The Personal Recommendation Hall of Fame III: Foreign Language Edition


Trouble with a capital "T"
Classics with strong character work.
That's a good call for me, I'd say it's true

But so that no one thinks this is tipping my hand, I tried to go with the spirit of what people like as opposed to strict demographics. So some people tended to have one genre or era represented, but my recs didn't always fit those parameters.

For example, I was more likely to be guided by optimism! than movies from the 70s!.
I kinda did that too. I had a film picked for you that I thought was a good one, but then I read on Wiki that the director was accused of animal cruelty, so I skipped that one of course. You were hard for me as I didn't really have any insight into what you might like or dislike. I know you post on the Rate the Last Movie You Watched thread, but I hardly ever spend any time in there. I hope you like what I picked.

That's a good call for me, I'd say it's true

I kinda did that too. I had a film picked for you that I thought was a good one, but then I read on Wiki that the director was accused of animal cruelty, so I skipped that one of course. You were hard for me as I didn't really have any insight into what you might like or dislike. I know you post on the Rate the Last Movie You Watched thread, but I hardly ever spend any time in there. I hope you like what I picked.
Everyone trying to pick movies for me, having to google "animal cruelty" + "director's name", LOL.

I like a really wide range of genres, decades, styles, etc. I enjoy finding the good in any film I watch, and especially if I know someone is recommending something to me.

I do tag (or try to tag) my reviews, so you can look at those to also get a sense of what I like.

*Looks at Siddon’s options*
*sweats profusely*
*realizes he probably won’t like what I pick anyways and just selects something*

Cool...I would think I should be easy to chose for as I haven't seen a lot of the well known greats. Now Cricket and Siddon, they've seen everything just about!

just a heads up

Anyways for the foreign option I went ahead and exed out some films I watched 20-30 years ago(or films I hadn't finished) so you guys can have some other options for me, I know the chances of people seeing something I hadn't seen before are pretty slim...
  • The Rules of the Game
  • Andrei Rublev
  • The Conformist
  • Come and See
  • Rififi
The other thing to consider is here are some foreign noirs on the list
  • Story of a Love Affair
  • 36th Precinct
  • Death Is A Caress
  • Foreign Land
  • Castle of Sand
  • Der Verlorne
  • The Beautiful Troublemaker
Which if you are going to do a blind nom (which I think many people are going to do for me) Going noir or documentary would be a smart idea.
  • Jiro Dreams of Sushi
  • Sans Soleil
  • The Kingdom of Dreams and Madness
  • Histoire(s) du cinéma: Only Cinema
  • The Emperor's Naked Army Marches On

I do this because I like making recommendations I understand that the chances of finding something really great is so slim. Good luck to everybody...I had like 10 choices for everyone

Just waiting on Ed, Thief, and myself. I have a busy day but can get them up tonight if they come in early enough. If not, tomorrow night.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Just waiting on Ed, Thief, and myself. I have a busy day but can get them up tonight if they come in early enough. If not, tomorrow night.
That works. I'm going to try to watch Secret in Their Eyes tonight so I'll be done with 24th.

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
To avoid over-thinking, I looked at everyone's favorites, tried to say a common thread (Uplifting! Technically solid! Etc!), then picked the first film I saw that matched those criteria.
I love this idea. Shame some people haven't got their favourites filled out...guess they will get pot luck!

I am OK with films up to 3 hours if that helps anyone find something for me.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
So I look at the curated lists, look at the participants favourite 10 films, then recommend one for each of them via PM that they have not seen?
PM your picks for each participant to Cricket. We aren't to know who picked what for us.

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
So I look at the curated lists, look at the participants favourite 10 films, then recommend one for each of them via PM that they have not seen?
You PM the list of all your recommendations to Cricket.

The trick is not minding
So I look at the curated lists, look at the participants favourite 10 films, then recommend one for each of them via PM that they have not seen?
You don’t have to look at their individual top ten lists, but it helps get an idea of what to pick. Mostly, I just grab a film they hadn’t seen yet but one that I have, and enjoyed, and go with that.
Welcome aboard!

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
Thanks - and the films I pick have to be on the curated lists on this site?
On the official lists, not people's custom lists. They're the ones you see if you click on someone's lists, though.

Ok, I'm trying to browse everybody's lists to make my picks... I'm having an issue with a few of you (I'm new here, so bear with me). Most of you, I can see the MoFo default lists and what they've crossed out, but a few of you have some personalized lists and no access (that I can see) to the other MoFo default lists. What am I missing?