

Heavenly Creatures   3/30/21
by Torgo
A disturbing yet beautiful and fantastical true crime tale about Pauline and Juliet, two New Zealanders who are high schoolers, outsiders, soul mates and murderers.* While their hometown of Christchurch is picturesque and a nice place to raise a family, it's also oppressively patriarchal and old-fas...

Heavenly Creatures   7/28/20
by Gideon58
Jackson and Walsh apparently based their screenplay on Pauline's actual diary which was rich with the girl's highly stylized and theatrical look at her relationship with Juliet, perfectly balanced with the anger that was quietly bubbling to the surface regarding her parents and their attempt at keep...

Heavenly Creatures   4/11/13
by JayDee
Bonded by similar experiences in childhood (Juliet suffered from tuberculosis, while Pauline suffered from osteomyelitis) which left both of them bedridden for much of their early years, they struggle to find their place in the world until they meet each other and create their own religion of a sort...

Heavenly Creatures   11/05/11
by akatemple
Juliet Hulme and Pauline Rieper (later revealed in the trial to be Pauline Parker, as her parents never married) quickly become best friends when Juliet's family moves to Christchurch in 1952.

Heavenly Creatures   6/07/07
by Yoda
I'm not going to give this film a rating, because I really don't know what it's aim was, and I found it a bit too disturbing to judge objectively in some respects.

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