

Gravity   4/25/20
by Gideon58
Cuaron has masterfully brought to the screen exactly what gravity is, thanks to superior camerawork and film editing (Cuaron won a second Oscar for his editing of the film).

Gravity   9/27/16
by DalekbusterScreen5
The film is mainly a one-hander with Sandra Bullock, who has a great amount of screen presence meaning that you forget that she's the only character in 90% of the film.

Gravity   11/24/15
by Gatsby
Gravity, one of the most acclaimed films of 2013, further pioneered the usage of IMAX porn imagery, convincing everyone that, especially movies having something to do with space, should be viewed with the extra ticket price.

Gravity   3/25/15
by Citizen Rules
The space shuttle is destroyed stranding Sandra Bullock and George Clooney in space.

Gravity   6/01/14
by Jack1
It's easy to forget you're watching a film rather than viewing earth from space.

Gravity   12/06/13
by JayDee
Film Trivia Snippets - Before eventually going into production Gravity had been languishing in development hell for four years because the film's ambition in terms of cinematography, visual effects and realistic "story atmosphere" of outer space had been beyond the limits of the current technology.

Gravity   10/07/13
by seanc
This film is the single best experience I have had watching a film in the theater.

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