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Avengers: Infinity War

Avengers: Infinity War (2018) N

Whole MCU crammed into one movie that works better than I expected.

So Thanos keeps collecting the Infinity Stones on his quest to save the universe. All (literally all) Marvel heroes are doing their best to prevent him. This means 2.5 hours of almost non-stop combat and jokes. And it works surprisingly well.

Like most recent MCU movies Avengers: Infinity War is at its best when it doesn't take itself too seriously. The drama doesn't work because there are too many characters, too many jokes and very little emotional investment to anyone. The action, while kind of great looking, is suffering from inflation - power level of everyone is pumped so high that it becomes more ridiculous than majestic. But humor, especially the interaction of Guardians with other heroes, is genuinely funny.

Other good thing in the film was Thanos. He's not the usual villain whose main motive is just being evil. In some sense he's even the good guy of the movie who sacrifices everything to make universe a better place. His scenes with Gamora are the only ones arousing any kind of emotion.

The film shows in many ways why bringing all MCU characters together is a bad idea. First is the fact that there's just too many characters and most of them feel more like extras than great heroes. Second issue is that many of the characters should operate on completely different power levels but with godlike opponent everyone needs to be able to fight against cosmic threats. Third issue is that combined force of all the heroes forces the villain to be absurdly powerful and this combined with the issue number two creates an infinite loop.

I had problems figuring whether to give this the rating below or half popcorn less. I decided to go with the higher because that reflects better how well I was entertained. The reason why I wanted to go with lower rating is my fear (or certainty) that the sequel will somehow reverse the events at the end of this film. But there's no sequel yet and it would have been unjust to lower the rating for something that hasn't happened yet.

Better superhero film than I expected. Great comedy, good villain but flawed drama and little boring action.