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I watched a film recently. And not just any film. This was a film so depraved, so annoying. Look away now Pauly Shore fans (I'm sure even Pauly Shore fans hated this), because the film was....


There is nothing redeeming in this film. Nothing at all. Not once did I chuckle, not once did I think, “Wow, actually, that's not bad Stephen Baldwin, well done mate”. But I did cry. I cried for comedy.

Bio-Dome is the story of two slackers, Bud and Doyle (Pauly Shore and Stephen Baldwin), who inadvertently end up in a sealed environmental experiment, the titular “Bio-Dome”. After realising that this experiment lasts for a year, and that all the doors are sealed, they both resolve to get out. Or do they? I don't actually know, because they spend a good 40 minutes in the middle of the film larking around. The key things about these 40 minutes are that the plot doesn't advance, we don't learn anything new about the characters, and there are no funny jokes at all. Its completely devoid.

I could reel off a list of things wrong with this film. Firstly, why they mistake the Bio-Dome for a shopping mall is beyond me, seeing as there's no parking space, no buzz of activity associated with a shopping mall, and because they must have drove down this same road countless times before. Secondly, Pauly Shore attempts to rape Kylie Minogue. Did I mention Kylie Minogue is in this film? Well, she is. And Pauly Shore tries to rape her. Of course, this is played for laughs since there's nothing funnier than a rape in a movie marketed at thirteen year olds. Thirdly, Bud and Doyle are the worst slackers in the history of slacker movies. Bill and Ted were funny. Bud and Doyle should have just been called Bud and Light. It would have fit in nicely with all the rest of the product placement. I'm surprised Kylie Minogue didn't break the fourth wall half way through the film to try to flog some albums.

Pauly Shore makes Vince Vaughan look like Charlie Chaplin. Stephen Baldwin makes Alec Baldwin look like a thoroughly decent guy.

You thoroughly decent guy.

I haven't seen any other Pauly Shore movies, but thank god this is said to be his worst. Never again. Don't watch it. Please. Keep sane, people.