, simply because I haven't heard a lot of people give it credit. I watched it, having not even known the concept, and absolutely fell in love with it. The movie made me want to watch all of Bruce Willis' movies because I assumed that I must have been wrong all these years. Equilibrium sucked, but the concept was interesting enough that I think it deserved being made.

I might agree with all those, but Looper? Looper was ****ing awesome. I don't think it's overrated at all, simply because I haven't heard a lot of people give it credit. I watched it, having not even known the concept, and absolutely fell in love with it. The movie made me want to watch all of Bruce Willis' movies because I assumed that I must have been wrong all these years. Equilibrium sucked, but the concept was interesting enough that I think it deserved being made.
To each his own...

I think the black and white The Thing, compared to the original novella and John Carpenter's The Thing is pretty weak, even by 1950s standards. I saw it on tv when I was a kid, and I could have sworn that the guy playing the monster was also one of the guys in the camp.
Yes, indeed. If I were going to direct a sci-fi film tomorrow, I would worry about how it would compare to a remake made in thirty years time...

The Bib-iest of Nickels
Certainly, I'm just saying I liked it. I try and discuss these things, because other-wise, a lot of these threads are just one "List This," after another with no real discussion.

Certainly, I'm just saying I liked it. I try and discuss these things, because other-wise, a lot of these threads are just one "List This," after another with no real discussion.
Good point.

Ghouls, vampires, werewolves... let's party.
My list:

1. The Thing (2011)
2. Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979)
3. Halloween III: Season of the Witch
4. Lost in Space (1998)
5. Star Trek: Generations
6. Terminator Salvation (2009)
7. Bedazzled (2000)
8. Hulk (2003)
9. Superman Returns (2006)
10. The Day the Earth Stood Still (2008)

Yes to all of those except Equilibrium... I kinda liked that one.
This, it's a brilliant film and an underrated science fiction film. Shouldn't be on this list at all.