The MoFo Top 100 of the 2010s Countdown

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If True Grit made it, certainly Inside Llewyn Davis, Hail, Caesar!, and The Ballad of Buster Scruggs made it, right? right?
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Actor stats

Scarlett Johansson IIII
Chris Evans IIII
Domhnall Gleeson IIII

Jessica Chastain III
Mark Ruffalo III
Michael Shannon III
Chris Pratt III

Michelle Williams II
Emma Stone II
Robert Downey Jr. II
Jake Gyllenhaal II
Leonardo DiCaprio II
Rachel McAdams II
Taika Waititi II
Hugh Jackman II
Matt Damon II
Chris Hemsworth II
Sam Rockwell II
Toni Collette II
Jeff Bridges II

(pls let me know if I forgot someone, thanks for the help so far gbgoodies, thief and phoenix)

Love Guardians of the Galaxy, great theater watch with one of the best soundtracks of the decade and lots of laughs. It makes my top 56, but not my ballot this time. True Grit needs a re-watch, this was also the case during the Western countdown but I still haven't gotten round to it. Hailee Steinfeld is a good newcomer though. Started watching Hawkeye (co-starring Florence Pugh, Vera Farmiga and Tony 'Lalo Salamanca' Dalton) not so long ago and it's pretty cool so far.

SEEN 48/62
BALLOT 13/25

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
If True Grit made it, certainly Inside Llewyn Davis, Hail, Caesar!, and The Ballad of Buster Scruggs made it, right? right?
I think just Llewyn Davis. You’re right though, that one should be high.

If True Grit made it, certainly Inside Llewyn Davis, Hail, Caesar!, and The Ballad of Buster Scruggs made it, right? right?
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

I like both versions of True Grit just about the same--good, solid westerns.

I've never been as high on Guardians of the Galaxy as others--possibly attributable to my Marvel period not involving them at all (I was definitely a Cap, Iron Man, Spider-Man, X-Men, FF guy)--but also because I think Guardians is silly in a way I feel is less enjoyable (but others obviously love).

No votes from me for these.

Wow i did not expect either of these to be this high.

True Grit is a fine film, middle tier Coens for me. I thought it had a lukewarm reception when it came out then didn’t hear anyone talk about it again so I’m surprised to see this much love for it.

Guardians is wonderful but I prefer 2 personally.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
I'd also consider these locks:

Mad Max Fury Road
Blade Runner 2049
The Master
La La Land
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
Get Out
Wolf of Wall Street
Grand Budapest Hotel
12 Years a Slave
Inside Llewellyn Davis
Tree of Life
Social Network
It's Such A Beautiful Day
Phantom Thread
Florida Project
Lady Bird

This is not solely or directly related to the two newest reveals… but I think I’ve had a realization… maybe in fact, there’s nothing all that wrong with some of the movies popping up on this list, even though I dislike or don’t think much of a few of them.

Maybe instead, it’s the whole decade that’s just not that great. At least not compared with older decades. Many have said it before: movies overall are are not getting better. The standard is dropping. That doesn’t mean there aren’t great films in this decade. Because there’s even some of my absolute favorites. But it’s just… well… I guess I’ll just say the same some ol’ line… “they don’t make them like they used to”.

Anyways, as for the two recent entries, True Grit is far from my favorite Coen. I’m a huge fan of theirs (surprise, surprise) and even not counting No Country for Old Men, there’s still many great films in their filmography. Despite having seen True Grit twice I think, it leaves me with the same slightly underwhelmed feeling.

Guardians of the Galaxy is an awesome MCU film. It really helped me getting back into the MCU too. Very entertaining, funny and with a nice soundtrack. Good characters and a style that was, at the time, very unique and different. I’m fine with it on the list, though it’s quite a bit higher than I would want it I think.
Interesting. Participating in the Best of 2000s and this Best of 2010s has shown me that I greatly prefer the 2010s’ crop of movies. Making this list was so much easier and I had so many more movies to choose from. But that just might be my personal preference since I lean so hard into sci-fi, horror and action and the 2000s felt so devoid of those genres.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I'd also consider these locks:

Mad Max Fury Road
Blade Runner 2049
The Master
La La Land
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
Get Out
Wolf of Wall Street
Grand Budapest Hotel
12 Years a Slave
Inside Llewellyn Davis
Tree of Life
Social Network
It's Such A Beautiful Day
Phantom Thread
Florida Project
Lady Bird
Not reading that! I want to be disappointed and surprised at the same time

Victim of The Night
I haven't yet seen Melancholia, though a few people have recommended it to me. I know it's going to hit me in a certain kind of way, so it's definitely on my watchlist. I actually started it the other night and then chickened out and bailed. Someday!

Dredd was my #14. It is a movie that I find endlessly charming and rewatchable. Fun protagonists, fun antagonists, just the right amount of world-building. It also manages to pass a test that some action films don't, where sometimes I'll really love an action movie but on a rewatch find myself getting antsy just waiting for certain setpieces. With Dredd I enjoy the entire thing from beginning to end. And I think that the development of the relationship between the two leads as the film progresses is really neat.
On Melancholia, it's really nice, though it starts really rough. In a worthwhile way, though. Intentional-like. (It is fair to say that I knew nothing about it going in, so my reaction wasn't pre=loaded in any way at all, but I thought it was really good.)
On Dredd, yes.

Victim of The Night
I don't think that's making the countdown either:

Just wondering, based on our conversation elsewhere, if you've seen The Red Shoes. Black Swan was supposed to have been Aronofsky's attempt at doing The Red Shoes.

I haven't seen either (The Red Shoes being one of the few big Powell & Pressburger movies I haven't seen. I guess I'll try rectifying that this year since it's one of the nine films from the S&S critics top 100 poll results I haven't seen).
I have seen The Red Shoes.
I think my expectations were just too high.
What is great, is obviously great. Incredibly obvious. What's around it didn't wow me as much as I expected. But I actually think that's on me. I genuinely believe that if I re-watch it with my expectations set appropriately, it will click. Because it's obviously very good, with some masterpiece parts, I was just waiting every second to be blown away.

Actor stats

Scarlett Johansson IIII
Chris Evans IIII
Domhnall Gleeson IIII

If you count Stan Lee cameos, he’s been in four films.

Avengers: Endgame / Deadpool / Guardians of the Galaxy / Captain America: Civil war

Society ennobler, last seen in Medici's Florence
#40. True Grit (2010) - saw it when it came out. Good film, I rated it
- (77/100). Well, it faded away in my mind since then so I didn't consider it for my ballot.

Never heard #39. Guardians of the Galaxy (2014).

"Population don't imitate art, population imitate bad television." W.A.
"You can't depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus." M.T.

I'd also consider these locks:

Mad Max Fury Road
Blade Runner 2049
The Master
La La Land
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
Get Out
Wolf of Wall Street
Grand Budapest Hotel
12 Years a Slave
Inside Llewellyn Davis
Tree of Life
Social Network
It's Such A Beautiful Day
Phantom Thread
Florida Project
Lady Bird
Django Unchained is 100% lock too. Surely The Hateful Eight too but I wouldn't say 100%.

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
Dredd I have seen, it turns out. It was a decent action movie. Surprised it got so much higher than The Raid, they always seem to be talked about together.

Melancholia I really didn't like, despite some gorgeous visuals. I sort of lost interest in Von Trier after this and Manderlay. Its high position here is making me wonder whether I should give it another chance.

True Grit is decent, I think I voted for it for the Westerns list but I wasn't expecting it this high here

Guardians of the Galaxy is great fun. I personally prefer the second film as I think it's funnier but this is the more complete film. I thought it had a chance to crack the all time top 100 but it didn't. No surprise to see it here. Not sure how many more Marvel films will make it at this point.

32/60 seen
4/60 on my ballot

True Grit, I saw it. That is all I remember about it so it didn't make my list.

Guardians of the Galaxy was a super fun popcorn movie. The casting was superb especially Chris Pratt and Michael Rooker. The characters of Groot and Rocket Raccoon were so appealing. I had a discussion with a little kid about Rocket Racoon and another cute character in a movie. We both agreed Rocket was cuter. I can't remember what character was up against rocket. Quill's playlist is one great old banger after another. So much fun. But it was not on my list. maybe it should have been.