what makes a movie high, being liked or the quality????


what makes a movie really high????

the quality or being liked by a lot of people????

for example look at the blair witch 1999 & blair witch 2016

the movie blair witch 1999 has much less quality in general than the blair witch 2016

people like more the blair witch 1999 than the blair witch 2016
they consider blair witch 1999 to be superior

but is it really superior????

blair witch 2016 has much more quality in general
which is a better movie in reality????

i think blair witch 2016 by far, people may like and consider blair witch 1999 to be superior
but seriously i dont care

blair witch 2016 has much more quality even if is liked less

also i wonder how is even liked less

i saw both and the blair witch 1999 is so boring, like so boring compared to the 2016

what a boring movie
seriously so boring

or for example the movie the mummy 2017
tons of people consider the movie low and is not very liked

well it has a general high quality so is a high movie
whether is liked by people or not is irrelevant

the mummy 2017 has a high quality so is a high quality film
the movie is quite high
being not liked by people is irrelevant

or for example the original alien 1 vs alien covenant

i think alien covenant has more quality

the core of the movie, which is the alien, aka xenomorph, in alien covenant is supreme
besides that it also has another xenomorph-like specie called the neomorph

the alien of alien covenant completely destroys the alien in alien 1
the quality of the xenomorph in alien covenant is so higher than the xenomorph in alien 1 that comparing them is a joke

and the movie in general is quite high and has a high quality

i think alien covenant is superior than alien 1, even if is considered inferior by people
i think alien covenant has a higher quality in general than alien 1, even if is less liked by people

the core of the movie, which is the alien xenomorph (thats why the movie is called "alien")
the xenomorph & neomorph in alien covenant completely shreds & destroys the alien in alien 1
is absurb to even comparing them

That feel when after the first post you were sure what he meant and then the second post made you confused again.
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

Do you mean quantity? Like Alien Covenant has more aliens than Alien?

Do you mean quantity? Like Alien Covenant has more aliens than Alien?
Does the 2017 Mummy have more mummies than the 1999 Mummy?

For me production values and how much it's liked by others is almost irrelevant. Did I enjoy it? Did I like it? How much? That's how I judge how much I like a film. There are truly great films which have and do, bore me rigid and give me no real joy. Those of you who know me may instantly have a few films spring to mind which you think I'm speaking of... And you're probably correct.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

The original had the advantage of novelty; some (gullible!) people even thought it was real. I'd never even heard of Blair Witch 2016 but I think it's particularly true of horror that once you know when the scary parts are coming, it reduces excitement considerably.

It sounds like you're using the word quality as a synonym for production value.
Quality is one of my least favorite words in the english language. It's vague. People just use it to describe things they like, without saying why they like them.

Saying something is quality is just a way of trying pass off your opinion as something objective.

Quality is one of my least favorite words in the english language. It's vague. People just use it to describe things they like, without saying why they like them.

Saying something is quality is just a way of trying pass off your opinion as something objective.
Quality is definitely a thing- e.g. Piers Brosnan's singing would hardly be described as quality, whereas someone like Frank Sinatra, even he isn't everybody's cup of tea, would be seen as a singer of quality. People do sometimes use it as a blanket statement for something they like but I think you can argue that most of the components of film can be judged by quality. Acting is a bit of a tricky one because one person might see a performance as intense whereas others just see it as hammy.