Donald Trump for President?


Never understood why people in the West connect Trump with Putin so much. One is capable politician that has as much pre-knowledge as one can get (KGB) and has greatly improved his country, other one is Trump.
I've never seen anyone connect them before. Maybe I haven't been reading the right things!

Do you have a solution or a candidate with concise economic and foreign policy solutions ?
We did; they've lost and had to drop out, because people bought into exactly the kinds of things you're saying now.

Also, I'm not sure how this question is supposed to let you off the hook for saying a whole mess of stuff about Trump that isn't true, or isn't based in any evidence.

Careful though, the mujaheedin might be eves dropping!
Yeah, I've heard this argument before: Trump can't be specific because it'll give away his strategy! It's not a serious argument, but let's take it at face value anyway: he actually said at the last debate that he didn't really mean one of his positions and it was just to open negotiations. He also said he wouldn't take Israel's side, but when he was criticized for it he said he was just saying that so he could appear neutral.

Just curious. I was looking at your profile trying to figure out who you are and what you stand for and I see that you've been on here almost 16 years and you are 31? Typo?
Nope, I own the site and built it when I was a teenager. And I can only assume this is some transparent prelude to trying to change the subject away from the unenviable task of untangling Trump's tortured mass of contradictory positions.

Trump can say what he wants because he's not held to the standards of a politician, let alone a Presidential candidate. He's held to the standards of a celebrity TV star. That's what's so terrible about all this, really.

There's been so much I was going to comment on but, at some point, my copy/pasting get messed up and I lost some of it.

He's not funding his own campaign. A third of it is from standard campaign donations, and nearly all the rest is a loan, which means he can fundraise to pay himself back. Which I would bet money he'll end up doing.

Is there anyone worth supporting? Politics is just about picking the lesser evil.
Ah, welcome to the real world. I'm sorry you've had to wake up.

Just a question: how can a country that was literally built by immigrants be against immigration??? Unless you're a native American you have the same right to be there than anyone else...
Because those people don't equate their history (personal or family) with the current situation. In a similar way that people who make lots of money and then start using private healthcare start to think their taxes shouldn't pay for the NHS. Or people who went to university on a grant start to think that other people shouldn't have the same opportunity.

So do you think all countries should have 100% open border policies, everyone comes and goes as they please with no restrictions whatsoever?
That's the dream. Not that it can be a reality any time soon. Though I think that's more to do with economic and educational reasons rather than war or terrorism.

For instance, a military service program. It could include boot camp wherein English is taught. And say, after a 4 year stint, citizenship would be granted upon discharge.

People are talking about short term solutions to long term problems,
Hello, good evening and welcome to politics. A world where anything which can't be solved/achieved in four or five years, probably won't be attempted in case you lose the next election and someone else gets to take the credit.

The truth is most of us are much closer together on these issues than people realize. We are too busy screaming at each other to have real conversations.
^^Quoted for truth^^

Our jails are overflowing and 37 % of the American prison population consists of illegal aliens! That's almost half!
Ooooh. Another victim of the American education system, I see.

These are people who came here illegally, then committed crimes. Yet we're paying to feed, shelter, provide medical care & sustain them.
Prisons are an ideal place to start and a good way to de-crowd the prison system and improve conditions for staff & inmates. Clean out the prisons and deport the illegal aliens who came here to commit crimes back to their own countries and let their countries pay to support them.
For once I'll actually answer something here. The problem is that you can't always make/force those countries to take them back. That's not to say you shouldn't try, but unless reducing illegal immigration is your only goal (and you aren't concerned with the consequences/costs of doing it) then this is a real problem.

May not be the most brilliant idea with those ISIS guys and that whole behead anyone who isn't Muslim thing
Maybe it would be, though? Maybe things might get done a lot sooner were we all not safely thinking it was happening far, far away?

Those damn illegal immigrants invaded Donald Trump's thread!
I love the internet.

Many don't understand the story of the Plymouth Pilgrims - first, they didn't represent European imperialism (that's what they were escaping), they came seeking religious freedom and to live autonymously,
Indeed they did. Because they were Puritans and hated having to live in a more relaxed, liberal society. Hello, America! *waves*
5-time MoFo Award winner.

Epiphany's Avatar
[quote=Yoda;1481111]We did; they've lost and had to drop out, because people bought into exactly the kinds of things you're saying now.

Also, I'm not sure how this question is supposed to let you off the hook for saying a whole mess of stuff about Trump that isn't true, or isn't based in any evidence.

Let me off the hook? Looking for evidence? What are you, a judge?
Do you believe in God? Do you have evidence?
I believe in Trump but you still have not given me any solutions to the problems you think he can't solve.

Survivor 5s #2 Bitch
North Korea are extremely poor, if they were able to develop nuclear weaponry, it wouldn't be powerful enough to reach the USA. Besides, they threatened to bomb the western world, it never materialised. They're all bark, and no bite.

As for Trump having contacts around the world, they wouldn't last or prove to be fruitful. As it's been said before, we considered banning him from entering the UK on the grounds of hate speech, and it nearly became a reality. If he became president, we'd distance ourselves and cut all ties, we've made it evident we want nothing to do with the megalomaniac. Some, if not many countries, would quickly follow suit or lead the way. He'd get his isolationism

As for Trump having contacts around the world, they wouldn't last or prove to be fruitful. As it's been said before, we considered banning him from entering the UK on the grounds of hate speech, and it nearly became a reality.
That would've been terrible. I'm sick and tired of the no one can be offended culture which has become the norm over the last 10 years or so.

Epiphany's Avatar

European radicalization? How many wars did USA fight in modern history? And how many of those were defensive? One? Maybe two? You go to war all over the world, under all kinds of excuses. Your country is known as biggest terrorist organization...

Mujaheedin? What's the world come to when even the movie forums aren't safe

Epiphany's Avatar
North Korea are extremely poor, if they were able to develop nuclear weaponry, it wouldn't be powerful enough to reach the USA. Besides, they threatened to bomb the western world, it never materialised. They're all bark, and no bite.

Ever consider going to South Korea with that speech?

Epiphany's Avatar
That would've been terrible. I'm sick and tired of the no one can be offended culture which has become the norm over the last 10 years or so.
Where have you been, brother? Good to see someone I can agree with!

Let me off the hook? Looking for evidence? What are you, a judge?
Do you believe in God? Do you have evidence?
I believe in Trump but you still have not given me any solutions to the problems you think he can't solve.
Youre gonna wish you didnt say that This is Trump were talking about here. Youve just given the biggest layup for him to dunk.
I also find it incredibly hard to believe someone that espouses "high thinking" such as yourself would really vote for The Donald, but thats just my hunch.

Let me off the hook? Looking for evidence? What are you, a judge?
You specifically chose to participate in a discussion on a public forum. You made arguments for something, and I responded to them. If your position is "I don't need to justify anything I say," then why participate at all? Have a discussion or don't, but getting angry when people to ask you to defend your position is ridiculous.

Anyway, I'm going to assume based on this defensive, combative tone that no answers are forthcoming.

I believe in Trump but you still have not given me any solutions to the problems you think he can't solve.
That's because you've admitted that you just think he'll solve problems, just because. Even though they're not problems he's ever solved, and neither he nor you can explain how he'll solve them.

So yeah, if your position is that you just believe in him, and require no evidence of these magic abilities he has, I'm quite sure you'll be able to go on believing in him no matter what I say. But that's a statement about you, not him.

Epiphany's Avatar

As for Trump having contacts around the world, they wouldn't last or prove to be fruitful. As it's been said before, we considered banning him from entering the UK on the grounds of hate speech, and it nearly became a reality. If he became president, we'd distance ourselves and cut all ties, we've made it evident we want nothing to do with the megalomaniac. Some, if not many countries, would quickly follow suit or lead the way. He'd get his isolationism [/quote]

Ha ha. This is hilarious. I can just see it now: immediately after Trump gets coronated, The United Nations holds an emergency session and declares Trump persona non grata in any member nation!

Survivor 5s #2 Bitch

Ever consider going to South Korea with that speech?
They wouldn't dare attack South Korea, and plenty of people there do say those things with their acknowledgment, they just yap on and do nothing again and again.

Survivor 5s #2 Bitch

Ha ha. This is hilarious. I can just see it now: immediately after Trump gets coronated, The United Nations holds an emergency session and declares Trump persona non grata in any member nation!
Well if you can't see that the whole world views the USA as a laughing stock right now because of his success, then what you don't know can't hurt you I suppose

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
If he became president, we'd distance ourselves and cut all ties, we've made it evident we want nothing to do with the megalomaniac.
I don't want to get into an our way is better than your way discussion but the thought of a country with a monarchy figurehead giving us the cold shoulder because of meglomania made me laugh.

Epiphany's Avatar
You specifically chose to participate in a discussion on a public forum. You made arguments for something, and I responded to them. If your position is "I don't need to justify anything I say," then why participate at all? Have a discussion or don't, but getting angry when people to ask you to defend your position is ridiculous.

Anyway, I'm going to assume based on this defensive, combative tone that no answers are forthcoming.
Ha ha, you are joking right?" Defensive , combative tone " assumption because I don't agree with you? I wish you could see me laughing. You are just debating for the sake of debate and getting riled way too easily. You have also presumed that you have some superior ability to lecture those that don't agree with you. No one needs to justify a belief. That's why it's called belief. I can see some Christians really getting upset at you for your questioning. Don't worry. I am not one of them. You are free not to worship Trump and I don't hold it against you.

Survivor 5s #2 Bitch
If he became president, we'd distance ourselves and cut all ties, we've made it evident we want nothing to do with the megalomaniac.
I don't want to get into an our way is better than your way discussion but the thought of a country with a monarchy figurehead giving us the cold shoulder because of meglomania made me laugh.
I'm not too keen on the monarchy either to be honest

Epiphany's Avatar
They wouldn't dare attack South Korea, and plenty of people there do say those things with their acknowledgment, they just yap on and do nothing again and again.
Yes, of course you are right and that's why the demilitarized zone keeps getting more reinforcements and the US fleet has started to be more active in those waters.