MoFo Movie Roulette


Women will be your undoing, Pépé

Like above, 3 films for you to choose from.

The Slayer (1982)
The Nightingale (2018)
Dust Devil (1992) Very preferably the 108 min final cut
I'll get a few choices up this evening for ya!
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

Let the night air cool you off
I’ll post a link to my letterboxd page when I get back home, if anybody else participating is on there, you should share your username with us so we can follow each other.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
here ya go, @pahaK. I was shooting kinda blind here for ya, hopefully one of them catches your eye.

Millennium Actress 2001
Sunset Boulevard 1950
The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (1948)

Also, I think I'm gonna give The Nightingale (2018) a shot. While I do know and have heard it is on the brutal side it does look pretty amazing visually.

So as soon as we watched the movie, do we post our rating or are we supposed to wait until everyone has watched their recommended movie?

So as soon as we watched the movie, do we post our rating or are we supposed to wait until everyone has watched their recommended movie?
Not sure but I would guess post the rating and some brief thoughts. I'm watching the movie you picked for me tomorrow evening.

I'll post this now, so I don't forget to later. I watched the movie my new friend @cricket recommended for me, Les Misérables (1935). Directed by Richard Boleslawski, the film is an adaption of Victor Hugo's novel and stars Fredric March, Charles Laughton, Cedric Hardwicke and Rochelle Hudson. This is a well made film with lovely cinematography and very good performances, especially from March and Laughton. My rating is

Let the night air cool you off
I'll post this now, so I don't forget to later. I watched the movie my new friend @cricket recommended for me, Les Misérables (1935). Directed by Richard Boleslawski, the film is an adaption of Victor Hugo's novel and stars Fredric March, Charles Laughton, Cedric Hardwicke and Rochelle Hudson. This is a well made film with lovely cinematography and very good performances, especially from March and Laughton. My rating is (4/5).
I don't know if you posted the popcorn like that just because you like doing it like that or if you just don't know about how to do the
style popcorns. Just in case you don't know how to do the one I did, here is how: [ rating ] 4 [ /rating] but get rid of all the spaces there.

I don't know if you posted the popcorn like that just because you like doing it like that or if you just don't know about how to do the
style popcorns. Just in case you don't know how to do the one I did, here is how: [ rating ] 4 [ /rating] but get rid of all the spaces there.

Being new here this is good to know, thanks.

I don't know if you posted the popcorn like that just because you like doing it like that or if you just don't know about how to do the
style popcorns. Just in case you don't know how to do the one I did, here is how: [ rating ] 4 [ /rating] but get rid of all the spaces there.
Thanks, I wasn't sure how to do the popcorn rating.

I'll post this now, so I don't forget to later. I watched the movie my new friend @cricket recommended for me, Les Misérables (1935). Directed by Richard Boleslawski, the film is an adaption of Victor Hugo's novel and stars Fredric March, Charles Laughton, Cedric Hardwicke and Rochelle Hudson. This is a well made film with lovely cinematography and very good performances, especially from March and Laughton. My rating is
Glad you enjoyed it, looking forward to your pick for me!

Miss Vicky's Loyal and Willing Slave
Ok after having quick skim over his profile page I'm offering @Citizen Rules the following options

Local Hero (1983) - One from my shores (Scotland). A gentle, whimsical, magical little comedy-drama. It also features an actor from one of your favourite films, Burt Lancaster

Lars and the Real Girl (2007) - You love Frank Capra and I feel there's something almost Capra-esque about this film in its vaguely magical/fantasy vibe, its version of small town America and sense of community

Roadgames (1981) - You love Hitchcock and this Australian thriller is very much inspired by him. Its sort of like 'Rear Window on the road'

Miss Vicky's Loyal and Willing Slave
Seen National Treasure a few times. Watched Poseidion Adventure not that long ago actually. Which leaves 28 Days Later. I'm really not a horror fan. Is it scary? lol

Trouble with a capital "T"
Seen National Treasure a few times. Watched Poseidion Adventure not that long ago actually. Which leaves 28 Days Later. I'm really not a horror fan. Is it scary? lol
I'm not a horror fan either so I can relate. It's not really scary but you know kinda. Let me look for three more films and I'll post them in a bit.

Miss Vicky's Loyal and Willing Slave
No I'm game to give 28 Days Later a shot. I'll just make sure to do it in the afternoon when it's daylight and I'll have my little dog there for emotional support

Trouble with a capital "T"
Ok after having quick skim over his profile page I'm offering @Citizen Rules the following options

Lars and the Real Girl
(2007) Great film, loved it, but I seen it

Roadgames (1981) Ugh I hate predator stalking type movies.

Local Hero (1983) - One from my shores (Scotland). A gentle, whimsical, magical little comedy-drama. It also features an actor from one of your favourite films, Burt Lancaster

Local Hero sounds perfect I'm excited to watch it.

Trouble with a capital "T"
No I'm game to give 28 Days Later a shot. I'll just make sure to do it in the afternoon when it's daylight and I'll have my little dog there for emotional support
Cool enough, I'm the last person to like a graphic horror film and I liked it, so you should be OK, I hope!