HOF Organization Thread


It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Hall Of Fame Organization Thread

Your one stop shop for all things MoFo Hall Of Fame.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Specialty HOF Schedule:

Spaghetti Western: (Neiba)

Later Date:

1930's: (Citizen Rules)
Mega HOF: (Friendly Mushroom)

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
1st Hall Of Fame:
Psycho (1960 Alfred Hitchcock)
Nominations: Duck Soup, The Producers, Nausicaa Of The Valley Of The Wind, The Purple Rose Of Cairo, Robocop, Farewell My Concubine, American History X, The Big Lebowski, Eyes Wide Shut, Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind

2nd Hall Of Fame:
The Apartment (1960 Billy Wilder)
Nominations: Sherlock Jr., Blithe Spirit, On The Waterfront, Dr. Strangelove, Faces, Cabaret, Stalker, After Hours, Dark City, Memento, Gone Baby Gone

3rd Hall Of Fame:
400 Blows (1959 Francois Truffaut)
Nominations: Some Like It Hot, The Swimmer, Nashville, Hausa, Sex Lies & Videotape, The Insider, Once Were Warriors, The Straight Story, The Wind Will Carry Us, The Hedgehog, Mary And Max, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, Dr. Zhivago

4th Hall Of Fame:
Sansho The Baliff (1954 Kenji Mizoguchi) Autumn The Sonata (1978 Ingmar Bergman) Tie
Nominations: Trouble In Paradise, Singin' In The Rain, On The Waterfront, Bigger Than Life, Sweet Smell Of Success, Yojimbo, 8 1/2, Primal Fear, Ed Wood, Utena, Punch Drunk Love, Spring Summer Fall Winter And Spring, Cherry Blossoms, Synecdoche New York

5th Hall Of Fame:
A Separation (2011 Asghar Farhadi)
Nominations: The Wizard Of Oz, The Wages Of Fear, Ordet, Plein Soleil, Le Trou, Divorce Italian Style, Claire's Knee, A Woman Under The Influence, Unforgiven, Bullets Over Broadway, Boy's Don't Cry, Quills, Sideways, Wadjda

6th Hall Of Fame:
All Quiet On The Western Front (1930 Lewis Milestone)
Nominations: Foreign Correspondent, Late Spring, Fail Safe, Woman In The Dunes, Pierrot Le Fou, Das Boot, Raise The Red Lantern, This Boy's Life, A Perfect World, Sonatine, The Sweet Hereafter, Rushmore, Blue Car, Ten, Brokeback Mountain, Before The Devil Knows Your Dead, The Man From Earth, K-ON!

7th Hall Of Fame:
The Shawshank Redemption (1994 Frank Darabont)
Nominations: Freaks, You Can't Take It With You, Letter From An Unknown Woman, Bob Le Flambeur, The Hustler, Harakiri, The Blues Brothers, Before Sunrise, Festen, Being John Malkovich, Platform, The Poker House, Inglorious Basterds, Take Shelter, Killer Joe, Wolf Children, Tales Of Princess Kaguya

8th Hall Of Fame:
Paths Of Glory (1957 Stanley Kubrick)
Nominations: Anatomy of a Murder, A Man for All Seasons, Coming Home, The Gold Rush, GoodFellas, Head-On, Lady Killer, My Life as a Dog, Patlabor 2: The Movie, The Road Warrior, The Shop Around the Corner, Spirited Away

9th Hall Of Fame:
The Best Years Of Our Lives (1946 William Wyler)
Nominations: The Magnificent Ambersons, The Rules Of The Game, Brief Encounter, Leave Her To Heaven, Death Race, Mikey And Nickey, The Piano, Dead Man Walking, Adaptation, No Man's Land, The Lives Of Others, The Descendants, Beasts Of The Southern Wild. Time Lapse

10th Hall Of Fame:
The Empire Strikes Back (1980 Irvin Kirshner) East Of Eden (1955 Elia Kazan)
Nominations: The Lucky Ones, Cul-De-Sac, Amour, My Man Godfrey, Blade Runner, Lilya-4-Ever, Ugetsu, Dead Man's Shoes

11th Hall Of Fame:
Her (2013 Spike Jonze)
Nominations: Moonrise Kingdom, Samurai Rebellion, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, Bringing Up Baby, The Flowers Of War, Ida, The Dead Girl, Goodbye Lenin, Bashu the Little Stranger, Ronin

12th Hall Of Fame:
Casablanca (1942, Michael Curtiz)
Nominations: Withnail & I, The Grand Budapest Hotel, Never Let Me Go, Romper Stomper, The City Of Lost Children, Barbara, Hiroshima Mon Amour, The Man From Nowhere, Y Tu Mama Tambien, U-Turn, Joe, Midnight Run

13th Hall of Fame:
Winner: Dances With Wolves (Kevin Costner, 1990)
Nominations: Buffalo '66, Dead Poet's Society, Manchester By The Sea, Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter...and Spring, The Marriage of Maria Braun,The Three Musketeers, Captain Fantastic, The Great Dictator, The Broken Circle Breakdown, Nightmare Alley, Forbidden Games, The Quiet Earth, Wings of Desire

14th Hall of Fame
Winner: Contratiempo (2016, Paulo)
Nominations: Passengers, The Hurricane, M, Mommy, Black Snake Moan, Barton Fink, Empire of Passion, La Grand Illusion, Lone Star, Dom Za Vesanje

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Specialty Hall Of Fames:

1st Short Hall Of Fame:
La Jetee (1962 Chris Marker)
Nominations: A Trip To The Moon, Un Chien Andalou, High Note, Yango, Darkness Light Darkness, Jidlo, The Wrong Trousers, When It Rains, The Old Man And The Sea, La Lettre, Garden Of Words, Scorpio Rising

2nd Short Hall Of Fame:
Harvie Krumpet (2003 Adam Elliot)
Nominations: At Land, Charlotte And Her Boyfriend, The House Is Black, Franz Kafka's It's A Wonderful Life, The House Of Small Cubes, The Terrys, The Paperman, Time Travel Lover, Hotel Chevalier

3rd Short Hall Of Fame:
Tale Of Tales (1979 Yuriy Norshteyn)
Nominations: A Trip to The Moon, Night & Fog, Pas De Deux, Magnetic Rose, Guard Dog, Interior Design, I Don't Want To Go Back Alone, Elefante, Two & Two, Ashes

4th Short Hall of Fame:
Winner: A Dog's Life (Charlie Chaplin, 1918)
Nominations: The Rink, The Mystery of the Leaping Fish, Never Weaken, The Three Stooges "Pop goes the Easel", Peace on Earth, Bomb, The Cameraman's Revenge, Everything will be OK, Inaka Isha a.k.a. Franz Kafka's A Country Doctor, Spider, Tsumiki no ie a.k.a. The House of Small Cubes, Animal Beatbox, Giant God Warrior Appears in Tokyo, The Ventriloquist, Envelope, Paperman, Dust, Feast, Flankers

Looney Tunes Hall Of Fame:
Duck Amuck (1953, Chuck Jones)
Nominations: Duck Dodgers in the 24 1/2 Century, Rabbit Seasoning, Drip-Along Daffy, The Scarlet Pumpernickel, Rabbit of Seville, Baseball Bugs, Long-Haired Hare,
One Froggy Evening, Operation: Rabbit, Carrotblanca, Pappys Puppy

Animated Shorts Hall of Fame:
Winner: The Great Piggy Bank Robbery (1946, Bob Clampett)
Nominations: Der Fuehrer's Face, King-Size Canary, The Cat Concerto, Steven Universe: Last One Out of Beach City, The Monk & The Monkey, A Tale of Two Kitties, Little Rural Riding Hood, Transylvania 6-5000, Hair-Raising Hare, Big House Bunny, Ballot Box Bunny, Captain Hareblower, Donald's Golf Game, Cobweb Hotel, StoryCorps - Danny & Annie

Horror Hall Of Fame:
Nosferatu (1979 Werner Herzog)
Nominations: The Haunting, Rosemary's Baby, The Abominable Dr. Phibes, The Night Stalker, Suspiria, Possession, May, The Ring, A Tale Of Two Sisters, Alyce Kills, You're Next

Slasher Hall Of Fame:
Halloween (1978 John Carpenter)
Nominations: Alice Sweet Alice, Christmas Evil, Dressed To Kill, Terror Train, Happy Birthday To Me, A Nightmare On Elm Street, Jason X, Jeepers Creepers, Hatchet

Science Fiction Hall Of Fame:
The Thing (1982 John Carpenter)
Nominations: The Face Of Another, Planet Of The Apes, Time After Time, Escaoe From New York, Blade Runner, Brazil, Starship Troopers, Children Of Men, Paprike, Snowpiercer

Film Noir Hall Of Fame:
In A Lonely Place (1950 Nicholas Ray)
Nominations: Out Of The Past, The Third Man, Pickup On South Street, Laura, Sunset Blvd., Shadow Of A Doubt, The Wrong Man, Double Indemnity, The Big Combo, The Lady From Shanghai, The Set Up, Sweet Smell Of Success

Animated Musical Hall Of Fame:
Beauty And The Beast (1991 Disney)
Nominations: Pinocchio, Fantasia, Alice In Wonderland, The Jungle Book, Charlotte's Web, Allegro Non Troppo, The Nightmare Before Christmas, The Lion King, South Park, Sita Sings The Blues

Documentary Hall Of Fame:
Exit Through The Gift Shop (2010 Banksy)
Nominations: Baraka, Enron, Dear Zachary, The Impostor, Beauty Day, West Of Memphis, The Kingdom Of Dreams And Madness, Triumph Of The Will, Food Inc., The Last Train Home, Leni Riefenstahl

Sci-fi/Horror Hall Of Fame:
Alien (1979 Ridley Scott)
Nominations: Videodrome, Sunshine, Cube, 28 Days Later, The Host, The Fly, Invasion Of The Body Snatchers, Pandorum, The Hidden, Event Horizon

European Horror Hall Of Fame:
The Cabinet Of Dr. Caligari (1920 Robert Wiene)
Nominations: The Cremator, Cannibal Holocaust, The Devil's Backbone, Suspiria, Frontiers, The Orphanage, Lisa And The Devil, Eyes Without A Face, Daughters Of Darkness, Amer

B-Movie Hall Of Fame:
Miami Connection (1987 Richard Park)
Nominations: Blood Feast, Humanoids From The Deep, The Exterminator, The Toxic Avenger, The Dungeonmaster, Hard Ticket To Hawaii, Ghost Ship

WW II Hall Of Fame:
Judgement At Nuremberg (1961 Stanley Kramer)
Nominations: So Proudly We Hail, The Great Escape, The Big Red One, Au Revoir Les Enfants, Downfall, Giovanni's Isalnd

50's Hall Of Fame:
Witness For The Prosecution (1958 Billy Wilder)
Nominations: Stage Fright, Caged!, Rashomon, Ace In The Hole, High Noon, Ikiru, La Strada, Twenty-Four Eyes, Smile Of A Summer Night, The Man Who Knew Too Much, Wild Strawberries, The Gazebo

Western Hall Of Fame:
Once Upon A Time In The West (1968 Sergio Leone)
Nominations: Day Of The Outlaw, One-Eyed Jacks, Dead Man, El Topo, The Bravados, Calamity Jane, The Professionals, Red River, Stagecoach, Young Guns, McCabe & Mrs. Miller

50's Part II Hall Of Fame:
12 Angry Men (1957, Sidney Lumet)
Nominations: Dial M For Murder, The Big Country, All About Eve, Steel Helmet, Detective Story, The Band Wagon, Strangers On A Train, The Hitch-Hiker, Tokyo Story, I Vitelloni, The Killing

Noir Part II Hall Of Fame:
The Big Sleep (1946, Howard Hawks)
Nominations: The Maltese Falcon, Scarlet Street, The Killers, Kansas City Confidential, I Confess, Kiss Me Deadly, The Night Of The Hunter, A Face In The Crowd, Touch Of Evil

Silent Era Hall Of Fame:
Wings (1927, William Wellman)
Nominations: The Big Parade, Sunrise, Diary Of A Lost Girl, Nosferatu, The Crowd

40's Hall Of Fame:
Laura (1944 Otto Preminger)
Nominations: Waterloo Bridge, The Suspect, Murderers Are Among Us, Shadow Of A Doubt, The Little Foxes, How Green Was My Valley, Rope, Arsenic And Old Lace, The Thief Of Bagdad, Pursued, Fantasia

Animation Hall Of Fame:
Wall-E (2008 Andrew Stanton)
Nominations: Waltz With Bashir, Treasure Island, Castle Of Cagliostro, The Last Unicorn, Secret Of Nimh, Night On The Galactic Railroad, All Dogs Go To Heaven, Madagascar 2, Tokyo Godfathers

Live Action Musical Hall of Fame:
Winner:West Side Story (Robert Wise, 1961)
Nominations:Meet Me in St Louis,1776, Godspell, Swing Time, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, The Pajama Game, Les Demoiselles de Rochefort, Mary Poppins

Musical Artist Hall of Fame:
Winner:Amadeus (Milos Forman, 1984)
Nominations: The Buddy Holly Story, Tenacious D in The Pick of Destiny, Pink Floyd - The Wall, Walk the Line, Eddie and the Cruisers, The Idolmaker, Sweet Dreams,La Bamba,School of Rock, The Commitments, Coal Miner’s Daughter, The Jazz Singer, Ray

1940's Hall of Fame II
Winner: The Ghost and Mrs Muir (1947, Joseph L. Mankiewicz)
Nominations: Odd Man Out, Mr. Lucky, The Sea Wolf, Beauty and the Beast, I Remember Mama, Ride the Pink Horse, His Girl Friday, Body and Soul, Double Indemnity, Day of Wrath

I think after this run of HoF's, I'm done with them. It seems every time one comes along now there is some sort of confrontation.

Glad you're organizing the stuff, though, Sean. You should be. You are ace bruh. I said ace.

Cricket joins so many HOFs he even joine the Hof organization thread somehow
I was thinking of starting a "Movies Cricket Hates HoF" but now I'm afraid he might join that one too.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I think after this run of HoF's, I'm done with them. It seems every time one comes along now there is some sort of confrontation.

Glad you're organizing the stuff, though, Sean. You should be. You are ace bruh. I said ace.
You will change your mind when I start the Swan's top ten HOF. It will be long though, it consists of about 40 movies.

Trouble with a capital "T"
...Seriously, voice all your opinions, dissenting and otherwise and we will work through it.
Will you asked....My two cents: no one has the right to tell other members when then can create a Hof thread or any tournament/game thread for that matter, nor do they have the right to hand out schedules.

If your schedule is only a courtesy, design to give people information, that's fine. But I retain the right (as we all do) to create any Hof thread that we want, at anytime.

If too many Hofs are made at one time some will fail, then through trail and error people will know when to make another Hof and when not to. We don't need a hail monitor, we're adults and all of these attempts at conformity by use of schedules and committees takes the fun out of it.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Will you asked....My two cents: no one has the right to tell other members when then can create a Hof thread or any tournament/game thread for that matter, nor do they have the right to hand out schedules.

If your schedule is only a courtesy, design to give people information, that's fine. But I retain the right (as we all do) to create any Hof thread that we want, at anytime.

If too many Hofs are made at one time some will fail, then through trail and error people will know when to make another Hof and when not to. We don't need a hail monitor, we're adults and all of these attempts at conformity by use of schedules and committees takes the fun out of it.
I don't think your alone. Like I said I have more fun when things are organized. I get frustrated when things start and don't end or when there is too much going on for anyone to get a grip on it. I have never seen anyone stopped for trying to start something up so if people want to branch out it shouldn't be an issue. I'll be in till I'm not having fun anymore, and I assume that's how most people approach it. Even with all the stuff going on latelythe main HOF has always run pretty fluidly. So if nothing else I will just stick to those. Hopefully the specials can straighten out though.

I applaud a voluntary schedule of Hofs. I don't abide by mandatory schedules.

To be fair Guap was stopped from making the Sci Fi HOF that one time. Personally i think the schedules are a good thing, as you said some HOFs will fail then they will more than likely be restarted at the right time which is the sole reason for there being a schedule in the first place. I also think too many at one time could cause more dropouts, i have to fight myself from joining HOFs sometimes because i know i probably wont be able to finish, i can see some members getting too overeager with the amount potentionally on offer chances are a few will appeal to them making them kjoin more than they'll realistically be able to finish. These are just a few of my thoughts i'm not that bothered either way.

Master of My Domain
I was thinking of starting a "Movies Cricket Hates HoF" but now I'm afraid he might join that one too.
Everyone nominate Once Upon a Time in America!

About planning and not planning a HoF...

How about you just jump in here in this thread and say "Hey, I wanna start this _____ HoF, how would that be to y'all?"

Then you could easily see how many is in, how many is currently in another and wants to join once that's over and how many who are busy but would be free in a week or so etc. In that way we'll sort of organize it, but it isn't strictly run by all members judging when or not you should create a HoF - it's all up to you. It does nothing but help you in fact, to get a better overview of things instead of just throwing it out there and no one's available.

This seriously needs someone to take control and I think Sean is a good person to do it. Sorry CR but I disagree with what you said - the HoF was building to be something great when Godoggo controlled everything about it but now it has just become a game. Not saying they aren't fun but apart from the General HoFs they don't really have a point. I think Sean should control a schedule and the rules.

Having the person running it decide on the rules is why there are arguments. The general HoFs follow what Justin and then Godoggo originally envisaged so everyone knows how it works. All HoFs should follow the same rules IMO.

This shouldn't be a democracy. We need a benevolent dictator

With what I said above, I do agree with what Sane said though, that all HoF's should have the same basic set of rules.

I'm tired of all those changes and such underway, it would be way easier if we knew the overall rules beforehand - and that would only ensure more focus on discussing movies and not whether a rule is right or not.

Master of My Domain
Which means he has to watch and review it 12 times.
Only 12 times? Why? We can convince a lot more members to join and nominate the same thing if we want to.