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American Pie

Connor Macgregor Reviews...American Pie

Its original yet cliche , its funny yet silly. Its smart yet dumb. It can only be American Pie.

Jim, Oz, Finch and Kevin are four friends who make a pact that before they graduate they will all lose their virginity. The hard job now is how to reach that goal by prom night. Whilst Oz begins singing to grab attention and Kevin tries to persuade his girlfriend, Finch tries any easy route of spreading rumors and Jim fails miserably. Whether it is being caught on top of a pie or on the Internet, Jim always end up with his trusty sex advice from his father. Will they achieve their goal of getting laid by prom night? or will they learn something much different.

I do have to say that American Pie was the last great teen film of the 90s. It does follow all those god awful cliches , the biggest one being that the students look over 21. Never the less it is a easy film to fall in love with. Its also very difficult to pick out which character to like the most. There is Stiffler of course who is very funny and has an out on control humour. Then there is Eugene Levy whose character is so awkward its downright brilliant.

Its not perfect by any means. Some of the jokes weren`t as funny or just didn`t make me laugh. I aint a really big fan of Shannon Elizabeth`s character Nadia. We all know Jim wasn`t going to get her but it was quite fun to watch him try if you know what i mean. There are some really good comedic moments especially the webcam scene which i always get a huge chuckle out of.

Overall , American Pie is a good teen comedy that lets the 90s out pretty well. With solid comedy and story , its a teen comedy that deserves to be seen.

Rating - 76% -B+