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Paris, Texas (Wim Wenders 1984)

Reaction: Impressed

They say, If you can't remember a movie then it must not have been all that good. I don't buy that.

Before I watched Paris,Texas I had zero idea of what it was about...It was a blind watch. I thought it was going to be some quirky, Lynchian-like 1980s crime film. To my surprise this was a prime example of 'slow-cinema', a film movement that I enjoy...and I did enjoy Paris,Texas. Sure not much happens and the scenes go on for a long while, but like a slow cooked Texas barbecue the film was bursting with flavor.

A lot of that film-flavor is from Harry Dean Stanton who was born to make a movie like this. I read Paris,Texas was his favorite film that he worked on. I liked Dean Stockwell too. But what I really liked was the Jim Jarmusch like photography of small towns in Texas...I chose that photo because the composition is so amazing. It's so rich in background details that no real action is needed in the scene. The setting tells the story. The entire film was like that, those town-scapes told a tale that went beyond what was happening on the surface.

As strange as it might seem I don't really remember the movie after a week but like Harry Dean Stanton's character I know something real important took place.