Worst Spoiler You Ever Had To Endure



I was 11 or 12 years old, and the first sequel to Star Wars came out The Empire Strikes Back. To say it was a "must see" was an understatement. Even at a young age I abhorred spoilers, and if anyone even hinted the end of something I had to see, depending how far they got in the description, I would go into a simmering rage or outright tantrum.

Phone rang, I pick it up, and hear "LEWANLEARBRUERNSISER!!!!" It was screamed so fast I had no idea what he was saying. It was a friend of mine at the time. I said "What?!", and he repeats "Lewanleaarbroeransiser", still couldnt understand him but it wasnt as fast this time. I said "What are you saying? Slow down!". He said it slower but still fast with my undivided attention "LukeAndLeahAreBrotherAndSister".

Eruption! I scream out profanities, and as Im slamming the phone down on the receiver Im heard him saying something about Darth Vader but hung up before he could finish. I was livid for a good 2-3 days.

I think the worst one I've spotted myself was The 6th Sense.

All the adverts and marketing beforehand... then when I saw the film's start sequence, it gave away the ending.
I watched the whole thing with my tongue in my cheek and one eyebrow raised... then when the film ended I felt thoroughly unrewarded.

Love that

We've gone on holiday by mistake


I was playing pool with my friend Jon and I started saying how I've got into Game of Thrones last couple of weeks and watched first 2 series and Most (keyword here) of series 3. We get talking about it and I mention how shocked I was about Sean Bean's Ned Stark dying in first series, like the main character, biggest star of the series etc, and my mate Jon says "yea, also when his son Rob dies aswell at the end of series 2", I'm like "no he doesn't", then he goes "or was that series 3". I couldn't believe it, almost as much as when I watched it today.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
I think the worst one I've spotted myself was The 6th Sense.

All the adverts and marketing beforehand... then when I saw the film's start sequence, it gave away the ending.
I watched the whole thing with my tongue in my cheek and one eyebrow raised... then when the film ended I felt thoroughly unrewarded.
I never saw the Sixth Sense twist coming but I saw one trailer for "The Village" and somehow just knew what the "monsters" were beyond the forest. I have never watched it either.

With movie,probably only who's Luke's father in Star Wars.
But I had one with TV Show Dexter,the end of seven season,read it accidently on the Internet. :/
"Anything less than immortality is a complete waste of time."

1 or 2 years ago I was speaking of cinema with my friend at school and told hin that I was starting to have interest in it. I told him that I rented Fight Club and he told me right away the twist -.-
I do not speak english perfectly so expect some mistakes here and there in my messages


I stopped reading there GOT is awesome and anyone spoiling it should catch a Killing Them Softly level beating.

1 or 2 years ago I was speaking of cinema with my friend at school and told hin that I was starting to have interest in it. I told him that I rented Fight Club and he told me right away the twist -.-
Oh what an oblivious *******! Fight Club was awesome but if I knew the twist beforehand it would'nt have had anywhere near the impact.

I made the mistake of watching scary movie.

Then i saw the usual suspects. although i did kindof see the ending coming it would have been nice to have watched it through completely uninformed.

GOT is awesome and anyone spoiling it should catch a Killing Them Softly level beating.
aww glad to see Killing Them Softly beating getting some recognition.Good scene.

I made the mistake of watching scary movie.

Then i saw the usual suspects. although i did kindof see the ending coming it would have been nice to have watched it through completely uninformed.
Scary Movie spoils TUS?I've seen both but I watched Scary Movie when I was little.

Finished here. It's been fun.
I recently got spoiled something that happens in GTA V and i'm furious.

Scary Movie spoils TUS?I've seen both but I watched Scary Movie when I was little.
Just the ending of both, guess its a parody really of TUS.

first of all luke and leias genetics would be a spoiler for jedi not empire

second (please nite that i do not read comics) i guess mine would be miranda tate = talia al ghul or the twist to hide and seek (deniro/fanning)

first of all luke and leias genetics would be a spoiler for jedi not empire
Actually Luke and Leia being siblings was revealed in Jedi! Somehow Im remembering it from Empire. Weird. It had to have been Return Of The Jedi then I was thinking. HM!

\m/ Fade To Black \m/
Same here, The 6th Sense. I was ready to go and see it with my gf and I told mt friend what film we were going to see and the idiot told me the twist... I was fumming.
~In the event of a Zombie Uprising, remember to sever the head or destroy the brain!~

Rise of the Planet of the Apes trailer. They showed everything before hand.

I recently got spoiled something that happens in GTA V and i'm furious.
I think the phrase I'm looking for is "the generation gap."
5-time MoFo Award winner.

Someone telling me about The Usual Suspects blurted out the twist. Then froze and tried for about two minutes back-pedalling and trying to downplay what he said.

The excellence of the film is that I then watched it and loved it knowing exactly what was going on.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I am not a big spoiler guy but was pretty disappointed last year when I subjected myself to knowing the ending of Life Of Pi. I don't know that I would have enjoyed it more not knowing, but now I will never know.