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(2022, Holmes)

"Forever family. It's the people who are always there for you, no matter what happens. The ones who don't leave, they stick."

Luck follows Sam (Eva Noblezada), a young woman that has to leave the orphanage where she has lived all her life after turning 18. Not wanting to leave her younger friend Hazel alone, Sam wants to make sure she is successfully adopted by her "forever family", but fears that her "bad luck" would prevent this to happen.

That is until she meets Bob (Simon Pegg), a black cat that comes from the Land of Luck where leprechauns and other magical creatures create "good luck" for people. Sam then recruits Bob, and some of his friends to find a lucky penny for Hazel, thinking that would help her to be adopted. But, of course, they end up creating all kinds of shenanigans in the Land of Luck.

Decided to check this out with my kids last week, not knowing what it was about, and well... it was quite something. Maybe it's because of the personal connection I have with the topic, but that first 30 minutes or so, I thought where great. The way they establish the character of Sam, her personality and preoccupations, I thought was very effective.

Unfortunately, once Sam and Bob get to the Land of Luck, the film kinda derails. The logistics of the world seem like a mish-mash of things taken from random lores and other films, and the way the plot moves feels more like a pointless quest from A to B, and B to C. Thankfully, it is held afloat by colorful animation, charming characters, and a few neat jokes here and there.

Director Peggy Holmes manages to reel it in a bit towards the last act, particularly if you stay focused on Sam and Hazel... but the way they get there, and how the main conflict between the Lands of Good and Bad Luck unfolds doesn't make a lot of sense. Still, even though my brain keeps saying "this wasn't very good", my heart was moved by certain aspects of the story, and I enjoyed seeing my kids captivated by it.
