How do you review?


I have been in the process of mapping out changes for the new year for a bit. Some have been implemented the past month or so, in order to avoid New Year's overload. Maybe you've heard of the world famous 2017 DVR Movie Relegation thread ?

I am a self-avowed horrid writer, lacking any ability to form or convey any thoughts about movies. I am also proficient in grammar destruction. For the new year, I am going to keep a running record of movies viewed accompanied by at least two strong, coherent sentences.

Feel free to share any thoughts on how you develop your thoughts or musings on what you look for in movie reviews.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
Feel free to approach every film as its own entity. Basically tell how it made you feel and why. Once you know that, try to express it as succintly as possible. You'll be fine - the more films you write about, the happier you'll be with your writing.
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page

Feel free to approach every film as its own entity. Basically tell how it made you feel and why.
Cue the abstract.

How many times has anyone heard, "I don't trust the critics" or "I don't read reviews." That comes across as very dismissive to me.

Sometime ago, I read that you should find a reviewer that suits your sensibilities and give credence to what they say.

I just hope to make my contributions coherent with some structure. Poor writing skills don't translate well to this format, but there is always room for improvement.

Trouble with a capital "T"
....I am going to keep a running record of movies viewed accompanied by at least two strong, coherent sentences.

Feel free to share any thoughts on how you develop your thoughts or musings on what you look for in movie reviews.
Good for you! Glad to hear you're going to start writing reviews We need more reviewers at MoFo. I'll let you in on a secret, it's easy to do

All you need is 250 words (or more) about the movie, and a pop corn rating and you can make an official movie review by clicking the box to submit it. Give it a try, MoFo needs more reviews.

My advice? It doesn't hurt to read other people's reviews. If you read mine I suggest you don't read the first reviews I did as they were pretty basic, but I evolved and so will you.

Thanks CR.

I'm not going to be doing reviews, just elaborate thoughts for my thread. I was fishing for the thought process others go through, to see if I could gleam anything from them.

Always write reviews for you alone. Never write them for other peoples consumption. Pretend no one else will be seeing them but you. Its the only way you can be truly honest about the art.
Farewell and adieu to you fair Spanish ladies...

Always write reviews for you alone. Never write them for other peoples consumption. Pretend no one else will be seeing them but you. Its the only way you can be truly honest about the art.

That's a good way to look at it.

I'm looking at this like learning a piece of music. I start off playing 7 Bridges Road and then use what I learned to create a new song.

I already know how I plan to do things, I was just looking for others to share their thoughts. Do they take notes, watch a movie twice, use subtitles...

The More You Know *shooting star*

Been a while since I reviewed.

I tend to keep to a layout.
Short synopsis... talk about the story layout... acting... then special effects last.

Then a quick "All in all" roundup of if I actually liked it or not.

How I actually write though... is, imagine talking to an imaginary friend... and type as you talk.
Then edit the rambling paragraphs.
I also tend to watch the movie while I'm typing

if it is old movie you are reviewing , then you can give out major part of the story . but a new movie's story should not be revealed , at least not completely .

write about music of the movie , acting by actors , photography etc---this towards the end of the review . tell how many stars would you give out of five or out of ten in the fag end .

Registered User
When I reviewed movies, I used this format

Before I start the review I mentioned who directed the movie first, usually with a link to IMDB, it helps with SEO.

The first paragraph was a short summary of my thoughts written in a way so as to hook the reader.

I once ended the first paragraph of a review with the phrase "Who would've thought such a flawed movie could pierce through my cold and rotten heart..." Something like that, even if not as dramatic.

The second paragraph was the plot synopsis, usually would add the cast names after their character's name in parenthesis. For ex: "Batman (Christian Bale)".

Then I would say what I liked about the movie, followed by what I disliked about it. I prefer to do it this way because I feel it gives the reader a clearer idea of where I land. If I mentioned 5 small things I loved it but one HUGE thing I disliked about it, they would understand the mediocre rating better.

In the last few paragraphs, I usually try to combine what I liked and disliked into one final idea, to give a clear picture of exactly what I thought about the film.

Then the rating, I don't love doing them myself but the audience expects and demands it.

When I reviewed movies, I used this format

Before I start the review I mentioned who directed the movie first, usually with a link to IMDB, it helps with SEO.

The first paragraph was a short summary of my thoughts written in a way so as to hook the reader.
The second paragraph was the plot synopsis, usually would add the cast names after their character's name in parenthesis. For ex: "Batman (Christian Bale)".
Then I would say what I liked about the movie, followed by what I disliked about it. I prefer to do it this way because I feel it gives the reader a clearer idea of where I land. If I mentioned 5 small things I loved it but one HUGE thing I disliked about it, they would understand the mediocre rating better.

In the last few paragraphs, I usually try to combine what I liked and disliked into one final idea, to give a clear picture of exactly what I thought about the film.

Then the rating, I don't love doing them myself but the audience expects and demands it.
What SEO means please?
You can call it the art of fighting without fighting.

Registered User
What SEO means please?
Search Engine Optimization. Basically, it's to make your blog more easy to find on Google.

I have been in the process of mapping out changes for the new year for a bit. Some have been implemented the past month or so, in order to avoid New Year's overload. Maybe you've heard of the world famous 2017 DVR Movie Relegation thread ?

I am a self-avowed horrid writer, lacking any ability to form or convey any thoughts about movies. I am also proficient in grammar destruction. For the new year, I am going to keep a running record of movies viewed accompanied by at least two strong, coherent sentences.

Feel free to share any thoughts on how you develop your thoughts or musings on what you look for in movie reviews.
i like this thread and i think you are quite eloquent to be able to make a nice and comprehensible review. When i write a review a go more to my feelings rather than to technicalities. I like to share my very thoughts and moods. Also, I like to think of my readers and make my review as much accessible as possible, meaning, i like to NOT to leave my thoughts opened and trying finish my sentences. thats about it. I dont have much criteria to write a review as I'm not a professional.

Search Engine Optimization. Basically, it's to make your blog more easy to find on Google.
you mean to be inserting hyperlinks to your review and similar or something else?

.....Then the rating, I don't love doing them myself but the audience expects and demands it.

I love the rating part. Shot straight from the hip. No rhyme or reason to mine other than a gut feeling.

Hellloooo Cindy - Scary Movie (2000)
Put some emotion into it. How the movie made you feel rather than it being clinical. I like (personally) reading shorter reviews that are to the point.....concise...rather than those with waffle. Just my thoughts....I’m no expert and I rarely write a review.

I already know how I plan to do things, I was just looking for others to share their thoughts. Do they take notes, watch a movie twice, use subtitles...
I think its different for everybody. I tend to like to put my thoughts down as soon as possible. Sometimes I would even use a recorder and talk into it because I find sitting and writing more limiting and restrictive then actually speaking both in terms of expression and just plain speed. Actual conversation always seems to work the best for me in terms of conveying my thoughts best. Then I transcribe that into written words. But just free form. No organization, no structure. Just thoughts on a screen (or paper) and then.. walk away... Let it marinate. Immediate emotions and thoughts are important but allowing the art to kind of digest is just as important. So come back to your word explosion later and then work it into shape. And Often times youll have answered initial questions you had about the film or even the way you think about the film. I tinker a lot until Im finally done. Sometimes whole sections disappear or revelations come out that werent there initially.

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
The one consistent thing I do is to give it a score from 1-10... it's usually a feel that determines my love for a movie. I try to say something about it, sometimes digressing.

I give a 5/10 for a movie I feel that I broke even; my time.. Sometimes even shifting grades in my head while watching. I also consider the scores for certain movies. I do admit to giving a bit of a handicap for movies made after 1982 (my birth) because I'm surprised, but also because I know some will only watch newer movies, so a higher grade might help encourage better movies, and hopefully filter out the bad ones

The one consistent thing I do is to give it a score from 1-10... it's usually a feel that determines my love for a movie. I try to say something about it, sometimes digressing.
I like to look at it that way.

Unforgiven is a perfect example. I will probably end up watching it again, but I was not impressed. Not impressed, because I had heard all my life about how great it was. Apparently there is a lot of stuff outside of that movie that impacts its value. All of which was lost on me. I would probably give a
as of today. Well made, good characters, but it wasn't a powerful movie to me.

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
I like to look at it that way.

Unforgiven is a perfect example. I will probably end up watching it again, but I was not impressed. Not impressed, because I had heard all my life about how great it was. Apparently there is a lot of stuff outside of that movie that impacts its value. All of which was lost on me. I would probably give a
as of today. Well made, good characters, but it wasn't a powerful movie to me.
Same - and I'm a fan of Clint Eastwood.... I especially loved "The Outlaw Josey Wales" but it had great writing, better flow... I didn't find "Unforgiven" a very good movie.