2023 MoFo Fantasy Baseball: Season and Trades


Bichette maybe hurt again, ugh. And Darvish too.

It would take a lot for me to lose this down the stretch, but it is still unnervingly plausible, and stuff like this is how it happens.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Best fantasy day I have had late in a season, maybe ever. 30 more days of this and you can count on me…coming in second.

A system of cells interlinked
Why am I still making roster moves in this league?!
I always play right up until the last day, with just as much interest as day one. Silly? Perhaps...but I do it anyway!
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Verlander vs Scherzer tonight. 5 weeks ago they were on the same team. God I love baseball.

Might have just lost Betts and Adolis Garcia and Rengifo all in the last two days. Gonna be really stumbling down this final stretch.
Oh shut up! mumble grumble ;]

I should have kept him....

In all honesty, aside from me me burning myself AGAIN, Im happy Trea Turner got his legs back. Id be more depressed if he didnt ever rebound. I dont think he would have made a difference in if I would have won or not. If he would have....dont tell me

Yknow, there's only 2 weeks left in the Fantasy Baseball season. The only accomplishment I could pull off at this point is to not make any moves..it's a pittance, but dayum ill take a pittance accomplishment right now. Fell to 5th, and Tim's 4th after making a tenth of the moves I've made. To quote the Iron Shiek "Break your back! Make you humble!"

While I'm being lucid I want to congratulate Yoda on winning this season. Not only is he the best at this, but he runs the best Fantasy league I've ever played in. I'm absorbed (too much) for 6 months, and it's like reading a great long book. Every year the new one never disappoints. Thank you Chris.

Glad to see you back too Sean. Another active owner that's cool to boot is what makes this league pure money. Same with Rauld as I enjoy his input now emmencely. Now I've got to be the one to stop complaining. sigh.

A system of cells interlinked
I am going down swinging, but my team is taking injury hits now, and I think I am just swamped at 6th for the duration. There is always next year!

O'Neil's on IL, and I've no bench so I had to sub someone off waivers, but I got the wrong Jorge. I wanted Mateo and not Polanco. Otherwise I wouldn't have made a move, so those didn't count. It was for the integrity of the league

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Really crawling to the finish line here. I lost hope of catching Chris in …April, but still was hoping for a little juice here at the end.

Yeah, Chris is doing a great job once again. When you're in the upper 110 to 115 range this time of year its very difficult to make a dent if you're not right there with him. Best to just explore his roster and try to understand what he's doing and then steal all his best stuff and try to use it against him next year. I'm being fully serious. Great job as always Chris!
We are both the source of the problem and the solution, yet we do not see ourselves in this light...

You're all very nice, thank you.

The best motivation is just to avoid the insane stress that is the last month of the season if you're in the race but could still easily win or lose it with your choices. That's been the case basically every year except the last two and maaaaan is it rough making all those calls down the stretch.

You're all very nice, thank you.

The best motivation is just to avoid the insane stress that is the last month of the season if you're in the race but could still easily win or lose it with your choices. That's been the case basically every year except the last two and maaaaan is it rough making all those calls down the stretch.

Yeah, the nice thing about being near the bottom is I can bench my good players in favor of the ones I want to be good.