

Bridge of Spies   11/03/15
by The Gunslinger45
And as far as how it compares to the other movies I have seen this year I have liked it more than certain other big time films I saw this year.

Black Mass   9/20/15
by The Gunslinger45
In fact the last movie I saw in the cinema with Johnny Depp was his uncredited cameo in a film I adore, Tusk.

Lawrence of Arabia   9/07/15
by The Gunslinger45
I have spoken of how seeing films like Ben-Hur, Blade Runner, and 2001: A Space Odyssey propelled films I have already loved higher up on my list of all time favorites, and how when I saw my favorite film Taxi Driver on the big screen it was a sublime and almost otherworldly experience.

Blade Runner   7/29/15
by The Gunslinger45
This was a director correcting the film that he lost control over in the early 80s, instead of trying to add more CG flair to an already perfect film.

Ant-Man   7/18/15
by The Gunslinger45
I admit I was very surprised that the director for this film had only previously worked on movies like Bring it On, The Break-Up, Down with Love, and Yes Man.

The Rocky Horror Picture Show   7/12/15
by The Gunslinger45
Now I have loved The Rocky Horror Picture Show for years, but this was actually my first time seeing the film in the theater, which made for a very special movie going experience.

Terminator Genisys   7/03/15
by The Gunslinger45
I mean I know time travel movies have plot holes about what came first, but the really good ones can explain in good detail how the time travel rules worked and made the film easy to understand.

Ted 2   6/28/15
by The Gunslinger45
The rest of the movie deals with the Teds legal battles as well as a sub plot where the main antagonist from the first movie Donny returns to make an underhanded deal with Hasbro.

The Shining   6/21/15
by The Gunslinger45
This included quote-alongs to movies, special Q&A panels, and best of all regular re-releases of classic movies on the big screen.

Jurassic World   6/14/15
by The Gunslinger45
I mean the movie broke all kinds of box office records, broke new ground in the use of CGI, and until Titanic came along it was the highest grossing film of all time.

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