

I, Daniel Blake   1/23/22
by Takoma11
While it is true that people in poverty do really tend to stick together and show a lot of generosity---because you never know when you might be the one needing $10 to keep the lights on, or a ride to work because your car won't start--it's also true that people who are desperate sometimes resort to...

I, Daniel Blake   5/06/20
by MovieMeditation
There is so much to take away from this film and I havent even scratched the surface but no matter what I say, I think Daniel Blake himself is the right man to have the final words "I am not a client, a customer, nor a service user...

I, Daniel Blake   2/11/18
by Citizen Rules
What pulls us into the story is a chance encounter between Daniel and Katie a mother of two children who's in desperate need of financial help but can't get any from her local allocation office.

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