MoFo Fantasy Baseball 2023 - Signups


Deciding to go all-in with a new strategy for drafting fantasy baseball players....and deciding, and deciding.

I tried finding with no success a YouTube clip of Brad Pitt doing long big donuts in the parking lot from Moneyball, when Billy Bean was trying to get up the nerve to go all-in with the OBP concept, and new way to value players. Afraid of ridicule and getting fired. Worst case scenario for me would be getting kicked out of the league, and ridiculed (and No I'm not drafting an all-Ray baseball team).

Sigh. Sigh!

Well ill give it a try, and see if people respond. The date and time ill pitch is March 12th Sunday 1:00 pm EST.

Oh my God, I cant even make this up lol! My boss tells me she has plans on the 12th too, so its just meant to be for me to miss this draft. So be it. Done! Finito! Excelsior!

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Oh my God, I cant even make this up lol! My boss tells me she has plans on the 12th too, so its just meant to be for me to miss this draft. So be it. Done! Finito! Excelsior!
I will give you the same advice I give my kids. Save those sick days for the really important stuff in life. Movie premieres and fantasy drafts.

A system of cells interlinked

“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Good thing Umpires aren't the sensitive types with long memories otherwise this completely subjective rule (didn't look like it to me!) having to look at the pitcher thing could get a little concerning for some guys. Hopefully it gets used more like the play clock in the NFL and not the shot clock in basketball or we may get a lot of Earl Weaver quotes about the guys in blue. Something like they're just here TO **** US!

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.

What a terrible way to end the game.

It's easy to laugh it off during spring training, but if this happens during the regular season, the fans are going to go insane.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

What a terrible way to end the game.

It's easy to laugh it off during spring training, but if this happens during the regular season, the fans are going to go insane.
Then hopefully the players will have it figured it out by the time the season starts....

Then hopefully the players will have it figured it out by the time the season starts....
Sooner or later, a game will end on a pitch clock violation. I agree it will be a crappy way for a game to end.

I think the umpires are going to call the pitch clock stuff very strictly in spring training to get everyone used to it. My expectation is that there will be some violations in April, and fewer and fewer as the season goes on.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Sooner or later, a game will end on a pitch clock violation. I agree it will be a crappy way for a game to end.

I think the umpires are going to call the pitch clock stuff very strictly in spring training to get everyone used to it. My expectation is that there will be some violations in April, and fewer and fewer as the season goes on.

I'm sure that most players will be ready by the time the season starts, but I'm sure there will still be times that violations will be called during the regular season. Let's just hope that they're not in situations where the game is on the line, and the game ends on a call like that.

Im glad they finally have a time limit. I remember Josh Beckett just standing on the mound, for minutes, and he couldnt keep a straight face cause he knew it was so ridiculous. Not only does the opposing team and fans hate it, but it got under the umpires skin too. Pitchers who are always in fluid motion like Clayton Kershaw wont be affected by this whatsoever.

The batters who have these elaborate routines between pitches bother me the most. Nomar was the most famous offender that I can remember. Josh Harrison was pretty annoying too.

Yeah, the idea that you need to undo and redo the straps on your gloves every time is nuts, that's just asking tens of thousands of people to accommodate your electively reinforced behavioral quirk.

I also hate it when the pitcher comes set and just sits there for like five or six seconds. Totally unreasonable to expect the batter to just stand there, braced, while they do that. And I hate the increasing second-by-second likelihood of wondering when it'll be too long and the batter will call for time, as they quite reasonably do.

This is one of those things where no rule is necessary unless/until people (batters and pitchers, in their own ways) kind of abuse the lack of a rule and do everything with no sense of obligation to the other people around them. It's a real Holmes "when you break the big laws, you get the small laws" kinda thing.