Movies you didn't want to like but still liked


I can remember a couple of movies from Bollywood ---

1 ) One is ' Hum dil de chuke sanam ' made in 1999 . It means ' I have given my heart already'.

It deals with the story of a girl who loves a man who is rejected by her father , who forces her to marry another man . But because she still loves her earlier lover , her husband refuses to consummate the marriage and sets to reunite her with her lover . But due to a series of events she falls in love with her husband and rejects her lover in the end .

To those well versed in asian culture the premise is obvious---the film is made to trumpet the idea that woman must accept the husband decided by her father . That is asian or rather asiatic culture for you .Obviously I was opposed to the whole regressive theme of the film and didn't want to like it .

But the acting in the film , the emotional scenes , and the beauty of the heroine Aishwarya Rai eventually made me like the film .

2 ) The other is 'My name is Khan' made in 2009 .

It deals with the story of a muslim man surnamed Khan who lives in the United states . He gets married to a hindu woman and adopts her son . But when the twin towers of the world trade center go down in 2001 the son is killed in a hate crime for having a muslim surname . His hindu wife kicks him out . He has now one mission in life---to prove that not all muslims are terrorists . He wants to meet president Obama and say to him that 'My name is khan and i am not a terrorist '

As a person who has seen the effects of radical islam in my country I didn't want to like the film . But the acting of Shah Rukh Khan , who was the lead actor drew me in...and I found myself actually liking the film....

If I remember more I will write more...

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
Pretty much every mainstream film, I, as a sophisticated arthouse lover, are supposed to hate.
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

Usually I want to like movies but I can't. Although, I like those sleazy comedies that are not cool to like like : "Dinner for Schmucks", "The Interview", "Walk of Shame", "Horrible Bosses 2", "American Pie" trilogy, "Borat", "Easy A".

If you don't want to like a movie, you're watching movies for the wrong reasons. There are plenty that I don't expect to like, but every time I go to a theater I am hoping that I can add a favorite to my collection.

Welcome to the human race...
If you don't want to like a movie, you're watching movies for the wrong reasons. There are plenty that I don't expect to like, but every time I go to a theater I am hoping that I can add a favorite to my collection.
In fairness, you don't know for certain what situations are leading to people watching movies they don't like. Maybe it's because someone else picked the movie, maybe it's because they're on an airplane, maybe it's because there's nothing else's not like people go out of their way to watch movies they don't expect to like. Also, thinking that every new movie I watch is a potential favourite strikes me as a recipe for disappointment.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Registered User
I admit. I loved Ek Villain
Soulmates are people who bring the best in you

Registered User
are you from india ?
Nope. And I am not a big fan of indian movies but this one was something special

The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible
I went to see Interstellar completely hoping for another chance to hate Nolan, I left completely stunned. Of course, with some time I found the typical Nolan flaws but it's a good movie nevertheless.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Neiba that's exactly what happened to me.

I expected to hate Interstellar, but really liked it, then thought about it and seen flaws, but still liked it.

I don't think I've ever gone to a film with the expectation I wouldn't enjoy it, or with plans to hate it. I've seen films I thought I would like and didn't, like Avatar, or the Last Air Bender version, but yeah, I would never watch a film with the expectation I wouldn't enjoy it, because to me, that would seem like a waste of time.

Silver Linings Playbook,

The story looked dumb from the trailers but I watched it because of Robert De Niro & Chris Tucker and after I finished watching it I loved it and all I could think about was Jennifer Lawrence.....

Survivor 5s #2 Bitch
The Hunger Games
I thoroughly believe Suzanne Collins ripped this off from the book and film Battle Royale but I have to admit, I did quite like the film.

stevegotlen's Avatar
The Terminator
Interstellar and edge of tomorrow.
I didn't expected these movies to be this much good and Se7en (1995) - I was at awe man.. his wife and his child when i watched the ending. I was like what the ****?