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Directed and Written By: James Cameron

Produced By: Gale Ann Hurd

Scored By: James Horner

Starring: Sigourney Weaver, Paul Reiser, Michael Biehn, Carrie Henn, and Bill Paxton

In this hit sequel to the classic Alien (1979), Cameron took the helm and gave the franchise a new look. He turned a confined horror film into a Vietnam-esque science fiction war movie.

The movie has Ripley (Sigourney Weaver) returning to the planet where the original Alien manifested itself to help stranded colonists. She and a group of gung-ho soldiers arrive on the cold terrain, only to find the colony deserted. When they finally do find the source of the settlers' disapearance, all hell breaks loose.

I actually liked this movie slightly more than the original. Cameron and co. managed to make the most out of a somewhat limited budget, and you can clearly see his talent as a filmmaker and screenwriter. Weaver was nominated for an oscar, justly, and the rest of the cast backed her up marvelously (especially Paxton). If you are a fan of the genre, check this flick out. Because it is easily one of the best.