

Dawn of the Dead   7/02/23
by Omnizoa
Anyway, it wasn't anything like Return of the Living Dead, and there was plenty of gore for gore's sake, so not a whole lot I enjoyed in this movie, although I appreciate it for perhaps doing the mall thing better than any other zombie movie or video game I can think of.

Dawn of the Dead   10/30/22
by Thief
Dawn of the Dead follows four survivors that take refuge from the zombie hordes in a shopping mall.

Dawn of the Dead   1/20/18
by Joel
It might not be a brand spanking new take on zombie lore, but that's only because it was the first, as everything after owes to this film.

Dawn of the Dead   6/10/14
by The Rodent
Effects expert Savini thought that the blood used in the film was too bright and almost luminous, which according to sources was actually down to a mistake on behalf of the production team but Romero actually ran with it and talked Savini round due to the comic nature of the blood adding to the comi...

Dawn of the Dead   11/06/08
by meatwadsprite
There are usually tons of zombies walking around everywhere and a lot of them do get killed in a variety of crazy ways, but even as the survivors appear to be doing well inside the mall  you start to think about the zombies outside the mall.

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