

Night and Fog   7/15/22
by Thief
Night and Fog is a documentary that chronicles many of the events that happened at Nazi concentration camps during The Holocaust.

Night and Fog   8/29/21
by Takoma11
This documentary, filmed ten years after the end of WW2, recounts the creation of the concentration camps and the suffering of those unfortunate enough to end up in them.

Night and Fog   8/02/15
by neiba
To do that, it relies only on real footage of the concentration camps during the Holocaust and of the same concentration camps 10 years after the end of the WW II.

Night and Fog   5/22/08
by mark f
One of the subversive things about Night and Fog is that, even though almost NONE of its footage was readily available before the film's release, most people today believe they know the full measure of the atrocities committed at these camps.

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