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The Man Who Killed Hitler and Then the Bigfoot

The Man Who Killed Hitler and Then The Bigfoot (2018) N

American war veteran and off the record war hero (as the movie title implies) is called back to service to hunt another mythical monster.

I was initially going to give this one a pass as its title just screams bad movie to me. Then I read couple of reviews that claimed it's nothing like the name implies but a proper and powerful drama. After watching the film I'd say it's somewhere in the middle.

I guess my main issue with the movie is that it doesn't know what it wants to be and because of that it tries to be everything. There are scenes that remind me of family friendly Tarantino, there's nostalgic drama and romance and awkward B-film action with some horror-like transitions. Despite the good performances by both Elliot and Turner I still couldn't find the man inside the shell called Calvin Barr.

I don't like the whole story. It's either too tame for a grindhouse film or too wild for serious drama. Flashbacks from the war serve very little purpose except to show that Calvin really killed Hitler. The adventure part about hunting The Bigfoot doesn't work at all (Elliot is too old and the whole concept is dumb). Only good parts of the film are the pre-war romance and Calvin's interactions with his brother in the present.